Saturday, August 31, 2019
Mephisto Products Ltd
Unit Title: Marketing PrinciplesUnit Code: 4Date Issued: 6th March 2013 Student Name: Andrei OlariuStudent ID: P1003160Due Date: March 2013 Module Leader John HeatherInternal Verifier Name M. Azam Mephisto Products Ltd Mephisto ltd raised from form the idea of an engineer James Watkinson which married the daughter of the owner of a detergent manufacturer, where also realised hi can improve the work in the chemical industries and make it more qualitative and much safer.He started first to manufacture safety devices for his father-in-low and then grow wider because he believed in his product and he introduce it on the market focusing on chemical industry only, but for that needed a plan to penetrate the market. Because the customers did not know about his product and they were not aware of such a device might be needed for their mechanisms a team of salesman’s took the product and successfully sales it over the country.Also started to do some advertising and promotions from some parts of his profits, for a while there were some discounts for larger orders to make potential customers buy the product but Watkinson’s philosophy was: ‘If they want the product badly enough they will wait for it’, as well as: ‘Why offer discounts for larger quantities – if they did not want that many they will not order them. ’ During for five years the business was very successfully, but unlikely its market share dropped drastic when on the market new competition arrived with more innovative products.Now Jim Bullins the senior executive at Mephisto decided is time for a new marketing director to come aboard. What Mephisto Is looking to accomplish with a new marketing director is to establish, expand and maintain relationships with customers and partners. Defined by (AMA 2007): â€Å"Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers , clients, partners, and society at large. Defined by (CIM 2001): â€Å"Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably†The marketing manager has to create a plan that shows all the steps that needs to be undertaken to achieve the business marketing objectives. That plan has to include and not to be limited to: The demand of product and services, a description of its competitors and a stand point of the business and its competitors for their strengths and weaknesses. Also is important to include a description of the product and services rendered with possible future improvements. -An advertising, promotional and loyalty program plan included in the marketing budget. -A pricing strategy. Mephisto believed its product is unique and high quality, which that makes it superior and customers will like it and buy it straight away. The problem on this approach is that’s not enough for a product to b e superior to sell out, unless you satisfy the clients with what they want and what they need.Mephisto should have done a marketing research to help them see what is going on into their marketing environment, like what the customers think about their product, how are their needs changing, the competitors strategies and in which way macro and micro environment affects the business. When realised sales dropped down the company should take in consideration an improvement to the product and some updates to try and stay ahead on the market and not fall beyond their competitors. Benefits of marketing orientation for Mephisto: Is the focus on the customer and their needs and this is just the first step.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Kraft Turn-Around
The Oreo bicycle campaign in China was the idea of local managers, which Rosenfeld characterized as â€Å"a stroke of genius that only could have come from local managers. †She stated that local managers' opportunities to address local conditions will be â€Å"a source of competitive advantage†for Kraft. Do you agree? I believe that Rosenfeld's primary goal in making these statements were aimed at strengthening her strategic thrust of enabling local responsiveness by strengthening Kraft's values of supporting front line innovation, and empowering workers at all levels.The Kraft China website lists these values in these words: We inspire trust. We act like owner. We keep it simple. We are open and inclusive. We tell like it is. We lead from head and the heart. We discuss. We decide. We deliver. (1) Could the Oreo-bike-wheel idea have possibly come from some other source? Yes, but they also say that give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters an d sooner or later, one of them will type the collected works of William Shakespeare.But if you do not have infinite resources and can't afford to wait, using people who understand the local culture, history, habits, and trends will find something brilliant much faster than taking the infinite number of monkeys approach. Is using empowered local managers a competitive advantage? At this point in time I would say yes. But this is a time-limited advantage. More and more companies have found that expat management is not a high success percentage path. According to research by Black and Mendenhall (1990), 16% to 40% of expatriate managers terminate their overseas missions ahead of time due to poor performance or mal-adaptation.Furthermore, 50% of them are unable to return to their original positions because of poor performance (Black and Mendenhall, 1990). In addition, based on a study of more than eighty transnational corporations, researcher Tung pointed out that in more than 40 compan ies, 10% to 20% of expatriate managers were repatriated or dismissed due to their inability to effectively carry out assigned missions (Tung, 1982). Numerous studies have attempted to pinpoint the exact reasons for failure in order to develop solutions that counteract these problems, boosting success rates and developing strategies to avoid failure (Hall and Yeaton, 2008).In my experience, many multi- and trans- national companies put people on an expatriate assignment with little expectation other than they become acclimatized to the uniqueness of the local market. Especially in the Asia-Pacific region, I have seen many expats ‘pay their dues' on their way up the corporate ladder, but personally view their time abroad as an extended, company paid vacation. Could it be that companies see the long term value of this cross-cultural exposure has value well beyond any immediate performance during the expat assignment?Kraft's strategy for future global growth involves a limited num ber of markets and products and focuses on going only where management believes the company can win a market share. How does this strategy align with Irene Rosenfeld's restructuring plan? The restructuring described in the text certainly does appear reflect a strategy to focus on a portfolio including fewer product categories and markets. The worldwide restructuring includes encouraging mature market growth in addition to emerging markets where larger growth may be possible.In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Rosenfeld noted 2008 figures of 3% growth in Europe, 5% in the US, and 28% in emerging markets (2). The strategy includes dropping certain product/brand types/markets and replacing them with others, eg. trading Post Cereals and Cream of Wheat for a the French cereal and cookie firm Groupe Danone. REFERENCES (1) Accessed from http://www. kraftfoodscompany. com/cn/en/about/values. aspx (2) Accessed from http://online. wsj. com/ad/article/wbf-rosenfeld Black, J. S. and Mendenhall, M. 1990), Cross cultural training effectiveness: A review and theoretical framework for future research, Academy of Management Review, 15(1), 113-136. Hall, N. & Yeaton, K. (2008), Expatriates: Reducing failure rates, The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, March/April, 75-78. Tung, R. L. (1982), Selection and training procedures of U. S. , European, and Japanese multinationals, California Management Review, 25(1), 57-71. Essentials of Business Development 2, BUS5602 2nd Edition Edited on Saturday, November 24, 2012 – 6:37 PM
Thursday, August 29, 2019
ECO 202 MOD 3 CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
ECO 202 MOD 3 CA - Essay Example Q3..For the past 3 years a major department store chain has averaged approximately $10 billion in long-term debt. Their debt is in the form of bonds that have been sold to investment funds and the public (If you are not sure what a corporate bond is look it up on the internet). For the sake of argument, let us assume that either now or one-year from now they will add an additional $5 billion to finance store expansion. This is a given, management has already made this expansion decision and it does not need to be commented on. The objective of management is to issue bonds at the lowest interest rate. Given this objective, should they issue the bonds now or wait for one year if they feel the Federal Reserve will follow: 1. The Federal Reserve policy makers use monetary policy to influence demand and supply of money. Changes in demand and supply of money cause interest rates to fluctuate as illustrated in the below diagrams: The Federal Reserve can set the discount rate, as well as achieve the desired federal funds rate by open market operations. These rates have significant effect on other market interest rates, but there is no perfect relationship. In the United States open market operations are a relatively small part of the total volume in the bond market(monetary policy,Wikipedia,2011) Federal Reserve uses expansionary monetary policy to boost up economics activity in the economy and remove recessionary gap. An increase in the nominal money supply or a decrease in the demand for money results in excess supply of money. This change attempts to reduce money holdings by buying bonds and results in a fall if interest rates .Decrease in interest rate results in an increase in interest-sensitive expenditure and hence there is an increase in equilibrium real National Income. Opposite of expansionary policy is the Contractionary policy which is aimed to remove inflationary gap. A decrease in money supply or a n
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Identity Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Identity Theft - Essay Example It has become necessary for people to be adequately educated about the risks involved and the necessary preventive measures. Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter tries to pretend to be someone else by means of using some key identification data of the victim. This may include social security numbers, credit card numbers etc. When communicating online it becomes even easier to appear to be someone else since the communication is not face to face but online and the distance between the two persons or parties gives advantage to the criminal. The crime may be committed to seek monetary or social or any other form of benefit. Recovery from an identity theft may be easier in certain cases of small thefts involving individuals but it may become very grave if reputed organizations are victimized and they end up spending large sums in repairing the damage caused to their goodwill (World Privacy Forum, 2012). The crime is very diversified and innovated in the present day. The old-fas hioned methods of rummaging through the rubbish bins or picking pockets have been replaced by software, viruses and programming scripts. Computer viruses have proved to be efficient ways of committing identity theft in which all possible identity material of any person or organization may be extracted and put to use in another part of the world and the victim remains oblivious to such activities. Identity theft may range from simply posing to be someone else to more lethal actions such as financial identity theft, child identity theft, medical identity theft to seek medical care or drugs while pretending to be someone else or identity cloning in which the criminal assumes the complete identity of a victim in daily life (Compton, 2012). The identity thieves operating online usually work by tricking you into providing your personal information to them through various methods such as phishing, luring with job opportunities, money scams or fake fraud alerts. Phishing involves an email s ent to a victim which redirects him to a fake website where you are required to fill up a signup form with your personal information. Similarly job opportunity forms are sent and personal information is extracted. Fake fraud alert emails are sent which seem to be legitimate mail from the victim's bank. The victim is informed that someone has tried to fraudulently access his account so he must send certain personal information for verification (Federal Trade Commission, 2006) Today the society is very susceptible to falling for such tricks of criminals since the spoofed websites developed by criminals are so similar to the original ones that an average person cannot identify and differentiate between the real and fake. A simple change of address form may be filled up by someone and the utility bills of the victim will end up somewhere else resulting in nonpayment of a charge and a bad credit report. Furthermore, the personal data commonly available on social networking websites may b e used by criminals to communicate with a victim's contacts and seek financial benefits while pretending to be him. An ATM or a credit/debit card may be duplicated and money drawn from a victim's account. Thus it is clear that every individual and organization must educate itself and others about the seriousness of the implications this crime can have. To address the crimes of identity theft, all countries and states
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
PROPOSAL Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PROPOSAL - Assignment Example The chief question of the peer reviewer was about the measures that can help solving the problem of gender gap in education In response to the peer reviewer concerns, questions and assessment it has been understood that there is essential need of thinking about the solution of the problem rather emphasizing much upon the problem itself. Hence, there are some major changed made in the proposal and considerable portion of material has been added that speak about the strategies and suggestions that can help in reducing the gender gap in education. After making these changes, it is requested from the instructor to have look at the proposal and inform about its contents. 2. Organizing your argument into appropriate sections This assignment follows a report format for formal proposals. You must organize the content of your proposal into four major sections. Each section has a specific task or purpose. (See the assignment outline under the "Drafting your Proposal" heading above.) Using sect ions creates a reader-friendly report that allows readers to access the points of your argument quickly and easily. As you revise, you may need to rearrange some of the content of your proposal. Highlight your rearrangements and revisions so your instructor will see what you've done. Finally, if you are still unsure of what content belongs in which section, ask your instructor questions about the required organization. The proposal has been organized in these sections. Introductions, Problem definition, proposed solution, reasoning, conclusion 3. Completing your research and filling in the gaps By the end of this week, you must have completed all of your research. As you revise your draft, incorporate ALL the primary fieldwork and any secondary research that you plan to use to support your arguments in this proposal. Highlight your additions/revisions so your instructor will see what you've done. There are some adjustments made in the proposal as per the comments of the instructor. The new changes have been highlighted 4. Evaluating your evidence, supporting quotes/paraphrases. Supporting evidence can't speak for itself. Ask yourself: How well-connected is each piece of evidence in your draftâ€â€each example, observation, fact, or quote from an interviewee or surveyâ€â€to your overall claim? You need to add explanation or commentary with each piece of evidence so that readers can see how and why your supporting evidence is significant. Don't leave readers guessing or assume those points of connection are obvious. In each body paragraph of your draft make specific revisions/additions to add explanation for how each piece of evidence you offer is significant to your overall proposal argument. Highlight your additions/revisions so your instructor will see what you've done. The evidenced are supported by the proper references and in-text citations 5. Acknowledging available alternatives and counterarguments In your first draft, you might not have worked ou t how you would address these issues. How much or how little you will need to address alternatives or counterarguments depends on the nature of your proposal topic and on how well received (or not) your solution will be by your intended audience. If you believe that you need to respond to alternatives or counterarguments, the place to do so is in Section 3 of your proposal. Now is the time to consider adding this discussion to your draft of Section 3. Highlight your
Monday, August 26, 2019
Financial Management - Study of 3 Companies and their Flotations (IPO) Essay
Financial Management - Study of 3 Companies and their Flotations (IPO) onto the Stock Exchange - Essay Example Through IPO, companies intend to raise money by offering shares for the first time to the outsiders (Espinasse, 2011, p.1). Recently, Groupon, LinkedIn and Angie’s List decided to go public and released their IPOs. ‘Facebook’ has also filed its IPO recently. These are US based high profile internet companies and are running successfully worldwide. There are lot of benefits as well as some challenges too that are to be faced by companies going public. About the companies and its products and services Groupon: Groupon is a daily deal website, headquartered at Chicago, IL, US and was launched in November, 2008. Groupon is an e-commerce marketplace. It provides a link between the local merchants and consumers. The goods and services are offered at a discounting rate to the consumers. Groupon is a means of advertising through internet where local merchants can attract customers in order to facilitate selling of its goods and services. Consumers are informed about the d aily deals through emails, websites and mobile applications. These daily deals are about, what the consumers can do, see, eat or buy in their local markets where they live. One coupon named, ‘Groupon’ is offered everyday in each of the markets where it serves. The ‘Groupon’ is like an assurance contract which requires a minimum number of people to sign up for the deal or offer before it is available to everyone, or else the deal gets lapsed for the day. LinkedIn: LinkedIn Corporation is a social networking website which is mainly meant for professional business purposes. It is headquartered at Mountain View, California, US. LinkedIn was launched in May, 2003 and its website is available in different languages like English, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, etc. It provides a leading service in professional networking globally. An individual can post their profile in LinkedIn website and then they can use different tools available in the site for accessing different services. These services include, opportunities for searching jobs, recruitment of candidates searching for job, search for partners, suppliers and customers, finding expert advice, etc (Yoffie, Slind & Achsaf, 2008). Through LinkedIn, registered users can maintain their contact details of users with whom they are related to each other. Sponsored advertising facility is also available in the site. The subscribers or members can also form groups which provide a platform for group discussion on various topics, mainly related to employment and career opportunities. Angie’s List: Angie’s List, Inc. is a US based company headquartered at Indianapolis, Indiana, US. It maintains a huge database of reviews made by customers. Angie’s List provides services that are consumer driven and requires membership fees. Customers give online reviews on the services provided by different companies and then grading of these companies is done by Angie’s List based o n different criteria like, price, professionalism, quality, etc. From the reviews and grades provided, customers get to know more about services in the areas of architect, plumbing, medical, automobiles, etc (Green Watch, n.d.). Only the top graded companies in Angie’s List are allowed to advertise. Build-up to the Floatation (IPO) onto the Stock Exchange Groupon Inc. IPO Groupon Inc. decided to go public for the first time and launched its IPO during November, 2011. It got listed in NASDAQ stock market with the ticker symbol â€Å"
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Risk Management and asset allocation Research Proposal
Risk Management and asset allocation - Research Proposal Example According to The New York Times (2011), â€Å"Asset allocation†describes dividing one's investments among the various types of asset classes. This is like saying putting one’s eggs in different baskets. Pietersz (2005) observes that asset allocation â€Å"helps ensure that investments are spread out across a wide range of markets and securities.†They do so because asset allocation does not have a one-off surety for success – it may either succeed or backfire, depending on who is handling the asset. Grange (2010) relates exposure management to the nature of product being invested in. He recognizes two major products, which are those â€Å"made up of those products that start with a balance equal to their limit and where, over time, the balance decreases away from the limit†and those which â€Å"start with a zero balance and some higher limit and where, over time, the balance increases towards the limit†. Generally, in the first instance, ex posure created is classified as productive whereas in the second instance, all exposure created is classified as unproductive. ... some who believe that much of a success in asset allocation should be looked at in terms of who handles which venture rather than the type of equity or portfolio it is. Such an argument gives operators of private equity some hope of competition in asset allocation. 1.2 Hypothesis The type of equity; be is private or public does not have significant influence on the rate of success in asset allocation. Private equity can perform as creditably well as a public equity. Public equity is not a guaranteed choice for asset allocation. Success in asset allocation is influenced by several managerial factors including exposure management. 1.3 Research Questions 1. Which factors inform the choice of a particular venture for asset allocation? 2. Why has private equity investment become so popular? 3. What is the most favorable private equity share in a general asset allocation? 4. To what extent does private equity expose investors? 5. How can a private equity exposure be derived? 6. What are th e risks in overrunning a specific allocation and how can it be reduced? 7. Which model can be used to appraise the future of asset allocated in private equity? 1.4 Objectives 1.4.1 Main Objective To find the relationship between private equity, their exposure management practice and the degree of success in investing in private equity as an option for asset allocation 1.4.2 Specific Objectives 1. Identify the basis upon which private equities operate. 2. Explore the exposure management practices of private equities. 3. Find out from investors, why they choose and prefer private equities for asset allocation. 4. Find authentication or otherwise to claims that asset allocation in private equity is risky due to poor exposure management. 5. Prescribe models that can best be used to appraise
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Examination of a Journal Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Examination of a Journal Article - Essay Example Finally, a comparison of the Packman et al study shall be made with two other research articles that have investigated the psychology of personality in regards to ethnic groups. Packman et al (2005) undertook their research in light of the lack of literature investigating personality difference between ethnic groups in New Zealand, especially in regards to employment selection procedures. They stipulate that empirical study of personality traits has been ignored as compared to cognitive differences between ethnicities. It is of concern to Packman et al that personality assessment data pertaining to ethnic differences has been ignored because: A personality assessment is considered to produce an adverse impact when the individuals of a specific demographic group are less likely to be selected for employment than individuals of other demographic groups (Cook, 1998 as cited in Packman et al., 2005 p. ). Further, Packman et al. state that personality differences can add to findings of cognitive differences and so provide more depth of information of potential employee's suitability for job performance. The article of Packman et al. had several main points. ... At present, theories, models and assessment procedures of personality tend to be ethnocentric, in that they are based on the English language and oriented for a Western culture. Hence, there may be a lack in the ability to generalise personality assessment across ethnic groups.A dominant theory of personality within psychology is the Five Factor Model (FFM), commonly referred to as "The Big Five". The five factors are Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. The two global personality traits of Conscientiousness and Neuroticism have been consistently identified as strong predictor of occupational performance (i.e., a high score on the Conscientiousness trait and a corresponding low score on the Neuroticism trait). Hence, significant ethnic differences on these two traits may increase the likelihood of adverse impact during the employment selection process.Cross-culturally, analyses of descriptions of personality in languages other t han English have identified five factors similar to that of the FFM. However, cross-cultural factors rarely correspond to the original English five factors, and this is likely due to socio-environmental influences during lifespan development, and subsequent differences in language semantics. So that even though a five-factor personality structure can be replicated across ethnic groups, it does not support or negate that various personality traits are equivalent across cultures. Bearing this in mine, research has found that there are significant differences across ethnic groups on personality traits. Packman et al. hypothesised that significant differences would be found across ethnic groups of New
Memo of the textbook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Memo of the textbook - Essay Example He intends to implement the remaining portion of patient protection and affordable care act. The current president also intends to solve the problems within the payments system that threatens physician’s reimbursement. The policy will reform the medical malpractices to reduce the frequent medical lawsuits without arbitrary caps that do not lower cost of care in any way. (Obama and Lisa 1) Obama believes in a service that is affordable to everyone. The health care benefits the people in that at 65 the people are legible for free health care and subsidized costs of drugs. The children or adults under the age of 26 are also legible to be covered under the parent’s health care. The costs of insurance will also be improved due to the health care credits. Most of the democrats have discussed this in the past. The major concern has been on how the lives of the common man can be improved so as to ensure equality in the provision of fundamental services. The health care program for Obama intends to extend the service to over 30 million Americans who cannot access the service due to its cost. The Obamacare offers middle class Americans an opportunity to purchase health insurance. When a plan which only solves the problem of a few tycoons around is adopted, it will translate to a reduced voter expectation from the middle class populace. If the reasoning is based on the impacts the care will have on the lives of the common population, then Obama care should be in a position to appeal to people. It will convince the common citizens since they feel it is part of them. The bill believes in the simple principality of equality when it comes to respecting the lives of the people. Various states should also focus their funding towards the health care plan. The team behind the plan is strictly following the implementation of the plan that will see Americans get quality and affordable health care services. (Obama and Lisa
Friday, August 23, 2019
Graphic design and architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Graphic design and architecture - Essay Example Architecture and graphic design are fundamentally linked as communication tools, they may be coupled to create unique modern results, and the theory of design plays a role in cross-over of design elements between the two design disciplines. Architecture and graphic design are fundamentally applied forms of design, or those that work within a pragmatic framework and often designed for commercial applications (Andruchow). The two types of design share a fundamental goal: communication. Architectural design seeks to communicate to the viewer or occupant many different messages, ranging from practical issues such as how to navigate a building to more subjective areas, such as communicating the culture of the buildings intended occupants. Architecture used as a communication tool is particularly evident in modern constructions, such as the Prada building in New York, in which architecture is utilized to convey a brand image. The Prada building provides a unique example of the coupling of elements of graphic design with those of architectural design. The commonly accepted elements of design apply across the fields of design, and the Prada design leverages the elements of line, shape, texture, space, size, value, and color in both a three-dimensional architectural form and a two-dimensional juxtaposition of elements across the architectural form (Tuscaloosa K-12).
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Fossils in Kenya Essay Example for Free
Fossils in Kenya Essay Kenya lies in a strategic place in Africa. Its capital city is Nairobi with a current total population of 39. 11 million it has an area of 224,960 square miles. Two main discoveries in Kenya have made a great contribution to the evolution tree. These discoveries were made in the year 2000 by an association of international scientists, most of who were from France in collaboration with scientists associated with the National Museums of Kenya (NMK), working under an umbrella project known as the Koobi Fora Research Project lead by Louse Leakey who was at the time of the discoveries affiliated to the National Museums of Kenya and their findings were published in the science journal Nature. These studies preceded the earlier controversial findings by Kenyan researcher Richard Leakey on the exact age hominids found on Koobi Fora Area that lies east of Lake Turkana. The first specimen to be found was unearthed from the grounds of Kapsomon in Tugen hills that are found in the Kenyan district of Baringo in October 25, 2000. The main parts of the human that were excavated included jaws that contained teeth, upper and lower teeth that were also isolated from each other, and both the arm and finger bones. Initial studies on the finger bones seemed to lead to the suggestion that the hominid discovered were trees climbers while similar studies on the leg bones established them to be two legged creatures that walked on the ground. Similar initial studies on teeth showed that the canines were shorter than the apes however; they were longer if compared to the current human canine. This probably indicated that they lived on wild fruits particularly hard-skinned fruits. The leg bones on initial observation seemed to have chewed probably by a large carnivore that used to feed on the individuals who existed then. The researchers thought the carnivore might have been a cat for the simple reasoning that the cat feeds on its catch while on a tree and it’s during this process that the remains fell on the water below. Their research findings were published in 9th august 2007. The studies were done on samples that were found in Turkana which is in the Northern dry Kenya. Scientists who were studying the evolution history in Kenya reported on their findings disputing on early findings that Homo habilis and Homo erectus evolved one after the other being in a straight line to Homo sapiens. In stead their analysis based on two specimens, one being a Homo habilis dated 1. 44 million years, this being the youngest species ever found by scientists who were studying the evolution of human, and a homo erectus dated 1. 55 million years ago, lived concurrently alongside each other for an estimated period of five hundred thousand years. This disqualifies the thought that Homo habilis evolved from home erectus consequently rearranging the initial straight line to Homo sapiens. This indicated that there was an overlap between the Homo habilis and Homo erectus ages and further, it indicated that the fact they the two species managed to live concurrently on the same lake basin then it is right to suggest that they probably had different ecological niches as a result avoiding direct competition that would have led to elimination of one of the species. Stringer Chris one of the scientists involved in the study, who was then studying at the Natural History Museum in London in the field of human origins suggest the possible life styles. In his view the larger and more mobile erectus was possibly a more active hunter while the less active and smaller Homo habilis was a scavenger. This study took several years to prepare the specimen so as to be exactly sure of the identification of the specimen. It took around seven years for the group of scientists lead by Leakey to analyze and announce the results. This interpreted to the view that almost two to three million years ago both Homo habilis and Homo erectus must have originated from a common ancestor. This common ancestor is thought to have lived the age dating almost two to three million years ago, a time that there is no much fossil information. This discovery further indicates that the early general understanding that man evolved from a more ape like being to a more human like being is still poorly researched. However, the discovery does not contrast much from the early thought that homo habilis is the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens. The Homo erectus fossil discovered at Lake Turkana, dated 1. 55 million years ago, was a surprise discovery, according to Dr. Spoor a professor of professor at the University College London concerned with evolutionary anatomy; the skull had a striking feature as compared to early discoveries: it was the smallest. This small size was relatively close in size to Homo habilis than the previously discovered Homo erectus species. This new finding made scientists to consider re-examining early skulls they had already collected from various parts and dozes of partial fossils which together totaled to thirty in number. However, its neck, jaw and teeth and the cranium with a distinctive feature had the characteristics that indicated it was a Homo erectus. In addition, the skull of the individual that was found in Kenya was probably an adult in its young ages or a â€Å"sub-adult†in its late ages the scientists estimated the age to be between 18 and 19. The early discoveries had indicated that the large skull of the Homo erectus was a clear indication that home erectus was the most recent in the ancestry of the human being the only difference being that human beings had a larger brain that the former ancestor: Homo erectus. However, the small skull changed this view suggesting that Homo erectus was less human like than earlier assumed. However, different reporters on the Lake Turkana tend to give different opinions on the small size of the skull of Homo habilis that was found. One such reporter is Susan Anton an anthropologist at the University of New York. In her report she postulates that the small skull is an indication of the varying in skull sizes of erectus specimen with more emphasis on the differences between the male and the female of the erectus species. This difference in the two is what she called sexual dimorphism. She further writes to illustrate that on average the human males are in general almost 15% larger than their female counterparts. This same characteristic applies to chimpanzees and gorillas as well. The theory of sexual dimorphism, lead to other anthropologists to come up with other views for example; Dr. Lieberman of the Harvard university suggested that the initial discoveries of homo erectus must have been male since they were large in size while the specimen that were found at Lake Turkana are likely to be females due to small size. Susan Anton attributes sexual dimorphism to either reproductive strategy or sexual selection. In an example in support of this view she documents that in the silverback the male are far much large than females and one male usually has several females. In contrast in male gibbons are almost similar in size to their female counterparts consequently they mate in pairs. In other words in the a primate family where the male and the female have the same size skull the male tends to be monogamous whereas a family that has different sizes the male tends to be polygamous. Conclusion The discovery of fossils in Kenya and the rest of Africa especially Ethiopia and the subsequent dating procedures have provided a wide array of time frame work which has given a new dimension in answering questions of the origin and evolution of hominids. With improvement in dating techniques it is now easier to estimate, without a lot of doubts, the ages of a given carbon containing specimen as compared to earlier estimates that were in most cases were debated hotly before a consensus would be agreed upon. The improvement in dating techniques can be attributed to the incorporation of 40Ar-39Ar dating technique. With the new discoveries the evolutionary tree seems to scientists to be chaotic rather than being heroic. This is because the old evolution theory where it was thought that origin of man started from homo habilis to home erectus and finally to modern man or homo sapiens seems to be proven wrong and in a more simple manner. The new discoveries have further brushed off the idea that human beings evolved from Neanderthals. It is important to note that as new discoveries are made the evolutionary tree will keep on changing. However, according to Kimbel this should be considered as a basis for getting more convincing evidence, getting questions answered more clearly and formulating more clearer theories. References Asfaw B. , Hart W. K. ,Beyene Y. , Renne P. , Gilbert W. H. , WoldeGabriel G. et al. (2002): Remains of Homo erectus from Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature, 416:317-20. Balter M. and Gibbons A. (2002): Were Little People the first to venture out of Africa? Science, 297:20-8. Clark J. D. , WoldeGabriel G. , Renne P. , Beyene Y. , Hart W. , Gilbert H. et al. (2003): Stratigraphic and chronological contexts of Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature, 413:767-82. George M. , Wilson G. , Noble S. , (2004) Fossils Link Pre-human in the West Europe to Earlier Date. London Academic Press New York University (August 13, 2007,). New Kenyan Fossils Challenge Established Views On Early Evolution Of Our Genus Homo. New York Richard Leakey (2002) the origins of human kind: a search of what makes us human. London. Harper-Collins Publishers.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fixed Exchange Rate Finance Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fixed Exchange Rate Finance Essay Introduction The exchange rate is the rate at which one currency trades in exchange of another currency. Exchange rate is value which is same as any other value, it is the same price to acquire other things, and in this case it is another currency. It is the price of one currency in terms of another. The exchange rate are differs from one country to another country, it is depends upon various economic factors such as monetary policy, fiscal policy, international policy, general balance, purchasing power of currency, internal as well as external factors and misbalance of market. The rate can be set in different ways; it can be fixed, floating, in terms of some external such as gold. However the best ways to set the value is fixed, as it will be determined by different terms such as price, demand and supply. The high level of demand of currency leads to force up its value means exchange rate. When the supply and demand of currency is equal, it is called as equilibrium exchange rate. Exchange rate i s also undertaking long term changes as per relative countries. As the rate of GBP is â‚ ¬ 4.50 in 1920. Example: As â‚ ¬ 1.00 = $ 1.55637, if I want to go to America and I would get $ 155 for â‚ ¬ 100. Similarly if any individual would come from America, he would get â‚ ¬ 100 for $155. Types of Exchange Rate There are two different procedures to determine the exchange rate; the first one is that to fix it in exchange of other currency and second one is set it free to float against other currency, it will find it own level. The both types are known as fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate respectively. Floating Exchange Rate The floating exchange rate is the rate which finds its own level of rate as per the forces of demand and supply of currency. Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed Exchange Rate Advantages of Fixed Exchange Rate Beneficial for Importers and Exporters As fixed exchange rate provide certainty, it is beneficial for importers and exporters and it is because since certainty is need for international trade and there is a less chances for speculation. Lower Risk in International trade When fixed exchange rate is maintain, by agreeing fixed price of products, there is a lower chances for risk in trade. It will also encourage the traders to invest in the markets. Beneficial for domestic markets and employees By maintaining fixed exchange rate, domestic organization and employees can maintain their costs under control to cope up in international market; it will lead to inflation in under control. By maintaining this to long run, Interest rates should be down and increase trade and investment opportunities. Introduces discipline in economic management Fixed exchange rate gives opportunities to government to from following inflationary policies, and it will lead to be competitive market. This will helps in situation such as balance of payments. Reduce the risk of destabilizing the economy The fixed exchange rate is reducing the speculation, it is very risky for business in stable market. And by reducing the speculation will lead to reduce the risk of destabilizing the economy when the exchange rate is fixed. Beneficial for investment The vital benefit of fixed exchange rate is that organization can plan the amount of investment and business that organization gets in future. There is no risk of losing more money as it reduces the speculation in exchange. Disadvantages of Fixed Exchange Rate No automatic balance of payments adjustment The floating exchange rate is useful to deal with disequilibrium with interference of national government, and it does not affect the domestic economy also. It there is a situation arise such as deficit then it lead organization to be competitive again, The problem should be solve by reducing the level of aggregating demand, when there is a fixed exchange rate is used. And as demand of products less, will cause less consumption of imports and the price of products falling down and would make organization more completive. Large amount of foreign reserves require In order to maintain fixed exchange rate, government have to have large amount of foreign reserves require, and it will lead to opportunity costs to have this reserves. When the exchange rate is maintain artificially by the government, and it is not up to its level of the economic condition, the development is not up to its level or in other words not efficient as the rate has adjusted. As the interest rate is directly related to exchange rate, it can stop economic growth in case of their disparity to market needs. Stability of Fixed Exchange rate The government who adopts fixed exchange rate have follow diverse policies, and it may cause to inflationary sometimes. It creates some problems such as the countries which will have low inflation and it will be very competitive and high inflation and uncompetitive in some countries, have to devalue. Loss of liberty in internal policy The needs of fixed exchange rate is dominating policy, sometimes it may not good for the economy at this position. The value of exchange rate should be set by interest rates and other factors; It would be rather than more beneficial to the problems such as unemployment and inflation which is macro objectives. The main disadvantage of fixed exchange rate is that it will cause problems to economy to speculation attacks. When there is a situation arise such as excess supply and demand in national or other currency, and at that if the government is unable to maintain it, at that time the fixed changed rate needs to be changed, and it will reduces credibility of currency. Conclusion Globalization, innovation, technical development plays dominant role in recent world. These processes increase the opportunity of international trade. The economy should be flexible with these progresses, the both fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate has advantages and disadvantages. Fixed exchange rate is preferable for those countries in which internal factors will creates problems to economy and floating exchange rate is beneficial to those countries in which there are more external shocks.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Reflection | Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG)
Reflection | Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) This reflective essay describes my experience in achieving my learning outcomes pertaining to care of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), giving feed through PEG and administration of medicines through PEG that I have taken as part of the Overseas Nurse Program. It flows as a reflective practise as it incorporates the concept of learning. According to Bolton (2010) reflective practise involves utilising practical values and theories which influence everyday actions, by examining contemplatively and unreceptively geared towards developmental insight. Therefore, experience only does not lead to learning but deliberate reflection on the experience is essential. Consequently, to further discourse my understanding and involvement with this concept, I have adapted on a certain framework of reflection. I have chosen David Schon’s Model of Reflective Practise to reflect on my experience. I directed this framework on my experience because it enables me to recapture the events in a manner where learning occurs during the process of experiencing handling patients with PEG, gaining insights from them with the application of the theories and concepts I know and building new perspectives and understanding of doing things in relation to PEG. Schon’s model (1983) is focused on two major concepts, reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action. In the reflection-in action activity, reflection happens while in the act of doing the task (cited by Killion and Todnem, 1991). Reflecting-in-action requires me to think on my feet, be able to work instinctively by drawing on similar experiences to solve problems or make necessary decisions. It invol ved looking to my experiences, connecting with my feelings, and attending to the theories and principles in use. It entailed building new understandings to inform my actions in the situations that were unfolding. Whereas in reflection-on-action, it requires looking back on what one has accomplished and reviewing the actions, thoughts, and product (cited by Killion and Todnem, 1991). As I am working in the medical unit, I was assigned together with my mentor in one of the patients in the unit who has percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) surgically clasped on her abdominal area. As we entered the room to do PEG care, specifically changing the PEG dressing on a new one I was confronted with a different practise from what I used to do back in my home country. She told me that in United Kingdom normal saline is used to cleanse the PEG site instead of antiseptic solution. And now this is where the reflection-in-action came into play. Instead of insisting what I think was the best practise for me (using antiseptic solution for disinfection), I stood up and followed what my mentor told me believing that what she knows is within the standard of practice within United Kingdom. When I tried to engage myself in performing changing the PEG dressing, I tried to think on my feet and did the principle of disinfection using normal saline. I needed to reflect to ensure that this will not happen again. In another incident where reflection-in-action occurred that became my second learning outcome happened when we have to give a feed through PEG. All the while I was expecting an asepto syringe to be used to deliver the feed to the patient but to my surprise my mentor got this special set attached on what she called a Kangaroo pump to deliver the feed at a desired rate and paced time (at that time for 12 hours). It was my first time to encounter this method of administering a PEG feed to a patient. What I did was to stand back and observe how my mentor did all the attachments from the Kangaroo pump up to the PEG tube, but rather than just standing I offered my mentor if she can supervise me on how to enter the transcript (total volume, rate and running hours) on the pump which she gladly did to me. I was really surprised with the whole process and needed a reflection to establish my competence with this new process of giving PEG feed to patients. In the last incident that happened that became my third learning outcome transpired during administering medicines via PEG. I was caught off guard with regards to the preparation of medicines to be given to the same patient who got a PEG. We are giving an Aspirin dose for this patient and all we’ve got in the medicines cupboard is an enteric-coated form of this medication. Knowing that enteric-coated tablets should not be crushed when administered, I immediately asked my mentor if we can request to the pharmacy an effervescent form of Aspirin. And that’s where reflection-in-action occurred wherein I have to think of a solution on how not to breach the standards of safe medicines administration in the United Kingdom. Instead of crushing and giving it to the patient, I asked my mentor about an alternative solution to address our needs for the medicines administration. In that way I was able to think on my feet and learned something out of the experience. According to Schon’s model what I felt when those incidents happened was part of the learning process. Schon (1983) gives further information that the practitioner allows himself to be surprised, puzzle or confused in a certain situation which is unique or uncertain to him. He reflects on the event before him, and on the prior considerations which have been imbedded in his attitude. He conducts an experiment which allows him to formulate both a new understanding of the situation and a change in the situation. After all the incidents that transpired during my clinical placement in relation to my three learning outcomes, I have done a reflection-on-action in every learning outcome that I have identified. I made researches on them and took my time to recall the series of events that transpired and based the lapses I made on evidences I have come across during my reflection process. In this way, reflection-on-action was evident. On the first learning outcome, I have observed a different practise back in my home country cleansing the PEG site. We use chlorhexidine in cleansing the PEG site instead of just plain normal saline but after finding evidences about which is safe and efficient in usage, I was fully convinced that normal saline has a better concept ground than chlorhexidine. Sibbald et al (2000) emphasises that although chlorhexidine has been identified as less harmful to tissues and have effective antibacterial activity against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria causes damage to new tissues and should not come close to meninges and mucous membranes for it will cause permanent damage. This concept is applicable with my patient as there is an open mucous membrane where the PEG was inserted and exposure to chlorhexidine would increase the risk of microbial invasion and growth, which may precede to sepsis. Furthermore, the work of Sibbald was strengthened by Edmonds et al (2004a) and Jacobson that physiological saline is a widely recommended in irrigating and wound dressing solution since it is found to be compatible with human tissue. Thus, the practice of using normal saline in cleansing the PEG site was evidence-based practice and I have fully get an excellent grasp of why normal saline is used for PEG care. In this way, I am ensuring patient safety and embracing better understanding of evidence-based practise. On the second learning outcome, I have also witnessed a different way of giving PEG feed to our patients in our home country. We have bolus tube feeding rather than continuous tube feeding using a Kangaroo pump. Aside from observing each time a PEG feed will be given to the patient during my clinical placement, I also did researches on the efficacy of continuous feeding via pump and differences of using a pump from bolus feeding. I have done this in order to develop my competency in using the Kangaroo pump and giving continuous PEG feed to patients. Abbott Laboratories NZ Ltd (2011) gives further information that pumps continue to use microprocessors that allow the delivery of controlled enteral feeding. Its array of flow rate selection gives incremental increases in delivery which is very essential in critical care settings where low infusion rates are vital in maintaining the integrity of the gut and where maximising the feeding volume are fairly balanced. On the contrary, Bankhead et (2009) matched that gravity feeding is considered as the first-line delivery of enteral feeding in some countries but the Dieticians Association of Australia (2011) slashed the idea of Bankhead et al and proved that the usage of enteral feed pumps is now known as the most accurate way of enteral feeding provision across all healthcare settings and patients. Also, I have found out that using Kangaroo pumps instead of asepto syringe in delivering feed to patients lessen complications associated with giving feed to patients via abdominal ostomy tube. Niv et al (2009) found out that established benefits have been shown to prevent aspiration in critically ill patients. Furthermore, the jejunum produces fluid in conjunction to hyperosmolar solutions, and rapid delivery of a hyperosmolar formula will lead in hyperperisitalsis, diarrhoea and abdominal distention. Thus, a more controlled delivery to the intestine via continuous pump infusions can lessen or prevent these symptoms. On my third learning outcome, medicines administration via PEG has many aspects but the one that got me on my feet was about my competency in giving the right drug, specifically its form and preparation. According to Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) ‘As a Registered Nurse or Midwife you are accountable for your actions and omissions. In administering medication you should think through issues and apply your professional expertise and judgment in the best interests of patients.’ As I have recalled what I did when the incident happened wherein I immediately asked my mentor if we can request to the pharmacy an effervescent form of Aspirin since enteric-coated tablets should not be crushed when administered, I considered the best interest of the patient. As a professional nurse I have a duty of care to my patients in ensuring their safety under the sphere of my care. I need to follow what is appropriate and right for the patient. Also, my mentor was able to practise with in the scope of her practise as she was able to directly supervise me in everything that I did with the patient. The Department of Health (2005) stressed that as a Registered Nurse you have a duty of care and are professionally and legally accountable for the care you provide. In line with the administration of the appropriate form of medications to be given to the patient, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) has developed protocols for medicine management on the area of tablet crushing. It stipulates in the policy that nurses should not crush any medicines or break capsules that are not specifically indicated for that purpose and by so will alter the chemical properties of the medicine. Thus, as I have reflected with what I and my mentor have done is fitting and legally right. The reflection-on-action that happened to me on the three learning outcomes gave me the opportunity to evaluate my competency and efficiency as an overseas nurse on adaptation program. Prior to my reflection, I have never realised how crucial it is to do PEG care, administering medicines through PEG and giving feed through PEG until I experienced the three incidents that changed of how I do and view things in the clinical field. According to Schon (1983) when a practitioner becomes aware of a situation he sees to be unique, he perceives it as something already found in his range. The familiar situation acts as a standard for the unfamiliar one. With regards to strengths and areas of development, I believe I was able to achieve a certain level of competency in carrying out procedures related to PEG. The learning outcomes I and my mentor identified have helped me to improve myself in terms of skills, knowledge and attitude. After the reflection process happened, I was able to build my confidence in performing procedures related to PEG. I also need to be at ease with operating the Kangaroo pump although I was able to familiarise myself with the process of hooking the PEG feed on the pump and setting the rate and dosing of the feed in the equipment. It was complicated at first but after the reflection process and supervision of my mentor, I was able to get through and learned operating the pump appropriately. Medication administration through PEG has provided me with new perspectives on how to establish a process in checking the medicines to be given and how critical thinking will help me in my decision-making and if I was able to observe the six rights of medication administration. As a future plan, I need to project competency, professionalism and efficiency in everything that I do be it with the patients or other allied healthcare workers who are part of the organization. It is essential for me to maintain the standards of my profession as it will mould me into a competent registered nurse of United Kingdom. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010) highlighted that ‘All nurses must act first and foremost to care for and safeguard the public. They must practise autonomously and be responsible and accountable for safe, compassionate, person-centred, evidence-based nursing that respects and maintains dignity and human rights. They must show professionalism and integrity and work within recognised professional, ethical and legal frameworks.’ In a nutshell, reflective practice became the backbone of my learning outcomes in relation to PEG. It provided me with basis in which area needs to be improved and enhanced. Reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action are learning processes that guided me to evaluate my decisions before and after the incidents happened. These incidents gave birth to learning and turned to acquisition of new knowledge and concept that became an enriching experience for me.
Monday, August 19, 2019
death of a salesman Essay example -- essays research papers
An excellent father will make every effort to constantly do what is best for his family. He will put his needs last, ensuring that his family is well cared for and not lacking for any necessities. And, most significantly, a first-class father will make his family his main concern, coming before his job, his friends, or even himself. In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman is a prime example of a horrific father in every way mentioned previously. Not only is Willy Loman not a good father and spouse, but he furthers his failure by being a typical anti-hero and by failing to accomplish the American Dream. There for I believe the play is not necessarily what Miller and Kazan perceive it to be. Here I will be discussing Willy Lomans discraceful actions towards his family and finally expose the actual theme of the play.                               Willy is not a good father for ma ny reasons. First and foremost, he has made his occupation his number one priority. For years, he has traveled for his business so frequently that he has never had the opportunity to truly get to know his own sons. As a result, he cannot love them as a father should; his love for Biff has been based on his achievements as an athlete, and, when Biff loses his scholarship, Willy is so devastated that he no longer loves Biff as he once did. He is...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Role of the Teacher in Education :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays Education Essays
Schools are one of the first places where kids' behavior and future educational success is shaped. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. At the same time. I believe a real teacher becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. The same way, mothers are not born being great mothers but as their experiences with their kids expands they become experts on the field. We know that mothers look the best for their kids and one of their goals is to raise their kids so they can become professionals and pioneers for the society. Some of the mother's role t oward kids is to give them care, love, respect, lead, instruct and to try to form a safe and pleasant environment at their homes. Are these attitudes of the mothers toward their kids related to what the role of the teacher should be with the students in the classroom? If not, what should be the role of the teachers then? I believe that a teacher is someone who becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. I have not found a teacher who is an expert the first day of their profession. I believe that is urgent for everyone who is a teacher or is planning to become one to get prepare in the field the best they can. All teachers who get prepare will know how to set up rules in the classroom. Those kind of teachers will probably have less problems in their classroom because they will be able to control the classroom. There are all types of teachers some are better than others. Through my life I had some professors who were well prepared and some who were not. I had some teachers who just came into the class and stared teaching. They did not get involve with the students. I rarely talked to them. Those teachers did not showed any concern about what the students were feeling. The Role of the Teacher in Education :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays Education Essays Schools are one of the first places where kids' behavior and future educational success is shaped. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. At the same time. I believe a real teacher becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. The same way, mothers are not born being great mothers but as their experiences with their kids expands they become experts on the field. We know that mothers look the best for their kids and one of their goals is to raise their kids so they can become professionals and pioneers for the society. Some of the mother's role t oward kids is to give them care, love, respect, lead, instruct and to try to form a safe and pleasant environment at their homes. Are these attitudes of the mothers toward their kids related to what the role of the teacher should be with the students in the classroom? If not, what should be the role of the teachers then? I believe that a teacher is someone who becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. I have not found a teacher who is an expert the first day of their profession. I believe that is urgent for everyone who is a teacher or is planning to become one to get prepare in the field the best they can. All teachers who get prepare will know how to set up rules in the classroom. Those kind of teachers will probably have less problems in their classroom because they will be able to control the classroom. There are all types of teachers some are better than others. Through my life I had some professors who were well prepared and some who were not. I had some teachers who just came into the class and stared teaching. They did not get involve with the students. I rarely talked to them. Those teachers did not showed any concern about what the students were feeling.
Slain :: English Literature Essays
Slain The monster roared, its fury sparked a thousand tongues of fire from its hide. With one almighty sweep it sent Ryanna’s father flying over the top of the volcano, the wind ceased, the spell failed, and the monster drew itself to its full one hundred feet once again. â€Å"NOOOOOOOO!†Ryanna’s mother screamed in agony and despair, and with a snarl that sounded more like a wolf than a woman, she dashed forwards, a shower of electricity falling around her. With a thrust of her arm and a word, she hurled a massive bolt of thunder at the monster. It was knocked off its feet and landed with an earth shattering crash. Ryanna’s mother, however, had performed a spell that was beyond her power and endurance. She fell and landed on her back, blood flowing from her nose, ears, eyes and mouth at the same time. She remained there motionlessly until little six–year–old Ryanna toddled over. To her, it was just all a magic show that her parents put on for her, as they always did. Her mother looked at her through her bloody eyes while she smiled delightedly and clapped the tiny little hands. Her mother smiled back weakly, and with tremendous effort, she pulled out a small, silver, beautifully decorated pendant. Ryanna’s big, emerald, green eyes opened wide as she slipped it around her neck. â€Å"Guard this well, my child,†she said, and they were the last words she ever spoke. Ryanna waited patiently for her mother to speak again. When she didn’t, Ryanna bent over and gently stroke her stone cold, once beautiful face. Still there was no response, and Ryanna began to panic. She squeezed her mother’s arm as hard as her small hands could, and pulled on her hair. Ryanna began to scream. â€Å"MOTHER!†she cried in between sobs. The dead woman did not answer, but there was a loud, deep grunt. Ryanna turned to see the monster rise, now so angry that its eyes turned livid red. With a stamp of its feet, the monster split the mountainside and Ryanna had just enough time to dodge as her mother’s lifeless body disappeared into a bubbling lake of lava. The monster turned on her, red eyes flashing, and with an ear–splitting roar, it shot a huge jet of flames at the child. As the hot, burning mass came at her, something clicked inside Ryanna, it was a terrible rage, and a thirst for vengeance.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Early Marriage Rate Essay
Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. When defined broadly, marriage is considered a cultural universal. An early marriage, is an issue where argued by many now a days. Some people are advocated for early marriage because it is healthy. Until the late 20th century, teen marriage was very common and instrumental in securing a family, continuing a blood lineage and producing offspring for labour. Many factors contribute to teen marriage such as teen pregnancy, religion, security, family and peer pressure, arranged marriage, economic and political reasons, social advancement, and cultural reasons. Studies have shown that teenage married couples are often less advantageous, may come from broken homes, may have little education and work low status jobs in comparison to those that marry after adolescence. Early marriage arise from number of causes like lack of education, gender bios, pressure from family or friends, and lack of knowledge about the implications of early marriage. Early marriage also has several negative effects. It can lead to psychological and emotional stress not only to both parties but also to their children. It can also lead to health problem to girls because as their body is too young to conceive. Conclusion In conclusion, early marriage rate increased during the year of 2011 – 2014, all parents out there must be aware of this problem, as time goes by the case of early marriage will increased every year. The lack of formal education, financial problems and early pregnancy are all the effects of early marriage and not only will it affect the parents but also chains the children in unhealthy customs. Marriage is a great responsibility, and everyone should consider the effects of early marriage. And also, the Government must consider this as a major problem. Teenager must have discipline in order to control this early marriage problem, they are too young to enter the big responsibility of having their own family. Graphical Aid Figure 1: Early marriage rate ranges 2 million up to 4 million. The Government must be aware of this problem. Figure 2: From 2 million up to 4 million. At this point the rate increases simultaneously. This is very alarming; the Government must control this problem. Figure 3: 2 million up to 4 million is the rate of Early Marriage. The rate increases simultaneously.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Philippine Educational Status Essay
Philippine education is patterned after the American system, with English as the medium of instruction. Schools are classified into public (government) or private (non-government). The general pattern of formal education follows four stages: Pre-primary level (nursery, kindergarten and preparatory) offered in most private schools; six years of primary education, followed by four years of secondary education. College education usually takes four, sometimes five and in some cases as in medical and law schools, as long as eight years. Graduate schooling is an additional two or more years. Classes in Philippine schools start in June and end in March. Colleges and universities follow the semestral calendar from June-October and November-March. There are a number of foreign schools with study programs similar to those of the mother country. An overall literacy rate was estimated at 95.9 percent for the total population in 2003, 96 % for males and 95.8 % for females. Compared with other countries, the literacy rate in the Philippines is quite high. Moreover enrolment rate is 99. 9% in primary level and 77. 8% in secondary level, which is higher than Singapore and the highest in ASEAN countries. However while statistics on educational attainment may be high, the economic situation in the Philippines is still not so good. The Philippines has succeeded in expanding its education in quantitative terms, but now they have to think about â€Å"Quality of education†. Three government organizations handle education in the Philippines. These are the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports (DECS), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). In 1999, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, which governs both public and private education in all levels, stated that its mission was â€Å"to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all by the foundati on for lifelong learning and service for the common good.†The Department also stipulated its vision to â€Å"develop a highly competent, civic spirited, life-skilled, and God-loving Filipino youth who actively participate in and contribute towards the building of a humane, healthy and productive society.†All these ambitions were embodied in the development strategy called â€Å"Philippines 2000.†The academic year in the Philippines is patterned after its wet/cool and dry/hot seasons. The hottest months of the year are from March to May, thus making them the â€Å"summer break.†The wet season starts in June, which also marks the beginning of the academic school year. Beginning 1993, DECS increased the number of school days from 185 to 200. The school year ends during the first few weeks of March. The Philippines, a Catholic country, has a two- to three-week break during Christmas in December and a four- to five-day break at the start of November to celebrate the Day of the Saints and the Day of the Dead. The language of instruction has been a much debated topic. For a country dispersed over 7,107 islands, with 11 languages and 87 dialects, colonized by Spain for more than 300 years, and educated by the Americans, the decision to pick a particular language of instruction has been very controversial. The languages used for instruction have switched from Spanish to Tagalog, to English to the local vernacular, including some Chinese languages, and Arabic, which is used in the southern part of the country. According to an official publication of the U.S. Library of Congress, the Philippine census reported that during the 1990s a total of 65 percent of Filipinos understood English. During the last four decades of the twentieth century, education in all levels had vastly improved. In the compulsory elementary level, from 1965-1966, there were a total of 5.8 million students enrolled, 4.5 percent of which were in private institutions. In 1987-1988 these numbers grew to 9.6 million enrolled, 6.6 percent of which were in private schools. By school year 1999-2000, 12.6 million were enrolled with 7.1 percent in the private sector. This level is for grades 1 through 6â€â€ages 7 to 12. The various Philippine grade levels are referred to with cardinal numbers (one, two, three) rather than ordinal numbers (first, second, third). Secondary education is taught for 4 years from ages 13 to 16. Primary and secondary schools are taught from Monday to Friday, starting at 7:30 A.M. The school day begins with a flag raising, national anthem, and pledge of allegiance. Students usually have an hour for lunch. School cafeterias are mostly non-existent and those that exist are largely inadequate. Students either go home for lunch or pack their lunch. Some parents, usually mothers, come to school to bring warm lunch for their children. Classes resume for the afternoon, until about 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. In some areas, due to lack of facilities, certain schools are forced to have double shifts, minimizing the hours children spend in school. Access has been a problem for certain sectors of the population and DECS has made this the number one priority. In the secondary level for 1965-1966, approximately 1.17 million students were enrolled with 62.3 percent in the private sector. In 1987-1988, there was a total of 3.49 million students enrolled, 40.8 percent of whom were in private schools. By 1999-2000 there was an overall total of 5.1 million students, with 24 percent in private schools. Higher education in the Philippines is strongly in the private sector. Most bachelor degrees are for four years. Students are usually from 17 to 20 years old. In 1985, the private sector of higher education was close to 80 percent of the student population. Of these institutions one-third are considered non-profit, while two-thirds function for monetary gain. This has lead to the reputation of certain schools as â€Å"diploma mills†and to the more serious problem of producing unqualified, unemployed, and underemployed graduates. During the 1970s, there was a wide discrepancy in the literacy rates of the various regions of the country. The capital region of Metro Manila had a 95 percent literacy rate; the Central Luzon area had a 90 percent literacy rate while the We stern portion of Mindanao had a 65 percent rate. Three principal indigenous languages in the Manila area are Cebuano in the Visayas, Tagalog and Ilocano in the northern portion of Luzon. In 1939 Philipino (which is based on the Tagalog language) was made the national language. Philipino later evolved to Filipino which is based on the languages used in the Philippines. English still remains the most important non-indigenous language used by media, higher education, private, primary and secondary schools, government administration, and business. Only a handful of families have maintained speaking in Spanish. The multiplicity of languages used in the Philippines has not affected its literacy rate of 94.6 percent, one of the highest in East Asia and the Pacific region. Technology use is starting to gain momentum in the overall education of the Philippines. In 1999, there were 93 Internet Service Providers (ISP) in the country. By the beginning of 2001, the participation of nongovernmental organizations and the private sector in educati on was evident with the donation of 1,000 personal computers for use during school year 2001-2002 in 1,000 public high schools of 16 regions. The program, called One Thousand PCs, has four major components, namely: curriculum development with the creation of a one year course on computer education as a specialization in entrepreneurship; teacher training for recipient schools; courseware development through the creation of Information Technology materials; and the purchase of hardware from the private sector through the Adopt-A-School Program. The Department of Trade and Industry chaired this project. Curricular development is under the jurisdiction of the DECS. Authority slowly trickled down to the municipal/local levels as the system shifted to decentralize decision-making and empower local schools. Despite these efforts, much of the important decisions, such as the purchase of all public school textbooks, is done by DECS. Important curricular changes needed to respond to emerging student needs are limited due to budgetary constraints. Three tests are administered to students, the preparation for which must be addressed through further curricular development. These tests are the National Elementary Aptitude Test (NEAT), the National Secondary Aptitude Test (NSAT), and the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE). The Philippine population grows at a rate of 2.07 percent per year. In July 2000, the estimated population was 81,159,644 people. About 37 percent of this population was from birth to 14-years-old. A 2 percent yearly population growth translates to about 1.6 million children born every year. This growth rate strains the resources of the educational system. During 1999-2000, a 2 percent increase in the number of students meant 8,000 more classrooms needed. The deficit was 29,000 since DECS was able to build only 6,000 new rooms for the year. More teachers required (total lack of 21,000 since the budget allowed for hiring only 4,700 new teachers) 400,000 more desks (of the 2.2 million needed, only 500,000 were purchased) and 10 million additional textbooks with a ratio of 2 students per book. To alleviate this strain, certain schools hold double sessions (one in the morning and another in the afternoon) in elementary schools. Some high schools even have triple sessions due to space and resource problems. As for gender distribution in the elementary level, male and female students are almost equally represented, while there are more females students at the secondary and higher education level. In rural areas, men are expected to do work while women are allowed to pursue education. Males have a higher rate of failure, dropout, and repetition in both elementary and secondary levels.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Ascorbic acid content of fruit juice Essay
OBJECTIVE To determine ascorbic acid content in a sample of fruit juice by using titration method with 0.001M 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, C12H7O2NCl2. INTRODUCTION image00.png Structure of Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid, the chemical term for vitamin C, are found naturally in fruits and green vegetables. It is a dietary requirement for normal metabolism, formation of collagen, wound healing, and tissue repair. Ascorbic acid is often used as an antioxidant to help prevent free radical damage in the skin, builds resistance to infection, aids in the prevention treatment of the common cold, and aids in the absorption of iron. Yet, vitamin C cannot be synthesized by the body, and needs to be ingested. A lack of vitamin C can cause abnormalities of the spine, scurvy, and a reduction in the ability of the body to heal wounds. The determining factors as to whether organic substances can be determined in an aqueous medium depend primarily on the functional groups that characterise the redox properties. The determination of ascorbic acid content is based on the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid: C6H8O6→ C6H6O6 + 2e- + 2H+ image01.png The redox potential depends on the pH and without adequate buffering the pH at the electrode surface can be displaced by the oxidation reaction of the ascorbic acid leading to peak broadening. Vitamin C is found in fruit drinks such as orange juice and also other sources like vegetables, liver and kidney meat. Vitamin C in food can be destroyed by cooking, leaching out from fruits and vegetable during washing, and being oxidized when expose to the air. Thus, food that rich in vitamin C needs to be stored and prepared well. PROCEDURE 1. Standardization of 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution. 25.00mL aliquot of ascorbic acid solution was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution is titrated until a faint colour persisted for at least 15 seconds. The molarity of the dye solution is calculated by the result obtained. 2. Ascorbic acid concentration of fruit juice is determined. 5mL of fruit juice was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 10mL of 5M acetic acid, 5mL of acetone (prevent interference of SO2) and 30mL of water was added, then the mixture was allowed to stand for 5 minutes and titrated with 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution. 3. CuSO4 and bubbling to air. 2 flasks is set up and filled with 25mL of fruit juice in each flask. 1mg of copper sulfate is added to one of the flasks and both are put to bubbled air for 20 minutes. The titration is repeated at the completion of the 20 minutes of air bubbling. DCPIP is a chemical compound used as a redox dye. This dye is blue in base (DCPIP-) and pink in acid (DCPIPH) and the pink form can be reduced by ascorbic acid to a colorless form (DCPIPH2). image03.png Titration with 0.001M 2,6- dichlorophenolindophenol solution Reaction 1: DCPIP- (blue) +H+→ DCPIPH (pink) Reaction 2: DCPIPH (pink) + Ascorbic acid → DCPIPH2 (clear) +Dehydroascorbate If a drop of blue DCPIP dye is added to a low pH solution (pH
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Eagle Scout Essay
 Hello everybody. To start off I would like to say thank you to everyone here for coming, because if it wasn’t for all of you this day wouldn’t be so special. I would like to give a special thanks to my parents for getting me involved in boy scouts, mr.mac, mr.beteyyman, mr.deangles, and all the other leaders for leading my troop, and the scouts that helped me complete my Eagle Scout project. From the start to the end boy Scouts has shaped me as the person that I am today, and without Boy Scouts I wouldn’t be the person that I am. Not knowing where Scouting would lead me, I joined the troop due to many interests such as having fun. It all started when I was about 7 years old and walked into the elks lodge to have my first meeting as a tiger scout. From tiger scouts on I decided that I really liked the scouting experience and would continue on the whole journey. Racing boats in the rain gutter regatta, and racing cars in the pine wood derby were just a few of t he events early on. Time had passed earning belt loops, camping some, and learning wilderness survival tips, and before I knew it Webloes 2 was completed and I had a decision to make. I decided that I would cross over to boy Scouts and shoot for the goal of my Eagle Scout. Anxiously waiting at the table for my name to called, a member from the order of the arrow dressed up as an American Indian came over to me and walked me to the front of the building and over the bridge. I was then welcomed by the boy Scouts and given a troop 2540 handkerchief and hat. I decided that I would be one of the kids to go to all the meeting, trips, and scouting events.  One of my very first memories was the camping trip to rickets Glenn in Pennsylvania. The scenery of waterfalls and hiking through the wilderness hit me immediately that I loved the idea of camping and couldn’t wait to go on the next trip. As time progressed learning how to cook, pitch tents, tie knots, first aid, and physical fitness, I was moving through the ranks very quickly. Some events such as community service taught me to always give back to the community, and to take leadership roles in the troop showed me how to be a good leaders and not a follower. My most memorable camping trips were the 2 out of the 4 high adventure trips that I completed. The National Jamboree in Arlington Virginia celebrated the 100 years of scouting, and the most memorable part of this trip was getting Shaun Whites autograph. Hiking through the wilderness at Philmont Scout Reservation was an amazing espicially hiking up mt.baldy and catching mini bears in our bear bags to pass time at cam p. Boy Scouts has meant so much to me and has helped me discover what I like to do through the 27 merit badges that I earned over the years. Getting my eagle scout was a long and memorable journey and has helped me become who I am today. Thank you
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Idependent research Study (Proposal) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Idependent research Study (Proposal) - Essay Example However, there is increasing evidence that consumers are affected more strongly by their interaction with staff members within the hotel industry than through their exposure to promotional marketing and make future purchasing decisions based on this previous experience within the hotel brand. Why is this of interest to today’s marketers? Employees are only going to provide superior service when they are content with their environment. If the hotel is structured improperly or does not improve the morale of workers, they are likely not going to be as devoted to their job role tasks in the degree expected by corporate policy. Employee satisfaction would seem to be of high concern to the hotel industry due to the fact that consumers often come face-to-face with employees during a periodic or long-term stay in the hotel brand. When customers reflect on their visit, they conduct what is referred to in marketing as a post-purchase evaluation. In this evaluation, they are likely to assess not only the tangible factors such as aesthetic appeal or the comfort of the mattress, they are going to consider how they interacted and were treated by the service staff. Specific individuals will likely be remembered over others based on the level of quality of this interaction. Post- purchase evaluation is part of the general consumer profile after making a purchase, therefore making a good impression the first time is a key business success strategy for positive service delivery. This independent research project explores the relation of employee satisfaction on overall service delivery, specifically attempting to discover how reduced satisfaction can adversely impact the consumers’ perception of quality and value. In what ways does reduced employee satisfaction cause future sales problems with hotel brands in achieving success in positive service delivery. To discover: In what ways does reduced employee satisfaction impact service delivery in the
Do administration times of anti-retro viral therapies affect their Essay
Do administration times of anti-retro viral therapies affect their efficacy - Essay Example Although none of the studies I found, as stated, were specifically designed to test my hypothesis. The majority the studies, in reading, the test found evidence or results that lead to the theory that timing of drug therapy is vital in the treatment of AIDS. Specific studies in this area would, in my estimation, greatly advance what we know about AIDS, best practice methods for treatment, and the possibility for halting its progression. I am a nursing working with AIDS patients. In the daily course of my duties I have seen numerous patients whose treatment plans vary greatly from one individual to another. Often the drug therapy methodologies and prescription frequency are contrary to commonly accepted practices and sometimes conflict with pharmaceutical recommendations. As a nurse, my primary goal is to enhance the level of treatment AIDS patients receive and to ensure treatment methods are in the best interest of maintaining the client’s health and quality of life. The conflicting treatment methods began to raise questions for me. I began to ask whether the initial implementation of drug therapy had a direct impact on the patient’s longevity and quality of life. There were varying opinions amongst healthcare givers on the best time to begin treatment. Although this is sometimes determined by the time diagnosis of the disease with respect to the progress of the virus, often times, even with early dia gnosis, the decision to begin administering of anti-retro drugs was not uniform. Dr. Jens Lundgren, a physician at the Copenhagen HIV Programme and Dr. Andrew N. Phillips, a professor of epidemiology reported in a British Journal of Medicine article that had examined the indirect relationship discovered regarding the assessment of the efficacy of anti-HIV drugs. Through analyzing data from various trials they were examining the effectiveness of various drug treatments. However, at the conclusion of their research they
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Role of Product Feature Similarity and Brand Concept Consistency Dissertation
The Role of Product Feature Similarity and Brand Concept Consistency - Dissertation Example It is assumed that the consumers already understand the usefulness of the core brand and therefore are likely to associate new products with it. The familiarity of the consumers with the firm and the core brand enhances acceptance of the new product. The brand extension may also be used to market a modified product of the core brand. For example, Unilever produces various products. Initially, the company produced a washing liquid, which had brand equity. However, the firm realized that washing powder would be preferred by some consumers. The firm extended fairy from a liquid brand to include powder. The new washing powder gained popularity among consumers mainly because of the existing fairy brand that had brand equity. When firms identify investment opportunities in the market that have not been exploited, they can easily establish through extending their strong brands to ensure that all the needs of consumers are met by one firm (Chandon, 2004). Such strategy prevents other firms from the entry into the same market especially when the extended brand establishes. Companies such as Microsoft have used this strategy whereby they provide all that is needed in the market through brand extension thereby barring potential organizations from entry. There are opportunities for emergent companies to invest but they may not have a large market share for them to be profitable.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Write an analytical evaluation of Gary Nashs Race and Revolution Essay
Write an analytical evaluation of Gary Nashs Race and Revolution - Essay Example In Race and Revolution, Nash offers three essays on slavery during Revolutionary times. Instead of simply stating that slavery was horrible, then moving on to a different topic, Nash delves into the founding fathers’ dream of a democracy and the paradox of slavery. Every child in America is taught Thomas Jefferson’s phrase ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’. As a child, I wondered how Jefferson can speak those words and still own slaves. During the revolutionary era, England and other European nations had colonies. However, these colonies, especially, America, did not see the similarity of a slave’s position and their position in relation to their ruling country. Americans cried for freedom, but enslaved men. The situation was hypocritical, but ignored due to economic and cultural reasons. Nash explores this and other slave issues during the revolutionary times in his book. Another issue that Nash brings up in his book is the anti-slavery movement during this time. Economically, plantation owners would argue for slavery, but what about the rest of the Northern population? Plantation owners were not the majority during this time. The Abolitionist movement is mentioned in history prior to the Civil War, but Nash points out that the Abolitionist movement was around during Revolutionary times. The white Abolitionist movement was pushed into the background as the country moved toward separation from England, despite the black Abolitionists continuation of the fight against slavery. Nash argues that Northern States failed to push the issue, not the Southern States. Previously, historians have put the total blame on the Southern States, but Nash holds the Northern States just as liable for the continuation of slavery. He argues that Northern leaders did not want to compensate Southern slave owners. They were also not willing to accept slaves into their societies. Even when free blacks begin appearing in the Northern
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Response paper - Essay Example ese and unsatisfied people in terms of food consumption: â€Å"Americans worry more about food and derive less pleasure from eating than people in any other nation they surveyed†(Pollan par. 16). To verify if Pollan’s assertion that America has a national eating disorder is justified, one made a quick search on the global statistics for obesity, a measure of over consumption of food in terms of quantity. It was therefore revealed that despite the reported over zealousness in counting the number of calories or determining the nutritional value in every food item that Americans allegedly eat, the statistics indicated that the United States is currently the most obese country (The U.S. is the heaviest nation in the world, followed by Kuwait and Croatia). Further, in an article written by Battistoni, the author cited works of scholars such as Michael Pollan, among other food researchers who identified the rationale that links counting calories and obesity, to wit: â€Å"the dominant food production policy in the US is oriented around just one metric: producing calories as cheaply as possible. Weve gotten so good at producing calories efficiently, in fact, that our proble m is no longer that we cant afford enough foodâ€â€its that the types of calories that are least expensive are the ones that are worst for us†(Battistoni par. 5). Suffice it to say that Barttistoni’s article was aptly titled â€Å"America Spends Less on Food Than Any Other Country†which provides the basic rationale that since the production of food became apparently so efficient that cost significantly declined, more Americans are able to purchase greater quantities for lesser costs, as compared to the rest of the countries around the world. And since these greater numbers of cheaper calories are mostly consumed in greater volume, then, naturally people became increasingly obese faster than any other people around the world. The study conducted by Walpole, Prieto-Merino and Edwards, the implications
Friday, August 9, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Essay Example In the contemporary business world, it is almost impossible to ignore the importance of information systems in strategic management. Organisations today require information systems to remain relevant in the business world since they provide strategic opportunities (Daniels 1998, p. 167). Different departments in organisations are now relying on information systems to enhance efficiency and improve business effectiveness. The managerial tasks in the business world today have become complex and this means that the information systems that are used also have to change to meet the demands of an organisation. As such, it has become a necessity for organisations to engage in strategic management of IS (Daniels 1998, p. 170). This paper provides a critical analysis of the role that porter’s strategic advantage competitive theory play in the development of strategic management of IS. In addition, this paper also looks at the significance of studying and reviewing porter’s competitive advantage since it can be used as a model for strategic management of IS. To this end, three important research questions and problems have been identified with regard to the study of strategic management of IS. On the other hand, a literature review related to the topic at hand is important in providing empirical evidence on the key issues that the topic discusses. The key findings identified in this paper are derived from researches in an attempt to understand their implication in the strategic management of IS. Other than the key findings, this paper also looks at the limitations associated with this study, and presents recommendation for further research on the same topic. The conclusion in this paper draws attention to a summary of the key points mentioned and described in this study. This topic brings attention of readers to the importance of information systems in an organisational set up, and how it has evolved over the years. Information
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