Thursday, October 31, 2019
Contract and Procurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Contract and Procurement - Essay Example On a counter view of the project, the evidence stated should be indicated and given in the section as this would help in validating the information given. Moreover, for a project to be successful all the internal project documents should be well document and the information in those documents used otherwise the project will not be successful (Ramakrishna 2010). Amber color should have been used to indicate that there are significant issues which need the management’s attention despite a successful delivery. 2. Summary of report recommendations The recommendations given by the review time are worth while as they provide a clear explanation of the situation in the entity. The recommendation time frame could either be Recommended, Critical and Essential. The review uses the â€Å"Recommended†time frame. â€Å"Recommended†means that the recommendations given should be beneficial to the project and should be linked to the project milestones, and this should be befor e the contract is signed. On a critical point view, the recommendations given by should be based on the three time frames given the other two are based on the successful outcome of the project depending on how fast action is taken a situation which affects the project. 3. Background and business case The background of the project is clearly stated with the project name and the programme. The problems facing the stated projects are also indicated which explains why the stated project are in need of improvements. The cost estimates for the improvements, the procurement delivery status including the start and expiry date, current position in regard to the OGC Gateway Review and conduct of the OGC Gateway Review have been well stated in connection to the business case (Marks 2012). Enough has been provided about the background of the project, that is, the background is explicit. However, including the current position in regard to the OGC Gateway Review without sufficient information ab out the past reviews is absurd. The reviewer should have obtained all information from the previous four Gateway Reviews before embarking on writing his or her review. The previous review would help the reviewer to fully understand all the problems facing the project and the improvements which have been done on the projects. 4. Findings and recommendations The findings for the project have been given explicitly with all parameters well stated. All the strengths and weaknesses of the project including lack of proper documentation and sufficient commitment to staff training and knowledge of training delivery amongst the main project teams have been elaborated. Validity of the project in connection to the business case has also been elaborated. The reviewer has done excellent in the elaboration of the findings of the project. The reviewer has gone further ahead to give the plans for the ongoing improvements in performance and innovation which include the continuous improvement and plan ning and performance measures. The reviewer has also gone a head to provide the organizations learning and maturity targets and its readiness for the future or the plans for any service provision in the future. However, the
Monday, October 28, 2019
War Is Good or Bad for the Economics Essay Example for Free
War Is Good or Bad for the Economics Essay Consider the following in your answer: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of war financing? 2. What are the costs imposed on the economy by engaging in war? 3. Provide an example from US History; analyze the effects on economic institutions in the long run after a war. 1. In war, there are various economic benefits. First, all economic resources are being used, both goods and services. The unemployment rate hits the floor and there are goods being manufactured faster and more. Thus, this boosts GDP and increases the AS curve, due to the mass production of the goods. There may be the disadvantages of too small of a workforce, or after the war is done, coming back to the previous economic state may be difficult. 2. The population may fall, as wars take a toll on that factor. Also, to support the massive cost of the war, the government may have to take loans from other countries leading to a deficit. If the country loses the war, then there may be further financial repercussions, as we saw with Germany in the World Wars. 3. The second World War is the foremost example of such an economic turn. Stuck in the Depression, Americans needed a way to exonerate themselves from the suffering and poverty, and couldn’t find it. With the second world war and the need for goods and services, employment rose, as did spending, kickstarting the economy and getting it rolling again. This is a major example of an economic state being changed positively due to the war.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
I Don’t Have a Topic for My Research Paper, So I’m Writing about Nothin
What is nothing? Though at first, the response may seem like little more than a play on words, the simple answer is this: Nothing is not. No word such as anything or everything can be added at the end of the statement to further clarify the crucial concept, which is non-existence: the dictionary definition of nothing. In actuality, though, although the denotation of "nothing" insists on absolute absence and void, in today’s society "nothing" is actually quite present, masquerading as something indeed. Of course, there are concepts in existence that accurately represent our limited understanding of nothing. One such concept is zero. In a simple counting sense, when one, two, or eight hundred items could be present, but there aren’t any, there are zero. Zero items are present, and nothing is there. Kept strictly in a counting sense, this works. Zero is non-existence. Yet, in the actual study of mathematics, one learns that zero may be many things, but never nothing at all. Zero is perhaps the most powerful number in all of mathematics, and its influence on the way we work with numbers is clear. Multiply a number, any number, from the greatest to the small, from positive to negative infinity, by zero. Divide zero by any of these numbers. Zero absolves, absorbs, changes said number completely - it becomes zero. Surely, such a drastic effect cannot be the result of nothing. Divide by zero. Or attempt to, anyway, and find it impossible, "undefined." A graphed function involving a division of zero will form unreachable vertical asymptotes that stretch to positive and negative infinity. Zero, though, does have its weaknesses. Add zero, subtract zero, it’s all the same: no effect at all. The other numbers or variables invo... ...tranger. San Francisco: Knopf, 1998. Descartes, Renà ©. Descartes: Selections. Ed. Ralph M. Eaton. San Francisco: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1927. Family Medical Guide. Lincolnwood: Publications International, Ltd., 1990. Miller, Charles D. and Margaret L. Lial. Fundamentals of College Algebra. Third Edition. Glenview: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1990. Naparstek, Belleruth. Your Sixth Sense. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997. Reid, Constance. From Zero to Infinity: What Makes Numbers Interesting. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1964. Satre, Jean-Paul. "Nausea." Nausea, The Wall, and Other Stories. New York: MJF Books, 1964. Twain, Mark. "The Mysterious Stranger." Great Short Works of Mark Twain. Ed. Justin Kaplan. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1967. "Vacuum." The Columbia Encyclopedia. Fifth Edition. Columbia University Press, 1993.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Alvin Ailey :: essays research papers
Every company has what is known as a â€Å"signature piece,†that is, a work which expresses something about the artistic direction and the spirit of the company. For the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater that piece is Revelations. Choreographed and set to traditional music, Revelations was first performed at the Ninety-second Street YM-YWHA New York, NY., January 31, 1960. The lead dancers were Joan Derby, Minnie Marhsall, Merle Derby, Dorene Richardson, Jay Fletcher, Nathaniel Horne, and Herman Howell and the soloists were Nancy Redi and Gene Hobgood. The music was performed by the Music Masters Guild Chorus of the Harlem Branch YMCA under the direction of Frank Thomas. The piece as originally performed consisted of danced portions and music interleudes grouped under three broad headings, â€Å"Pilgrim of Sorrow,†â€Å"That Love My Jesus Gives Me,†and â€Å"Move, Members, Move.†The work was revised extensively a month after its first performance and was agai n given at the Ninety-second Street YM-YWHA. Revelations has been seen in every country that the company has toured and has been universally acclaimed. Born in Rogers, Texas on January 5, 1931, Alvin Ailey spent his formative years going to Sunday School and participating in The Baptist Young People's Union. At age twelve, he moved to Los Angeles and, on a junior high school class trip to the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, fell in love with concert dance. Ailey began his formal dance training inspired by the performances of the Katherine Dunham Dance Company and the classes with Lester Horton that his friend, Carmen de Lavallade, urged him to take. Horton, the founder of the first racially integrated dance company in the US, was a catalyst for Ailey as the young dancer embarked on his professional career. After Horton's death in 1953, Ailey became the director of the Lester Horton Dance Theater and began to choreograph his own works. In New York, Ailey studied with many outstanding dance artists, including Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, Hanya Holm and Karel Shook, and took acting classes with Stella Adler. A versatile performer, Ailey won a number of acting roles while continuing to choreograph and dance professionally. In 1958, Ailey founded his own company, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. During the Company's first decade, Ailey created approximately twenty new ballets, among them Hermit Songs and Reflections in D. These were followed by The River, The Lark Ascending, Love Songs and many others.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Five Types of Organization Structures
Every organization, to be effective, must have a structure. An organization structure is the setup that determines the hierarchy and reporting structure in an organization. It is often represented by a drawing known as an organizational chart. There are different types of organizational structures that companies follow, depending on a variety of factors like leadership style, type of organization, geographical regions, work flow and hierarchy. Organizations may choose from a number of common operating structures. One popular structure is the functional organization, where the company is divided into separate units based on role, such as accounting, marketing, research and development or distribution. The functional structure offers a number of potential advantages as well as disadvantages. An advantage of a functional organizational structure is that it offers a high level of specialization. Each unit operates as a type of self-contained mini-company, charged with carrying out its specific role. A worker who is an expert in his functional area can perform tasks with a high level of speed and efficiency, which enhances productivity. While specialized units within the functional structure often perform with a high level of efficiency, they may have difficulty working well with other units. Another potential disadvantage of the functional organization structure is that it can pose a challenge for top management to maintain control as the organization expands. If the company expands into new geographic areas, maintaining control of and managing the separate functions can be even more of a challenge. Kenexa, an IBM Company, provides employment and retention solutions to assist organizations in hiring and keeping workers. Kenexa is a SAAS, software as a service company, and utilizes a functional structure. Market structure is used to group employees on the basis of the specific market the company sells in. A company could have five different markets they use and according to this structure, each would be a separate division. Some merits of this structure are that employees can communicate with customers in the local language and they are available for the customers, if need is felt. Demerits include intense competition among the employees; decision-making can cause conflicts and difficulty to determining the productivity and efficiency of employees. Product-based structures allow companies to remain flexible in the business environment. This allows the company to add or remove structure sections as necessary. However, it can prohibit companies from achieving company-wide goals since each unit operates on its own. A successful company that uses a Market organizational structure as well as a Product-based structure is Microsoft. Farber, 2013) One advantage of a Matrix structure is better coordination and control: – this structure is very much suitable to coordinate and control the functional activities and project activities. Most importantly, employees from various functional areas work under the spirit of team and make the project successful. Team effort is made. On the other hand, Matrix organizational structure involves huge overhead cost, has problems of overspecialization and is difficult to balance. GE is an example of a company that uses the matrix structure approach. In a geographic structure, large organizations have offices at different places, for example, there could be a north zone, south zone, west zone and east zone. Advantages are better communication among the employees at the same location and locals are familiar with the local business environment and can cater to geographical and cultural differences. A successful company with this structure is Ports America, headquartered in the NE with operations throughout both coasts and segmented regionally. References: Farber, D. (2013, July 12). Steve Ballmer remakes Microsoft one more time. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Hill, C. (n.d.). Strategic management theory.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Society;s View Of Mental Illness
, society is uncomfortable talking about or accepting mental illness. People constantly turn the other way or refuse to learn about or get to know a person if they have a mental disorder. First of all, we must ask ourselves: What is crazy? Cuomo and Ronacher (1998) say that people are called mentally healthy when they like their behaviour and that people are considered mentally unhealthy if their behaviour is â€Å"unacceptable†or if they don’t like the way that the person acts. Both the common person and psychiatrists judge or diagnose mental illness this way. Macdonald (2003) says that most of the time with mental illness, there is no medical proof, no evidence that there is anything wrong with you. Macdonald has Psychosis and low-grade Schizophrenia. He says that when he was diagnosed with these diseases, he had CAT scans and blood tests, among many other tests, but in actually being diagnosed, all that doctors can do is ask a series of questions to the patient and make a guess based on the responses that they get. Basically, you are diagnosed by opinion and not by actual medicine. He sometimes wonders if there is no suck thing as crazy, mayb e some people are different than others, maybe some people see or hear things that other people do not hear, but what they see could possibly be real, just doctors and society refuse to believe that it is real so these disorders have been d... Free Essays on Society;s View Of Mental Illness Free Essays on Society;s View Of Mental Illness Society’s View On Mental Illness defines â€Å"Mental Illness†as: â€Å"Any of various conditions characterized by impairment of an individual's normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioural functioning, and caused by social, psychological, biochemical, genetic, or other factors, such as infection or head trauma.†This definition seems normal enough, seems scientific; but if it is so scientific, if it is common to have a mental illness, then why does society have an â€Å"ostrich in the sand†view on mental illness? In other words, society is uncomfortable talking about or accepting mental illness. People constantly turn the other way or refuse to learn about or get to know a person if they have a mental disorder. First of all, we must ask ourselves: What is crazy? Cuomo and Ronacher (1998) say that people are called mentally healthy when they like their behaviour and that people are considered mentally unhealthy if their behaviour is â€Å"unacceptable†or if they don’t like the way that the person acts. Both the common person and psychiatrists judge or diagnose mental illness this way. Macdonald (2003) says that most of the time with mental illness, there is no medical proof, no evidence that there is anything wrong with you. Macdonald has Psychosis and low-grade Schizophrenia. He says that when he was diagnosed with these diseases, he had CAT scans and blood tests, among many other tests, but in actually being diagnosed, all that doctors can do is ask a series of questions to the patient and make a guess based on the responses that they get. Basically, you are diagnosed by opinion and not by actual medicine. He sometimes wonders if there is no suck thing as crazy, mayb e some people are different than others, maybe some people see or hear things that other people do not hear, but what they see could possibly be real, just doctors and society refuse to believe that it is real so these disorders have been d...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Utilitarianism V. Kantianism
Utilitarianism V. Kantianism Ethics can be defined as "the conscious reflection on our moral beliefs with the aim of improving, extending or refining those beliefs in some way." (Dodds, Lecture 2) Kantian moral theory and Utilitarianism are two theories that attempt to answer the ethical nature of human beings. This paper will attempt to explain how and why Kantian moral theory and Utilitarianism differ as well as discuss why I believe Kant's theory provides a more plausible account of ethics. Immanuel Kant's deonotological ethical theory assesses if actions are moral based on the person's will or intention of acting. Kant's theory can be categorized as a deonotological because "actions are not assessed to be morally permissible on the basis of consequences they produce, but rather on the form of the agent's will in acting," (Dodds, Lecture 7) therefore his actions are based on duty and not consequential. Kantianism is based on three principles: maxims, willing, and the categorical imperative.English: Immanuel K ant Tomb in Koenigsberg à Ã'Æ'Ã' ï ¿ ½...Kant states that a maxim is a "general rule or principle which will explain what a person takes himself to be doing and the circumstances in which he takes himself to be doing it" (Feldman, 1999, 201). It is important that this principle be universalisable and that the maxim can be applied consistently to everyone that encounters similar situations, therefore willed as a universal law. The second aspect of Kant's theory is willing. This involves the agent consistently committing oneself to make an action occur. He states that, "In general, we can say that a person wills inconsistently if he wills that p be the case and he wills that q be the case and its impossible for p and q to be the case together" (Feldman, 1999, 203). The last aspect of Kant's theory is the categorical imperative. The importance of the categorical...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Sustaining Democracy in Latin America essays
Sustaining Democracy in Latin America essays In order to determine if democracy is sustainable in Latin America, it is important to understand or at least have an idea of what democracy is. There are several types of democracy and each is different. According to the English dictionary, democracy is " a government by the people; especially: rule of the majority by a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections and the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges (Webster's Dictionary). It is a common view among American politicians that maintaining democracy in Latin America could be achieved through holding honest elections, installing civilian governments, and preventing military coups (Millett). Although Latin America participates in some type or form of free elections, that does not necessarily constitute a legitimate democracy that represents the people. The power is not necessarily vested in the people in Latin America but with the elected officials. Latin American democracy and United States democracy are uniquely different and therefore they are not comparable by the same definition of democracy. The difference results from many factors. In large part, Latin America is unique because of its Iberian heritage, history, and tradition (Millett). The conquest of Latin America by Spain and the methods of rule and traditions have largely influenced the development of Latin American democracy. The Spanish mercantile system and the methods and practices it produced have had a direct impact on all the factors that help sustain democracy. The two main factors in Latin American democracy are society and economics. Colonial ideas of fueros, caste systems, and church ideologies during the inquisition, have influenced Latin America socially. Economically Spanish mercantilism has made Latin America dependent on outsi...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Chinese religions and Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chinese religions and - Essay Example Secondly, Chinese used the concept of Yin and Yang to explain the way the universe works. That is Yan describes the negative forces of nature while Yang the positive forces. Thirdly, Chinese people stand out for their filial piety and ancestral worship. Every Chinese home has a small shrine or altars to offer sacrifices to old generation and ancestors. Fourthly, divination is common in Chinese religion and they believe that unity of the universe allowed future events to be predicted. For instance, heating of a shell and divining the future through the cracks that occurred. In the eleventh century B.C.E political unrest through rebellion of Chou affected the Chinese religion. Chou rulers suggested existence of one god called Shang Ti who they asserted to be more than an ancestor. A great confusion after this rebellion resulted to three main Chinese religions the Confucians, the Legalists, and the Mohists. Shinto is the oldest native Japanese religion that describes formation of Japan as a land superior to other lands with its shrines commemorating its great heroes. The word Shinto comes from Chinese words Shen and Tao, which mean the way of the gods. Shinto was developed to distinguish native Japanese from other emerging religions form China like Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. In the sixth century C.E, Buddhism introduced by the Chinese and the Koreans made Japanese collect their myths and rituals in the name of kami-no-michi. This created a distinction between the native religions with the foreign. The myths allowed for a limited number of gods, goddesses, spirits, ancestral worship, and forms of animism. Although Chinese religions had a great influence on Japanese religion, Japanese used Shinto to depict their own revelation of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They developed their own Buddhism, distinctive form other Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism is one of these religions that included a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Is it Possible for a Teacher to be Accountable without Being Essay
Is it Possible for a Teacher to be Accountable without Being Responsible - Essay Example This very link has been described and elaborated in respect to the ability of the teacher to balance the both, in this report. TEACHER’S RESPONSIBILITY The responsibility associated with an instructor is more than any other profession, as every profession demand education set of skills, which are only achieved once the person has undergone studies from a capable teacher, responsible enough to know his role in this world. Furthermore, Hartley (2002, 255) points out that a cheap, one-size-fits-all 'standard' in teacher education may turn out to be ineffective with regard to the promotion of human resources and the competitiveness of the economy in general. The knowledge treasure requires creativity, team-work and self-execution; the teacher being handed complete freedom to built a set of self-assessments and parameters of responsibility. These are the salient features of the modern education policy model which are highly unlikely to be promoted. Furthermore, along with the deman d for educators to conceive added responsibility, this feat is not as easy as it sounds. Therefore, attributing responsibility to a teacher is not a fact that can be gauges like temperature or any other quantitative material (Young 1998, 62). TEACHER’S ACCOUNTABILITY EFFECTS Does accountability affect building or correcting the mechanisms of an education system? This question remains a core debate in the education circles. A different perspective looked into the effects brought upon by the accountability of an educator. The effects study shed light upon the accountability systems, so to create better policy mechanisms, which in turn create a better system and professional excellence (Darling-Hammond &Sykes, 1999) and/or a system that has a reward/punishment setup for the teachers (Odden, 2002). In the modern era, research has shifted its focus from school politics to the performance analysis of the educators and the system in which they thrive. A new angle on accountability e merged as the policy makers shifted their attention on to the special role of teachers as it was before the fancy technology teaching methods took over (Fuhrman, 1999). This new form of observation by the policy makers is an effort towards enhancing the accountability of the educators, while they try to work on the areas of vigilance, observation, performance and open test results, making the system transparent. Critics of this current system; lobby hard for the old system their prime argument being the non-influential relationship between the performance of the teacher and performance of the students and their test-scores. The hard-line example for this fact is the statistics of increased dropout rate since the application of the test-driven policies, specially affecting those students who stood on the borderline of passing and failing (Whitford & Jones, 2000). This in turn has smashed the teacher’s morale in general (McNeil, 2000) and made it a difficult environment for the m as their performance is judged majorly through the stats of students, which more often than not is not the true picture. ACCOUNTABILITY VERSUS RESPONSIBILITY Accountability devices show the importance of decentralizing responsibility of a teacher. National educational authorities have decentralized the responsibility for teaching quality to the school running agencies, which more often than not creates a local accountability system, hence placing more responsibility on the teacher’
Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 75
Discussion - Assignment Example . This poem clearly brings out the theme of courage well. Unlike his peers who strive to impress the visiting audience, Michael chooses to do what he perceives right in his eyes even though he knows the backlash he would receive from the society. Since beginning of time, those who act contrary to the norms of the society are the ones who make a difference on earth. Like a child, he is at peace with what he does and loves. Like a rose has both the male and female parts, he blends both masculinity and feminism. Cultural conflict is the dominant theme in this poem. Different races and cultures are always in conflict with each other and in a bid to advance their ideologies or to prove their superiority over others; most conflicts end up in bloodsheds. In Casual Wear, a tourist woman falls victim to a vicious attack by the terrorist. While the odds are one to nine that she will be at the place of the attack, she ironically ends up there and is killed. The tourist may have come from a nation that was in conflict with the terrorist’s country. She wears extravagantly in a country that fashion is not taken seriously. Just like her clothes did not matter to the terrorist, so was her life. The main cause of terrorism is cultural differences. Using force or violence to counter terrorism will only result to more violence. The best method to stop terrorism would be to accept other people’s cultural, ideological and religious beliefs. Stereotyping people will only lead to more resentment. For example, Muslims are portrayed as terrorists in most Hollywood films. This should be banned. Ballad of Birmingham is based on a real life bombing of an African-American church in 1963. The poem begins with a girl begging her mother to go to a freedom march, but her mother refuses. She however allows her to go to church where she believes is secure. Unfortunately, the church is attacked by arsons and the little girl dies. The message that is clear is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Assessment of Oman Air Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Assessment of Oman Air - Essay Example In addition, Oman Air fleets are up to date and well-organised competent aircrafts with superior quality of designed interiors. The company also introduced ultra modern and innovative technology based equipments in order to retain and enhance the safety of the customers and overall standards of its products along with services. In addition, Oman Air has attained significant achievements while executing its business operations globally. One of the major achievements of Oman Air lies in expanding its business operations around the world and also in attaining authorisation for preservation from some of the renowned bodies such as the Shell Aircraft (UK) and the Airclaims (UK) (Oman Air, 2012). Along with this significant achievement, Oman Air’s ‘Supply Chain Management Operation System and Procedures’ was honoured with â€Å"ISO 9001†authorisation. This particular authorization is an internationally renowned standard for quality management ensuring that the o rganisations have proven their quality performances along with maintaining standards in order to comply with the different requirements of their customers (Oman Air, 2012). In the paper, the assessment of Oman Air has been made on the basis of various assessment tools that include McKinsey’s 7s framework, balanced scorecard system and SWOT analysis. Various recommended changes or modifications of certain aspects of Oman Air such as its organizational structure are proposed and also discussed in the paper. McKinsey’s 7s Framework According to McKinsey’s 7s framework, attempts are taken to create a kind of awareness of major factors that include staff, style, systems, structure, strategies, skills and finally shared values or goals, so that at the time of utilisation or execution of these factors will ultimately assist in the formation as well as help towards attaining the expected outcomes or objectives while executing business operations performed by a particula r business organisation (Witcher & Chau, 2010). In relation to McKinsey’s 7s framework, the structure factor is an important one that divides the assigned tasks and provides various activities for the maintenance of co-ordination among the employees. In order to maintain an adequate structure, Oman Air imparts training to its members or staffs in a well organised manner and thus by delivering proper and efficient training, the company maintains the co-ordination among their members or staffs. In relation to systems, the processes, procedures and methods ultimately make a business organisation to grow and expand. The systems of Oman Air include innovative aircraft manufacturing along with repairing services and also retain a high pattern of technical processes in the most effective as well as in professional manner (Oman Air, 2012). In context to style, the perception of top officials of the business eventually creates a brand image within the organisation. The ideas or the co ncepts that have been initialised by the board members and other senior management officials of Oman Air assisted the company to attain a brand image while executing its business operations globally. In regard to staffs, the activities or the performances of the members or the staffs plays a significant role in order to attain expected outcomes along with
Write a Critical Review paper on Students with disabilities enrolled Research
Write a Critical Review on Students with disabilities enrolled at educational institutions at all levels - Research Paper Example On top of that, the lawsuit also alleged that the state of New Jersey had violated its constitutional obligation to oversee the implementation of IDEA requirements at the grassroots; in defense, the state of New Jersey filed a motion to dismiss citing a constitutional challenge to the implementation of the IDEA. According to the state of New Jersey, it was immune to private lawsuits regarding enforcement of the IDEA under the provisions of the Eleventh Amendment but the section of parents were not convinced by this argument. In their earnest search for justice, the section went ahead to seek intervention in defending the constitutionality of IDEA, which was eventually granted to them; in their battle to defend the constitutionality of IDEA, the section fronted two strong arguments as the foundation of their case. In their first argument, the section proposed that the state of New Jersey had accepted the federal IDEA funds that were meant to meet the cost of educating students with disabilities consequently agreeing to act in accordance with the IDEA by relinquishing its sovereign immunity. In the second argument, the section contended that following the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress had in fact genuinely repealed the state sovereign immunity, which the New Jersey was still claiming to have in its argument for a dismissal motion. In accordance with the Rules 12(b) (1) and (b)(6), of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the NJDOE and the State officials filed a motion of dismissal of the complaint by arguing that they were immune to the suit under the provisions of the Eleventh Amendment. They also held that the plaintiff’s complaint should be dismissed for failure to exhaust administrative remedies and that given the state’s sovereign immunity, it was wrong for an injunctive relief to be entered against it, particularly because it was not the right subject of an order for the provision of free and appropriate public
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Assessment of Oman Air Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Assessment of Oman Air - Essay Example In addition, Oman Air fleets are up to date and well-organised competent aircrafts with superior quality of designed interiors. The company also introduced ultra modern and innovative technology based equipments in order to retain and enhance the safety of the customers and overall standards of its products along with services. In addition, Oman Air has attained significant achievements while executing its business operations globally. One of the major achievements of Oman Air lies in expanding its business operations around the world and also in attaining authorisation for preservation from some of the renowned bodies such as the Shell Aircraft (UK) and the Airclaims (UK) (Oman Air, 2012). Along with this significant achievement, Oman Air’s ‘Supply Chain Management Operation System and Procedures’ was honoured with â€Å"ISO 9001†authorisation. This particular authorization is an internationally renowned standard for quality management ensuring that the o rganisations have proven their quality performances along with maintaining standards in order to comply with the different requirements of their customers (Oman Air, 2012). In the paper, the assessment of Oman Air has been made on the basis of various assessment tools that include McKinsey’s 7s framework, balanced scorecard system and SWOT analysis. Various recommended changes or modifications of certain aspects of Oman Air such as its organizational structure are proposed and also discussed in the paper. McKinsey’s 7s Framework According to McKinsey’s 7s framework, attempts are taken to create a kind of awareness of major factors that include staff, style, systems, structure, strategies, skills and finally shared values or goals, so that at the time of utilisation or execution of these factors will ultimately assist in the formation as well as help towards attaining the expected outcomes or objectives while executing business operations performed by a particula r business organisation (Witcher & Chau, 2010). In relation to McKinsey’s 7s framework, the structure factor is an important one that divides the assigned tasks and provides various activities for the maintenance of co-ordination among the employees. In order to maintain an adequate structure, Oman Air imparts training to its members or staffs in a well organised manner and thus by delivering proper and efficient training, the company maintains the co-ordination among their members or staffs. In relation to systems, the processes, procedures and methods ultimately make a business organisation to grow and expand. The systems of Oman Air include innovative aircraft manufacturing along with repairing services and also retain a high pattern of technical processes in the most effective as well as in professional manner (Oman Air, 2012). In context to style, the perception of top officials of the business eventually creates a brand image within the organisation. The ideas or the co ncepts that have been initialised by the board members and other senior management officials of Oman Air assisted the company to attain a brand image while executing its business operations globally. In regard to staffs, the activities or the performances of the members or the staffs plays a significant role in order to attain expected outcomes along with
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Value chain Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Value chain - Case Study Example Studies from a range of disciplines show that global value chains have become much more prevalent and elaborate in the past 10 to 15 years.' Global value chains now contain activities that are tightly integrated and often managed on a day-to-day basis. The globalisation of value chains is motivated by a number of factors. Continuous growth of competition in domestic and international markets forces firms to become more efficient and lower costs. One way of achieving that goal is to source inputs from more efficient producers, either domestically or internationally, and either within or outside the boundaries of the firm. Emergence of new markets and access to strategic assets that can help tap into foreign knowledge is one of the important motivations of global value chain. Notwithstanding these anticipated benefits, engaging in global value chains also involves costs and risks for firms. Increasing liberalisation of trade and decreasing costs of transport and communication have made it possible for enterprises to split up production processes into more complex parts spread to an increasing degree across national borders. The result is often that each enterprise specialises in a core area of production while other activities are outsourced to suppliers. This leads to a fragmentation of the production process, which is counterbalanced by closer integration between the enterprise and its trading partners (Feenstra, 1998). Trade in intermediates Global value chains allow intermediate and final production to be outsourced abroad, leading to increased trade through exports and imports, and to a rapidly growing volume of intermediate inputs being exchanged between different countries. In 2003, 54% of world manufactured imports were classified as intermediate goods which include primary goods, parts and components and semi-finished goods. Relocations of existing activities Relocation of activities overseas is also a factor of growth of international sourcing. Sometimes implying the total or partial closure of the production in the home country while at the same time creating or expanding affiliates abroad producing the same goods and services as in the host country. More often, it is about the substitution of domestic stages of production by activities performed in foreign locations, with goods and services being exported from the host country to the home country. The basic purpose of relocation of activities is to gain higher product quality, efficient assets utilization with lower cost. Outsourcing and off shoring Global value chain made possible fragmentation of the production process across various countries, which have given rise to considerable restructuring in firms including the outsourcing and off shoring of certain functions. Outsourcing typically involves the purchase of intermediate goods and services from outside specialist providers, while off shoring refers to purchases by firms of intermediate goods and services from foreign providers, or to the transfer of particular tasks within the firm to a foreign location (Figure 1). Off shoring thus includes both international outsourcing where activities are contracted out to independent third parties abroad and international in-sourcing to foreign affiliates. http://www.oecd.o
Purchasing and supplies Essay Example for Free
Purchasing and supplies Essay Purchasing can be traced as far back as 2800 BC in cuneiform clay tablets purchasing orders. Curiously only during the past two countries has purchasing been addressed in trade books and text books. In 1832 Charles Babbage addressed purchasing in his book â€Å"On the Economy, Machinery and Manufacturing†The first book devoted specifically to purchasing, â€Å"The Handling of Railway Supplies: The Purchase and Disposition†published in 1887 was authored by Marshall M. Kirkman. The first college textbook on purchasing was authorized by Howard T. Lewis of Harvard University in 1933. Although interest of purchasing and supply function has been a phenomenon in the 20th, it was recognized as independent and importing function well before 1900. Growth of interest and attention to purchasing was rather uneven in the early 1900’s but by 1915, several books on purchase had appeared and several articles had been published in trade press primarily in the engineering journals. Yet prior to World War I (1914-1918) most firms regarded the purchase function primarily as a clerical activity. However during the world war, the ability to obtain raw materials supplies ad services needed to keep the factories and mines operating were the 3 key determinates of organizational success. Attention was given to the organization policies and procedures for purchase functions, and so it emerged as a recognized management activity. Historically since management interest has focused on research and development, marketing, finance and operations, purchasing has frequently been subordinated to these functions. Mangers are however becoming aware impact on the bottom line that does any other functions. It is with such insights the purchasing has evolved and evolves through the following four stages. Passive stage- Purchasing function has no strategic direction and primarily reacts to the requests of other functions, This stage is characterized by: a) High proportion and individual communications due to purchasing low visibility b) Supplier selections based on price and availability. Independent stage- Purchasing functions adopts the latest purchasing techniques and processes, but its strategic direction is independent of the firms competitive strategic. In this stage; a) Performance is based primary on cost reduction and efficiency measures. b) Coordination links are established between purchasing and technical discipline. c) Top management recognizes the importance of professional development. d) Top management recognizes the opportunities in purchasing for contribution to profitability Supportive- Purchasing function support the firm’s competitive strategy by adoption purchasing techniques and products which strengthens the firm’s competitive position In this stage; a) Purchase is included in sales proposal teams. b) Suppliers are considered a resource with emphases on experience motivation and attitude. c) Market product and suppliers are continuously monitored and analyzed. iv) Integrative stage- Purchasing strategy is fully integrated into the firm’s competitive strategy and constitutes part of an integrated effort among peers to formulate and implement a strategic plan. In this stage; a) Cross-functional training of purchasing professionals executive is made available b) Permanent lines of communication are established among other functional areas. c) Professional development focuses on strategic elements of the competitive strategy d) Purchasing performance is measures in terms of contributions to the firm’s success 1.3 The Role of the Purchasing Department The purchasing department is expected by the management to fulfill the following five rights Right Time Right Price These rights are also referred to as the principles of purchasing. In order to undertake these rights the purchasing department delineates the following as in roles; To support company operations with an uninterrupted flow of materials and services. ii)To buy competitively- Keep abreast of the forces of demand and supply that regulate prices and material availability on the market; understanding suppliers cost structure and ability to help reduce it further; price negotiation to help reach a fair price. To buy wisely- Continual search for better vales that yield the best combination of quality service and price; reconciling users needs with suppliers capabilities by use of cross functional teams; To keep inventory investment and inventory losses at a practical minimum. To develop good relationship with suppliers community and good Continuing relationship with active suppliers- good relationship with potential suppliers is invaluable. To achieve maximum integration with other departments of the firmUnderstanding major needs of user departments and provide such support as; standardization of programmes, future price forecasting, make or buy analysis and providing a repository of information and data from suppliers. To handle the purchasing and supply management function proactively and in a professional cost effective manner- Continual analysis of activities to eliminate those that only marginally contribute to the effectiveness of the organization and establishing policies and procedures that achieve departments objectives in the most cost effective manner 1.4 The Contribution of Purchasing Department to the Overall Firm’s Performance As a function, purchasing is common to all types of business operations. The purchasing department however is an organizational unit of a firm whose duties may include responsibility for part or all of the purchasing function and additional activities as well. As a matter of fact, the purchasing function is usually performed most effectively and efficiently by a centralized unit made of buying specialist who a time may work in conjunction with a more comprehensive cross-functional team of specialists. Prior to the 1950, the purchasing department was a clerically oriented order placing unit. In the ensuing years however, managerial emphasis has focused on specialization of individual buying activities, professionalism and contribution to the firm’s profit. This emphasis by the management on the purchasing department has been borne out to of the realization of the profit potential of purchasing as a function. Every shilling saved in purchasing is equivalent to a new shilling in profit. The profit margin of a firm is usually given as.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Economic Growth of Dubai
Economic Growth of Dubai Is Dubai Playing It Right? Nowadays there doesnt seem to be an end to human needs. People aspire for prosperity prosperous life, a good job, a good house, to drive a well manufactured car, and even to have a huge Bank account!! These aims may be a little bit crashed because of the economic crisis that has recently hit the world. Many countries after this crisis tried to recover and rebuilt their economy and return to be stronger and face this crisis. Others couldnt do that as this economy crisis hit it very hard as this country resources are not good enough or rich enough to get over it. From the countries that were hit by this economic crisis is Dubai. Dubai is a very fast growing country economically, it is the meeting point between the East and the West, it links between western modern life and eastern hospitality. Dubai is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates UAE. There is nothing you cant find in Dubai from beautiful beaches and clear aqua blue seas to indoor activities, an underwater hotel and skyscrapers, there is never a shortage of things to do in Dubai. It has the biggest airport in the world, the largest man-made port in the world, the largest Mall in the world, the only 7 Stars Hotel in the World, the largest Skyscraper in the world and finally the largest Theme Park in the world which is about 3 times bigger in size than Disney World in Orlando !! as came in The question is; is it a right way to become a leading economic country at this short time? People might think that it is not the best path for development; because there are some barriers. First, resources being under stress. Second, large amounts of loans leading to debts, and Third, people that might lose their jobs and companies that might shut down if the economy falls down. One of the reasons that support this point of view is that any developing country it should have enough resources for investment especially if we are talking about the UAE, many of these countries contain Oil resources except Dubai This city state is purely a business city wholly depending upon tourism and other business. Dubai World, attract world entrepreneurs that started spending more and more on building fine roads, and 7 Star Hotels. Prasadjain said in an article entitled Financial crisis in Dubai, reasons and effects. So Dubai is not an Oil Country and depend mainly on money that it earns from these investments especially tourism sector. But immediately after this economic crisis a rumor spread that after the Atlantis opening ( which cost about 1.5Bn Dollars ) the hotel was only charging 10 percent of the original price and has only about 26 percent occupancy as mentioned in Diversification Dubais Downfall by Helena Axelson Fisk. Also it was published that Dubai began to pron ounce a plan for building two more villages like Al Nakheel (Palm Island) which is a group of Islands on the shape of a Palm that cost about 110Bn Dollars before it was even completed! As published in BBC News website. Huge investments surely need massive amount of money, this condition is not available in Dubai, it tend to Borrow money from Banks all over the world, leading to debts then failure to repay. UAE faces up to $184 Billion total debt according to estimates by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, also the Bank said that Dubai only faces almost $50 billion of debt amortization in the next three years: $12 billion in 2010, $19 billion in 2011 and $18 billion in 2012as mentioned by Sebastian Tong in article entitled UAE faces up to $184 billion total debt: BofA-Merrill Lynch. Also there are many Banks that were hit because of Dubai inability to repay Banks were hit particularly hard on concerns over Dubais ability to pay back its debts as came on BBC News, some of these Banks are Barclays which was the biggest faller down by 8%, followed by Royal Bank of Scotland, which lost 7.8%. Dubai asked for a six-month delay on debt repayments it was due to repay $3.5Bn in December. Other reason that strengthens my position is that a fast economic growing country should have a strong market study and economic plan to preserve peoples jobs as when it falls down, people might lose their jobs and companies might shut down, thats what happened in Dubai when it was hit by economic crisis. Nowadays a lot of people were fired and lost their jobs because companies couldnt pay them. Lots of people have left my neighbor, an architect from the US, was fired and her whole company was shut down. A western journalist said as mentioned in BBC News. Other witness to these incidents A lot of our friends have lost jobs, particularly senior management in human resources and information technology, some have stayed here, but others have left, says Grace, in an article by Michael Buchanan. It reached that people leaving Dubai and parking their cars in the airport. On a recent walk around the car park at Dubai Airport, there were more than two dozens cars that looked completely aban doned by their owners. Some people wrote little messages on the layers of sand that have gathered on the vehicles. One says Gone 4 Ever, and another says He will return Inshallah This was mentioned by Michael Buchanan as well. Concerning losing jobs as well Buchanan mentioned that The competition for jobs is fierce now, whereas there would be two people for one job before, I think there is ten now. The opportunities arent there as much and the salaries arent there. Its just getting worse and worse! On the other hand, some people might disagree with this point of view and assure that Dubai will make it and survive peacefully from this economic trap as Abu Dhabi; Dubais Twin has just lent it $ 10Bn to repay her debts as mentioned by Margaret Coker in an article entitled Dubais Rescue Boosts Others. But it would be the same and the circle would not stop as its going to be a Series of Debts. Finally, Dubai should take step by step in her economical growth and not jumps, plus its not the top needs of citizens to have this luxurious fantasy life, by this amount of money Dubai might have done many important projects to help the 3rd World Countries, these amounts of money can be charged to many productions that might aid the needs of people all over the world. Works Cited Title: UAE faces up to $184 billion total debt: BofA-Merrill Lynch Site: Date Published: 27 Nov. 2009 Date Access: 15 Dec. 2009 URL Name: Prasdjain Title: Financial crisis in Dubai Reasons and Effects Site: Date Access: 17 Dec. 2009 URL Title: Shares hit by Dubai debt problems Site: Date Published: 26 Nov. 2009 Date Access: 15 Dec. 2009 URL Name: Helena Axelson Fisk Title: Diversification Dubais Downfall Site: Date Published: 30 Nov. 2008 Date Access: 15 Dec. 2009 URL Title: Views from Dubai The end of the dream Site: Date Published: 27 Nov. 2009 Date Access: 15 Dec. 2009 URL Name: Michael Buchanan Title: Time of transition in Dubai as construction work cut Site: Date Published: 6 Dec. 2009 Date Access: 17 Dec. 2009 URL
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Jane Goodall Essay -- essays research papers
Goodall, Jane. Through a Window. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990.      Jane Goodall’s books, Through a Window, In the Shadow of Man, and The Chimpanzees of Gombe, recount her many years as an observer of chimpanzees and other species of monkeys. In Through a Window, she gives her account of thirty years with chimpanzees in the village of Gombe, off of Lake Tanganyika. During those thirty years with her son and husband, she observed and researched the chimpanzees with the help of other researchers. This book is a collection of the observations and data, in addition to the emotions she felt during this era. The theme of Through a Window is that chimpanzees have very human characteristics and feelings, and she proves this through her descriptions of love, war, power, and life in general.      The African community of Gombe remains the center of the events throughout the book. Goodall describes it as â€Å"peaceful†and â€Å"hauntingly beautiful†(Goodall 2). The monkeys are the main residents in this beautiful place, as they can suddenly take over any calmness or serenity that was once there. â€Å"Goblin abruptly sat up and, almost at once†¦instant pandemonium broke out.†(Goodall 2). Many characters are born and die throughout the story, and their setting is always described, as if being compared to the eternalness of nature. â€Å"The field staff found Charlie’s dead body lying near the Kahama Stream†(Goodall 106).    &n...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Destruction of Willy Loman in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays
The Destruction of Willy Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman     Willy Loman is a travelling salesman who has worked for the Wagner firm for 34 years. He is now 61 years old and his job has been taken off salary and put on commission. He has a family and he boasts to them that he is "vital in New England," but in fact he isn’t vital anywhere. Willy has many strong beliefs that he strives to achieve. He wants to own his own business and he wants to be "bigger than Uncle Charley" and especially he wants to be a great success and he tries to emulate Dave Singleman. He wishes to die the "Death of a Salesman" and have many buyers and salesmen mourn for him. He also tries to be a good father, and husband. However Willy’s aims in life have been useless as he hasn’t really achieved anything. He got fired by Howard, his sons are both failures and they abandoned him in a restaurant toilet. His relationship with his wife is plagued by his guilt for committing adultery. He has to borrow $50 a week from Charley. He can’t even keep his mind on one thing for a long time. He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true. After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person under normal circumstances, being retrenched is a time when you feel useless. But for Willy, since everything else is going wrong at the same time, he feels like a useless old man. Willy thought that just because he named his boss, that he would have a secure future with the company but as Charley said "them things don’t mean anything? You named him Howard, but you can’t sell that." Even though Willy wasn’t even getting paid a salary, Howard didn’t want him to even represent the company in case Willy "cracked up" again. Although Willy is mostly destroyed by his own ideals there are other things that destroy him as well, like Howard, Happy and Biff. Willy is emotionally destroyed when Howard fires him. Then, both of his sons disown and abandon him in Frank’s Chop House.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Is Consumer Society a Divided Society? Essay
A consumer society is a society where people often buy new goods that they do not need (buy goods that are not necessary) and in which places a high value on owning many things (a high value placed on consumption of those goods). This essay will outline how social division is created through consumption and the consequences of consuming. It will first outline what Zygmunt Bauman calls the seduced and the repressed and how people are divided in our society based on these terms. It will then show evidence to support these claims by looking at the study of retail parks by Peter Jackson. Finally this essay will outline the two big supermarket (two different market) powers, namely, the zero-sum power and the positive-sum power and give evidence to support this by outlining the big supermarkets such as Tesco being the main one and how these two powers being looked at by showing two sides of an argument. (use the evidence gathered on big chain supermarket Tesco in the UK to support these tw o oppositional concepts by looking at the both sides of the argument) Not everyone is able to consume equally, firstly we will look at the seduced and the repressed. They are two divided (divisions in a) consumer society. According to a social scientist Zygmunt Bauman (1988), people in contemporary western society can be broadly divided into two groups. The seduced what Bauman calls, are the people who can afford to consume to a greater degree than others. An example of the seduced are the people who have a secure job with a really good income, them having to consume greater than others gives them a social membership with a positive identity. However the seduced not only include with (with not needed) people who have enough money to buy goods and services, but also the ones who are seen by the consumer society as valued members, both by other consumers and by those who have something to sell to a lucrative market. They are the employed, older people with good pensions and savings, those who are able to achieve their aspiration such as talent, good looks, or a particular skill that is valued and financially rewarded within the society. So in Bauman term the seduced are also those who are in a position to be admitted to a membership in a society because in the eyes of others they are able to consume affectively. This also creates pressure to conform because not doing so could easily lead to a social exclusion and a devalued identity. (not using your own words, too much direct quoting) Examples of the repressed are in Bauman terms, the repressed are the ones who are excluded from this consumer society or who are pushed to its margins. They are the unemployed, low paid, insecure or temporary working, recently arrived migrants or those often who are not in a position to participate to (in) the consumer society. Clearly this shows that income has a lot to do with these divisions and shows that whether a person belongs to one of the categories of the seduced or the repressed. (Hetherington, 2009, p. 25) In evidence to Bauman’s argument is an example of Peter Jackson, a geographer who has carried out a study of retail parks in the mid 1990’s in north London to try to offer an explanation of why these sites were becoming popular, he and his team of researchers asked customers why do they like shopping in these type of sites, (new sentence?) what they found in their studies, are that customers who shop in malls is because not only do (do this not only because) these shopping malls provide a vast range of goods but also the positive view of them being safe, it is convenient for them and a modern place to go shopping with their families. As the streets were seen as a place of crime, disorder and unclean, the view of the street did not look as welcoming and safe like the shopping mall did. The risks seen in this are the social exclusion. The ones who are poor and old may find themselves excluded because they have difficulty to shop there as they do not have access to a car to get to these sites because these sites are miles away or the money they can spend when they get there. Likewise the success of these sites has an effect on the other fewer sites that provide cheap consumer goods. Then these shops cannot compete with the large retail parks so they go out of business. By looking at his studies it shows (one sees) the effect of consumption and the division that is created (in a society through inclusion and exclusion). We, as consumers, divide ourselves from the society, sometimes without even realizing it and what leads us to these divisions are the large supermarkets. Large Supermarkets play a big role in dividing the society we live in. There are two sides of an argument of how large supermarkets are (described?) in terms of power (what supermarkets do or can do with their power). They are (There are or There can be either a) the zero-sum power and (or) the positive-sum power. An example of zero-sum power is thinking of it as a game where there are only losers and winners or where one gains and the other loses. What supermarkets have been doing is that they provide cheap goods for the consumers and a lot of choices therefore making the small businesses looked at (seen), as losers in zero-sum power term and the large supermarkets (seen) as winners due to the fact that most of the money has gone to them because we as the consumers are lead (led or attracted) there by the (the not needed) cheap goods and a lot of amount of choices they provide us (provide us with or provide for us). So the result are small Independent stores are been put out of business. But the pro-supermarkets lobby don’t (does not) see it as that, they see it as a positive-sum power where there are only winners and no losers the best way to describe this is where all parties benefit to some extent for instance by having a large supermarkets gives the consumer a lot of choices so don’t have to waste their time looking for what they need elsewhere and also they provide a lot of job opportunities for the local un employed (Allen, 2009, p. 66) Tesco being in the lead since 1995, it has slowly increased its market share to around one-third of all groceries shops in the UK. As for Sainsbury’s local or Tesco Express, small independent stores find it difficult to compete. Due to the dominance of the big supermarkets small independent stores are been (being) put out of business or to put it in a social science term: a zero-sum power is being used. The end result is the high street stripped of diversity and life as the big four limit the possible range and type of shops available. The Federation of small businesses points out that, since 2000, some 7000 local grocery stores have been lost, with independents closing at the rate of 2000 a year, whereas, over the same period, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Morrisons have doubled the number of stores that they operate (Federation of small businesses, 2006). The anti-supermarkets campaigners they (they not needed) argue that this retail power to consume their (is what gives consumers a) little choice over where people (they) can shop, or only choice the shoppers have are Tesco or Asda, Sainsbury’s or Morrisons (Allen, 2009 p. 72) But big supermarkets see it as a positive-sum power they don’t (try to use full form i.e. do not) just offer a lot of job opportunities for the local unemployed but also work for places like Bangladesh. Since the mid 1990’s, the garment industry in Bangladesh has grown rapidly, with some 2.5 million people working in the thousands of factories. These factories represent a path out of poverty and according to Martin Wolf (2004), an economic journalist on the financial times (Financial Times), the last thing a country like this would want is for the big retailers to stop sourcing their labour from them. (Allen, 2009 p. 91) This essay has outlined how division is created through consumption and looked at two sides of the argument. It first described the two division used by Bauman the repressed and the seduced then provided Peter Jackson’s study of the retail park as evidence. Then finally this essay outlined the powers of the supermarkets the zero-sum power and the positive sum power then in evidence showed two sides of an argument of how the big four supermarkets are looked at (use their power). So overall the way people consume and how big retailers influence consumers in terms of power divides our society. (a bit too short?)
Thursday, October 10, 2019
What Is Strategic Spatial Planning Environmental Sciences Essay
IntroductionStrategic spacial planning is arguably an attack which rails against the discourse of the scientific rational comprehensive theoretical accounts of be aftering which has and still does keep a big influence in current manners of planning. This short essay will hopefully explicate to contrivers why a strategic spacial planning attack is more contributing in the current context which we find ourselves in. This will be done through replying a set of inquiries which will clear up the attack, its intent and methods, how it differs from rational comprehensive attacks of maestro planning and land usage planning, why contrivers should utilize it, what can be expected from it, and its utility.What is Strategic Spatial Planning?Strategic spacial planning is a method to assist work out complex spatial jobs through making strategic visions and new spacial individualities. Harmonizing to Kaufman and Jacobs ( in Albrechts, 2001 ) strategic systems originated in the US around the 1950 â €˜s due to the demand for quickly altering and turning corporations to be after efficaciously and pull off their hereafters at a clip when the hereafter seemed ill-defined. In Europe, strategic spacial planning dated back to the 1920s and 30s, and was used to direct the activities of others ( Mastop in Albrechts, 2001 ) . From Albrechts ( 2006 ) it can be understood that the word ‘spatial ‘ brings into focal point the ‘where ‘ of things, the creative activity and direction of particular ‘places ‘ and sites every bit good as the interrelatednesss between different activities in an country, and important intersections and nodes within an country. This spacial focal point allows for a more effectual manner of incorporating different dockets – such as, economic, societal, and cultural – and their spacial impacts ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . The word ‘strategy ‘ has its roots within a military context ; in ancient conflict ground forcess would work out a scheme prior to the conflict on how best to get the better of the enemy. It is understood that this type of scheme had four basic elements – an accurate apprehension of the existent state of affairs, realistic ends, focused resources in countries where they would be most effectual, and continuity of the action until the coveted result is achieved ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . These elements are strongly rooted in systems of strategic spacial planning. In its entireness, strategic spacial planning is a procedure which is directed at a limited figure of strategic cardinal issue countries. It determines an countries strengths and failings in the context of its chances and menaces ; it scans external tendencies, and the resources that are available. It gathers major public and private stakeholders and allows for a wide and diverse procedure of engagement. It develops a realistic long-run vision along with schemes in order to pull off and act upon spacial alteration. Importantly it is orientated towards determinations, actions, consequences, and execution, in the short, average and long-run ( Albrechts, 2001 ) . â€Å" It is so impossible to understand material topographic points and societal nodes such as ‘the metropolis ‘ , ‘the city-region ‘ and ‘the part ‘ in footings of a unidimensional hierarchy of graduated tables †( Albrechts, 2010:6 ) . This definition illustrates that strategic spacial planning is non a individual construct or process, but it is a set of constructs, processs and tools that are tailored carefully to whatever state of affairs is presented ( Albrecht, 2001 ) . Furthermore it is a development-led attack and a transformative and integrative, public sector-led, and socio-spatial procedure through which a vision, consistent actions and agencies for execution are produced ; these are so able to determine and border what a topographic point is and its potency of what it may go ( Albrechts, 2006 )How does it differ from MASTER PLANNING and LAND USE PLANNING?In order to understand the difference one needs to understand the principle of land usage planning and maestro planning. Land usage planning is a procedure of be aftering which is concerned with the location, strength, signifier, sum, and harmonisation of land development required for a assortment of spacial utilizations ; such as lodging, industry, diversion, conveyance, instruction, and agribusiness. A land usage program in this case fundamentally embodies a proposal as to how land should be used within a set of considered policy as enlargement and restructuring advancement in the hereafter ( Albrechts, 2004 ) . Traditional land usage planning is a more inactive planning attack aimed at commanding land usage through a zoning system and through ordinances. This harmonizing to Albrechts ( 2006 ) seems unfit for bridging the spread between plan-making, political decision-making and execution. This was one of the grounds why the demand arose for a different type of be aftering – a move off from regulative policy and instruments to a development-led attack which aims to step in more straight, coherently and selectively in societal world and development – strategic spacial planning ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . For Albrechts ( 2001 ) strategic spacial planning is to a certain extent rendered towards an integrated socio-economic class of action that supersedes the mere focal point on land usage planning. For Master Planning on the other manus, Friedman ( 2007 ) found that it is about a universally recognized signifier of planning pattern. His study found that in state after state, metropoliss through their authoritiess are mandated to bring forth maestro programs. Basically within these maestro programs states specify future land utilizations and location determinations. Maestro planning is a wholly inactive pattern and harmonizing to Friedman ( 2007 ) it needs to be rethought as it is out of line with the dynamic flows of globalization. Friedman ( 2007 ) defines master be aftering as being typically municipal programs instead than regional programs, and as being entirely concerned with land usage instead than with the entire spectrum of urban policy issues. They are drawn up by a specialised subdivision of municipal authorities instead than through a wider procedure of collaborative deliberation, and the procedure used to pull up maestro programs and acquiring them approved takes old ages therefore rendering them out-dated by the clip they can be implemented. Besides they are top-down, with comparatively minimal citizen engagement, and in conclusion when it comes to big scale undertakings ; maestro programs are frequently set aside to let for necessary alterations in land usage and circulation forms ( Friedman, 2007 ) . Opposing this, spacial planning is derived non from an functionary, compulsory character like maestro planning but from a function that coordinates instruments closely intertwined with urban policy formation and the design and execution of large-scale undertakings. Spatial be aftering involves a scope of histrions that include communities, authorities functionaries and private stakeholders. The chief intent of spacial planning is non to mandate peculiar land uses – as is in the case of maestro be aftering – but to let for a better coordination of urban policies and large-scale undertaking developments across infinite, to prove alternate policies and designs through revising their societal deductions, and to let for an informed public discourse about them ( Friedman, 2007 ) . In metropoliss such as the new downtown peninsula of Vancouver, maestro planning has been abandoned for systems of spacial planning in which be aftering returns by manner of affecting public hearings, bargaining, and dialogues. The consequences of this passage over a period of 25 old ages are testimony to the viability non merely of the Vancouver theoretical account but besides of the more abstract spacial planning theoretical account ( Friedman, 2007 ) .What are its chief PURPOSES and METHODS?Strategic spacial planning as mentioned earlier is used for complex jobs where governments at different degrees and different sectors and private histrions are reciprocally dependent ( Albrecht, 2001 ) . The theoretical account designs plan-making constructions and develops content, images and determination models which can act upon and pull off spacial alteration. It is about building new thoughts and processes that can transport these constructions through, therefore bring forthing ways of ap prehension, ways of consensus, and ways of organizing and mobilising for the intent of exercising influence in different spheres ( Albrecht, 2006 ) . Both is the short and long term, strategic spacial planning focal points on bordering determinations, actions, undertakings, consequences and execution, and incorporates monitoring, feedback, accommodation and alteration of the result. Its intent therefore is non a new political orientation prophesying a new universe order but as a method for making and maneuvering a better hereafter for a topographic point based on shared values ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . Albrechts ( 2006 ) goes farther on to explicate that the seven chief purposes of a strategic undertaking are – to develop an incorporate advanced attack for the assorted undertaking types ; to develop a to the full operational model based on sustainability ; to develop tools for quality direction ; to broaden the multi-actor/multi-level policy scenes and to measure current scenes ; to circulate the attack ; to develop an educational theoretical account ; and to set up a web of cognition between research workers, professionals, and authoritiess ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . The capacity for these undertakings to present the coveted result is dependent foremost on the system itself and on the conditions underlying it – such as structural restraints, and political, cultural, and professional attitudes towards spacial planning. The planning procedure is non intended to flux swimmingly from one stage to the following. It is a dynamic and originative procedure wherein new positions and facts that arise today may change the determinations made yesterday ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . This illustrates that it is ne'er a fixed procedure but is in a uninterrupted start of alteration from get downing to stop. The visions and frames which guide this procedure are ne'er ‘a given ‘ , instead they are to be constructed. The procedure of picturing is the procedure by which groups develop visions of future provinces for themselves, their administrations, metropolis, or their part that are clear, powerful and realistic. Basically this means that the visions are to be constructed within a specific context and scale sing issues that are of involvement within that infinite and within a peculiar combination of histrions. This is to be done within a method that to the full recognises the conditions of power, inequality, and diverseness. â€Å" The vision describes a metropolis or part as it may look like in the hereafter, and it must appeal to the long-run involvements of histrions who have a interest in the metropolis or part †( Albrechts, 2010:8 ) .Why do this sort of planning?Strategic spacial planning undertakings conduct an in-depth survey of the country, therefore giving pen chant to the location being affected over anything else. With this these undertakings study external tendencies and the resources available hence leting for a wide and diverse procedure. Besides, by doing usage of this type of planning, contrivers are able to aim a assortment of countries ; including urban, rural, and economic countries ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . In the case of urban countries, strategic urban undertakings are utile as they aim to consolidate, transform, restructure or recycle the urban countries for new and emerging demands from public and private histrions. With respects to rural countries, strategic undertakings are utile as they aim to transform rural and suburban kineticss into a more sustainable and qualitative signifier of development while non burying to heighten the cultural significance of these infinites. Last, economic countries are seen as an of import portion of the attempt to maintain up international economic fight. Strategic undertakings seek to turn away from the old construct of concern Parkss spacial construct and direction to a focal point on the demands of houses that are to be translated into specifically designed employment locations ( Albrechts, 2006 ) .And what can we anticipate from it?This inquiry can be divided into two parts ; ‘we ‘ as contrivers and ‘we ‘ as the populace and private histrions. First, the essay will mean to the reference the latter portion. Strategic spacial planning undertakings are strategic to accomplish visions, ends, and aims from a assortment of policy sectors, and are to incorporate the community being affected. Visions is arguably one of the most of import factors of strategic undertakings as they are expected to be placed within the specific context, topographic point, clip and degree, and are to see specific issues that are of involvement to the different histrions ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . Basically what can be expected from strategic spacial planning undertakings is a critical analysis of the chief procedures and structural restraints which form infinites, which adds into a realistic, dynamic, integrated, and declarative long-run vision. It will supply a program for short-run and long-run actions, a budget, and a flexible scheme for execution ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . In footings of the undertakings eventual execution, it will supply believable committednesss to action battle and a clear and expressed nexus to the budget therefore leting for citizens, private-sector, different degrees of administration, and contrivers to come in a consensus ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . ‘We ‘ as contrivers will anticipate a different set of tools, tools which will steer the contriver on what to anticipate when moving as a strategic spacial contriver. For Albrechts ( 2010 ) , he finds it unthinkable that the contriver should move simply as a impersonal perceiver and chorus from playing a function in the building of visions and images. Alternatively, Albrechts suggests that contrivers should be needfully involved, and instrumental in confirming, explicating and implementing images and visions. This is a logical position, as if contrivers simply observe, there expertness in certain state of affairss are non shared, and their utility would be greatly undermined. Strategic spacial contrivers are to alternatively, challenge their ain ‘mental discourse ‘ which limit their creativeness, and get down afresh therefore leting for their creativeness and resourcefulness to flux and to be used in formulating, designing, and constructing new constructs and discourses ( Albrechts, 2010 ) .How utile is it?Strategic spacial planning is a flexible procedure that trades with complex jobs and is able to repair to a broad scope of jobs, but besides trades with each job unambiguously. This characteristic makes the attack really utile as it applies to a scope of different issues. For illustration ; the metropolis of Barcelona started utilizing a strategic planning attack in 1988 in order to heighten the cooperation between the public and private sector with the hope that the sweeten ing will beef up the place of the metropolis as a campaigner for the Olympic Games ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . The metropolis of Turin which was inspired by Barcelona besides undertook a strategic attack in the mid 1990 ‘s, for Turin this formed the footing for rethinking the potency of a former monopolistic town that had been extremely affected by the rise of the car industry. The purpose for Strategic spacial planning here was to transform Turin into a European city – â€Å" a metropolis of activities and know-how †( Albrechts, 2010:5 ) . For the metropolis of Bilbao, the vision was to transport the metropolis into the economic, fiscal, and cultural capital of the Atlantic Arc. Last, for Prague, strategic spacial planning focused on incorporating the metropolis into European constructions ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . From this it is clear that strategic spacial planning is applicable to a diverse scope of issues and can accommodate easy to what is required in the context for which it is visualizing, therefore rendering it a utile attack to planning.DecisionFrom the information discussed in this essay the attack of strategic spacial planning has been explained. Through utilizing such an attack to be aftering it can be deduced that infinites can be become more active and synergistic both on a local graduated table – and the sectors within that scale – and on an international graduated table. â€Å" In short, episodes of strategic spacial planning informed by â€Å" relational complexness †constructs which accumulate sufficient power to â€Å" go †efficaciously and have digesting stuff and mental effects should be judged in the long-run in footings of their capacity to enrich the inventive resources, originative energies and administration civilizations through which quality of life and experience of diverse citizens and stakeholders in peculiar topographic points are likely to be enhanced. †( Healey, 2006:19 )
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10
Ethics - Essay Example Therefore, it is by nature that virtues arise in human beings as human beings are adapted by nature to get them and are made naturally by nature. In nature, human beings acquire the potential and later exhibit the activity. On the other hand, we had the sense of hearing seeing and smelling before we used them, but these virtues are acquired by exercise and practice. For the things that we have to learn before they are done, one must practice good deeds in order to be good. Virtue is a quality of character and is expressed by how a person behaves. Virtue can be taught only if it is the knowledge of something. Virtue is a good value. Anybody possessing something of good character can only benefit from it rather than acquire it. Therefore, any quality of virtue not guided by understanding can be harmful and of no use to anybody. For example, a person’s beauty can harm him or her physically if the beauty is used foolishly; it is of no benefit to that person. Virtue being a quality of character benefits the person who possesses it and it can be argued that knowledge is part of virtue. In accordance with age, children do not act out of virtue as compared to adults and this explains further that virtue does not emerge from that part of our character rather than nature itself. Knowledge therefore, is not a natural innate but is an acquired trait. Those who acquire virtue get it from learning and exercising its values. If virtue can be acquired by learning, then people can be taught virtue by trained professionals. Sophists ar e teachers of virtue who teach arts of persuasions and rhetoric and on the other hand, they are not concerned with the result of what they teach regardless of the skills. People who are virtuous such as elders are best skilled and experienced to teach virtue to others by examples, advice, and explanations as they were taught by other elders during their time. These
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international Essay - 1
Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you - Essay Example My mother and father figures have played quintessential roles within our lives and most significantly within my life’s folds. I value them for their coveted place and nothing at all can come close to matching them in entirety. Ever since I have graduated from school in 2001, my parents want me to go for the PhD degree program which would eventually complete me as a qualified and educated person. As we hail from Saudi Arabia, I understand why my parents want me to be educated because my mother brought me to America for completion of my education. Such is the kind of emphasis that our family pays towards education in essence. Both my parents were studying within America and this is one of the reasons why both my parents would require me to be a part of the Chapman University, which is indeed an esteemed place to acquire education. I hope that I can live up to the dreams of my parents and attain the PhD degree at the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Web-based system Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Web-based system - Research Paper Example First, in a relational table, the rows should always be distinct. Second, the values in the column should not be repeating groups or allays. Examples of relational database systems include MySQL, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL(Ticknor and Corcoran, 2011). The traditional way where databases were just one long text files known as tab delimited file was very tedious because the user had to search through the whole file in order to get the required data. However, relational databases make it very easy to find information and sort it according to field and produce reports that have only the required fields. Also, they help the user to compare data quickly due to the arrangement of information in columns, which helps relational database to build new tables from the information available on the existing tables. Moreover, relational databases are flexible since different tables with data can be manipulated easily by operators according to their needs (Ticknor and Corcoran, 2011). The security control, as well authorization can be easily implemented by moving certain attributes in a table into a different relation that has its own authorization controls among others. However, relational databases tend to have low performance especially in if the tables are large and many. They also consume a lot of physical storage and they extract data meaning quite slowly. A non relational database refers to a database that does not integrate the table/key model, which is promoted by the relational databases. They require manipulation of data processes and the applied techniques provide solutions to big data solutions mainly faced by large companies. The main examples of relational database systems include NoSQL and MongoDB. O’Brien and Marakas (2011) point out that non-relational databases are mainly incorporated into websites like Yahoo, Facebook and Amazon. However, although relational databases have
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Mortgage Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mortgage Crisis - Essay Example Subprime borrowers, with low rates of 7% to 8%, will see rates reset at numbers like 11%. Prime borrowers are seeing rates jump to 20% and more causing them to come near to defaulting on their loans. This increase in rates will create a domino effect altering most of the financial markets. The mortgage crisis is simply one side of the coin. With the failing economy mortgage lenders and banks are finding it hard to find the cash to support the foreclosures. With the low house demand and the growing defaults companies like American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. and Delta Financial Corp., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Bigger banks are suffering losses as they write down their losses with even a company like Merrill Lynch posting its largest loss in 94-years. With the drop in employment rates and the economy in one of its worst positions for more than a decade a recession seems to be on the way. How bad the crisis will be and how it will alter the consumers lifestyle is what has to be determined as the mortgage crisis takes the country by storm. Being a mortgage collector I have the opportunity to review some of the ARM's, interest only and flexible payment/negative amortization loans. I have found that they are all positioned as tools to help the borrower afford the house for a moment.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Paleontogly Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Paleontogly - Research Paper Example The contemporary representation of this sexual dimorphism is that it is a â€Å"single, unidimensional phenomenon that is displayed to greater (e.g. gorillas, orangutans) or lesser (e.g. humans) degrees in the different primate species†(Oxnard, 1987, 2). Furthermore, it is commonly believed to be mainly related to variations in general size of the body between sexes (Levinton, 2001). The implication for evolutionary theory is, that human sexual dimorphism in the past must have been significantly greater than it is in the present day, possibly more like that in the living primates (Oxnard, 1987). Understanding the human ancestry is regarded as one of the challenges in exploring human evolution. Nonetheless, several fossil hunters appear to believe that this implies that their mission is to find the pieces of the exact human antecedent in the field (Elewa, 2004). Similarly, several laboratory examiners appear to believe that this implies that their mission is proving that a certain fossil relic is that ancestor (Serafini, 1993). Exploring human evolution, even in the mind of the public, appears to be this issue of moving from ‘missing’ to ‘found’ links (Oxnard, 1987, 2). The challenge appears to be the unearthing of ancestors. But what is the certainty of this undertaking? Even from a population as large and concentrated as that of any major metropolitan area, and over as many as hundreds of generations, the statistical changes of any particular individual ever becoming fossilized and found by a paleontologist millions of years later must be almost infinitesimal. How much less must be the chances of finding representatives of populations of perhaps only a few thousand, scattered over an area of the world as large as Africa or Asia, during periods of time measured in hundreds of thousands, even millions of years (Oxnard, 1987, 3). Once humans are thousand years ahead of a death, possibly tens of thousands of
Friday, October 4, 2019
International Business Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International Business - Term Paper Example 54). Factor conditions discuss country’s consideration about production factors (e.g. skilled HR required in a certain industrial area) (Johnson, 2003, p. 54). Demand conditions evaluate country’s national market demand for the good/service to be produced. Related and supporting industries discuss the existence of internationally competitive industries in the home market. Firm strategy, structure and competition are issues defining principles of organizations’ creation, development and management in the home market. 3. Three common characteristics of Multi National Enterprise Multinational Enterprise has three general features: a large corporation with central office and many other branches worldwide. MNE make direct investments in local firms and considers peculiarities of product adaptation to the needs to every particular market (Johnson, 2003, p. 14). 4. Five basic steps in the strategic management process Strategic management is based on five basic steps. Fi rst of all, strategy, vision and mission must be developed (Kline, 2005, p. 67). This initial stage is crucial for any company because it sets the main principles of further company’s development. The next step is analysis of internal and external factors. In other words, on this stage company analyzes structural peculiarities of their company and discusses external factors influencing their business. The third step concerns ‘distillation’ of the best choices and possible steps. The fourth step is strategic plan development, which step-by-step describes strategic measures taken by a company. The fifth step is implementation and evaluation of steps considered above. 5. Foreign Direct Investment reasons Foreign direct investment implies company’s physical investment from one country into building a factory/creating some kind of a project etc in another country. Currently, there are several reasons for FDI (Johnson, 2003, p. 71). A desire to be global and to be a successful competitive participant in the international arena, reach potential clients overseas and access a new market are wide spread features of potential FDI. It is also important to note that once export of goods or services produced becomes critically increased then it is more efficient and cost effective to make FDI. 6. As political system change, economic system follows. Statement explanation. A change of political system is a natural process happening in every country. A constantly changing nature of mankind is explained by mankind development and thus countries’ development. When certain political processes take place, then internal income of the country, wealth and occupation of people is gradually changing. Economic development exerts influence on income equality. At this point linearity theory may be applied. In accordance with this theory economic development is a direct way to urbanization leading to communication and higher level of education and finally, to Democracy. Thus we can see a perfect interdependence between political and economic systems. 7. Privatization benefits Privatization is a kind of structural reform occurring in both developed and developing countries. The main goal of privatization is to reach more profound microeconomic efficiency and foster economic growth (Kline, 2005, p. 77). Abundance of inefficient
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Philosophy Reflection Essay Example for Free
Philosophy Reflection Essay This was my first major introduction into the study of philosophy, and I can honestly say that it has had a major impact on my belief system. Many of my views have been changed and my overall view on life is much different than it was five months ago. To me, the two most interesting works were the Tao and The Minds I. The Tao describes a really interesting way of life. Of all the philosophies weve read, it is the simplest and most beautiful. Instead of scanning for hidden meanings and analyzing all parts of life, Laozi just tells us to live life. Do no more than you have to do, but do everything you have to do. He tells us not to worry about death and just live life. I honestly think very simple and peaceful way of living can bring us much more happiness than we have now in our current society. However, the only way it can be implemented is if everyone follows the Tao, and that is nearly impossible in our current society. We should honestly try to live simpler lives and see the beauty of everyday things. The other work that really impacted me was The Minds I. Im not sure if it qualifies as a single work, but there were several important themes that really interested me and changed some of my views. The section that really interested me the most was the section describing intelligent machines and animals, and their relationship to humans. I had always considered humans superior to animals due to their intelligence and ability to communicate. I never thought too much about the idea of intelligent animals and even machines and their relationship to humans. An intelligent machine or animal that can communicate definitely would be on the same evolutionary level as humans, and thus there could be no way to justify creating an intelligent robotic servant or helper without harkening back to the ideology that prompted slavery. Also, destruction of this machine or animal would be equivalent to murder. However, I still so no moral objection to creating an intelligent robot, as long as we give it its own freedom, just as we would to one of our children. Its may be considered playing God, but if we are his greatest creations, we should have the right to test our limits. Only through a recreation of consciousness done and understood by us can we begin to understand our own consciousness as well as ourselves. I had never really thought about technology in this way and never seriously questioned the origin of my consciousness, so the Minds I really forced me to think about life in a different way. Throughout the term, I not only changed and reconsidered many of my views; I discovered things that I subconsciously believed without really thinking about it. My beliefs not only changed, I discovered beliefs that I never knew I had. Some of these views surfaced when reading certain works like The Mysterious Stranger and Nietzsche. Although these two works didnt change my deep-set views that much, it was interesting to see my instinctual beliefs get challenged. I discovered I was a pretty moderate thinker, but these readings caused many of my views on life to change. However, I still disagreed with many of the views expressed in class discussions with certain works, like the Tao. But then I realized that the Tao is designed to have different meanings to everyone who reads it so they could find their own way of life and thus doesnt lend itself well to class discussions. I saw that the way philosophy has evolved over the years mirrors the way society has changed throughout history. The older philosophies that weve read, like the Tao and Plato work, seem to try to tell us how to live our lives to get the most happiness and satisfaction out of it, and how to find the way or see the light. The more modern philosophies seem to disregard the idea of a true path and tell us how to live in the best way, but they dont guarantee happiness from it. The most interesting pieces for me were a mix of the modern and older philosophies, like Nietzsche and Socrates Apology (I guess because he lived in a ancient but modern society). Even though they were completely different and I completely disagreed with one of them, they were much more compelling to me. One important thing that I learned is that I hate reading about something that I agree on, I dislike having my views proven?by another writer and rather read new ideas and opinions. From all the texts read and discussions weve had this year, its hard to highlight just three things that I learned. One of the most stimulating texts to me was The Circular Ruins. Especially when read right after Is God a Taoist, this simple story made me reconsider all my beliefs on existence and God. Just like the main character was, we are kept in the dark about our condition, where we came from and how we exist. We claim an all-mighty God as our creator, and call ourselves superior beings in his image. However, whose to say that we are not just insignificant nothings, created by another being of no importance. Would that make us less real and important? From this story I learned to stop attaching importance and purpose to everything I do. Maybe there is a reason we dont know where we come from; perhaps we dont want to know. Another important lesson came from Reservation Blues. The main characters all had to deal with finding a cultural identity while trying to escape the trap of the white man. The only ones who made it out were the ones who had a strong cultural identity. They knew themselves and identified with their past before they attempted to escape the reservation. Victor and Junior either tried to ignore their past or couldnt come to terms with their heritage. They tried to escape before they were ready, and couldnt cope with the failure. The books point, despite the suicide and Victors destruction, was amazingly positive, it showed that if you come to terms with your past and yourself you can overcome any obstacle set against you, but you must have this understanding or you will destroy yourself. From The Razors Edge I learned a lot about the purpose of life from each of the vastly different characters. At first, it seems like the point of the story is that there is a difference between what we want and what makes us happy and fulfilled. Suzanne, Gray and Elliot all got what they wanted yet all seem to live unhappy, unfulfilled lives. Further inspection showed that they all are living the life that they fully wanted and expected to live, and they are perfectly content. Isabel wanted both Larry and high society type of life, and thus is disappointed with her life because she couldnt have both. Larry didnt know what he wanted out of life, so he took basically a timeout from the real world, went into seclusion and discovered what he wanted out of life. Now he, knowing full well what he wants, is the most satisfied of all the characters. The lesson to be learned is that happiness is completely relative, and thus you cannot call anyone a failure unless he considers himself one. Also, its all right to take some time out of the real world and relax, take a step back and see what you really want to do next. In the end, this class really has changed my views on the best kind of life. I still believe that you need to live the type of life that will make you the happiest and most satisfied, but I dont think that most people know what type of life that is. If you dont have a passion, dont force yourself into any profession. Explore the world and find something that really interests you otherwise you will get forced into a miserable life that you hate. If you have a passion, you have to follow it. You have to come in terms with who you are; understand and remember your past and childhood. We have to examine our lives to discover what we really want, then try to find it. We must simplify our actions, and we have to stop overanalyzing others actions and words. We have to lose our ego and sense of shame, and stop caring what people think of you. This is the simplest way to live and live happily, without having to adjust your actions to fit what other people expect from you. We have to stop fearing death and keep on living life in the happiest possible way. This will be the happiest, simplest and best life for everyone.
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