Monday, December 30, 2019
The First 30 Days of the George W. Bush Presidency
Setting priorities for his first term in 1933 was easy for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He had to save America from economic ruin. He had to at least begin to pull us out of our Great Depression. He did it, and he did it during what has now become known as his First Hundred Days†in office. On his first day in office, March 4, 1933, FDR called Congress into a special session. He then proceeded to drive a series of bills through the legislative process that reformed the U.S. banking industry, saved American agriculture and allowed for industrial recovery. At the same time, FDR wielded the executive order in creating the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Public Works Administration, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. These projects put tens of thousands of Americans back to work building dams, bridges, highways and much needed public utility systems. By the time Congress adjourned the special session on June 16, 1933, Roosevelts agenda, the New Deal, was in place. America, though still staggering, was off the mat and back in the fight. Indeed, the successes of Roosevelt’s First 100 Days gave credence to the so-called â€Å"stewardship theory†of the presidency, which contends that the President of the United States has the right, if not the duty, to do whatever best addresses the needs of the American people, within the limits of the Constitution and the law. Not all of the New Deal worked and it took World War II to finally solidify the nations economy. Yet, to this day, Americans still grade the initial performance of all new presidents against Franklin D. Roosevelts First Hundred Days. During their first hundred days, all new Presidents of the United States try to harness the carryover energy of a successful campaign by at least starting to implement the main programs and promises coming from the primaries and debates. The So-Called Honeymoon Period During some part of their first hundred days, Congress, the press, and some of the American people generally allow new presidents a honeymoon period, during which public criticism is held to a minimum. It is during this totally unofficial and typically fleeting grace period that new presidents often try to get bills through Congress that might face more opposition later in the term. The First Thirty-or-so of the First Hundred Days of George W. Bush Following his inauguration on January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush spent the first one-third of his First 100 Days by: Getting himself and his successors a raise in presidential salary -- to $400,000 a year -- as approved by Congress in the closing days of its last session;Reinstating the Mexico City policy denying US aid to countries that advocate abortion as a method of family planning;Introducing a $1.6 trillion tax cutting program to Congress;Launching a Faith-Based Initiative to help local charitable groups;Launching a New Freedom Initiative to help disabled Americans;Filling out his Cabinet including the controversial appointment of John Ashcroft as Attorney General;Welcoming a pistol firing visitor to the White House;Launching renewed air strikes against expanding Iraqi air defense systems.Taking on big labor unions in government contracting; andFinding out that an FBI agent may have spent years spying for Russia. So, while there were no depression-busting New Deals or industry-saving reforms, the first 30 days of the presidency of George W. Bush was far from uneventful. Of course, history will show that most of the rest of his 8 years in office would be dominated by dealing with the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terror attack a mere 9 month after his inauguration.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Advent of a National Hero - 1186 Words
Advent of A National Hero I. Introduction Dr. Jose Rizal is a unique example of a many-splendored genius who became the greatest hero of a nation. Endowed by God with versatile gifts, he truly ranked with the worlds geniuses. He was a physician(opthalmic surgeon), poet, dramatist, essayist, novelist, historian, architect, painter, sculptor, educator, linguist, musician, naturalist, ethnologist, surveyor, engineer, farmer, businessman, economist, geographer, cartographer, bibliophile, philologist, grammarian, folklorist, philosopher, translator, inventor, magician, humorist, satirist, polemicist, sportsman, traveler, and prophet. Above and beyond all these he was a hero and political martyr who consecrated his life for the†¦show more content†¦The Surname Rizal The surname of the Rizal family was Mercado, which was adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco, who was a full blooded Chinese. Rizals family acquired a second surname - Rizal - which was given by the Spanish alcalde mayor of Laguna, who was a family friend. The Rizal Home The house of the Rizal family, where the hero was born, was one of the distinguished stone houses in Calamba during Spanish times. It was a two-storey building, rectangular in shape, built of adobe stones and hard-woods, and roofed with red tiles. A Good and Middle-Class Family The Rizal family belonged to the principalia, a town aristocracy in Spanish Philippines. It was one of the distinguished families in Calamba. By dint of honest and hard work and frugal living, Rizals parents were able to live well. From the farms, which were rented from the Dominican Order, they harvested rice, corn, and sugarcane. They raised pigs, chickens, and turkeys in their backyard. In addition to farming and stock raising, Doà ±a Teodora managed a general goods store and operated a small flour-mill and a home-made ham press. Home Life of the Rizal The Rizal family had a simple, contented, and happy life. In consonance with Filipino custom, family ties among the Rizal’s were intimately close. Don Francisco and Doà ±a Teodora loved their children, but they never spoiled them. They were strict parents and they trained their children to love God, to behave well, to beShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Watchmen And Jimmy Corrig The Smartest Kid On Earth1669 Words  | 7 PagesAge. In the Modern Age of comic publishing, contemporary comics tend to appropriate, adapt, and deconstruct tropes from the Golden and Silver Age of comics. Ultimately, contemporary comics end up producing a corrupted image of the idealized American Hero. Watchmen and Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth both experience nihilism and cynicism following the attempt to apply heroic tropes to contemporary social issues in their own modern contexts. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Consequences of Mediation of Action Free Essays
Eden Ettienne Abstract #5 It issaid that community leads to meditation and as a result one looses part of his active self. A man named Robinson Crusoe was involved in a shipwreck, and for 25 years was stranded on an island, alone. He had to learn to adapt to this island and fend for himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Consequences of Mediation of Action or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although impoverished, his story was quite immaculate and extraordinary. His being on the island for so long allowed him to grow a full and intimate relationship with himself and his existence. The truth we as humans are relationalbeings and when alone for so many years, one is deprived of humanity and companionship. Marxists believe that whichever social class one is tied to is the same way he/she will earn a living. Class can have a negative or positive effect on a person. The mediation of action is something no one can undergo, and there are three consequences when involved in such. One is other people become instruments of our will when we execute our actions. Second, consequence is something that affects all of us when dealing with action. And third, meditated actions are the metaphysical distance that is introduced between human beings and their actions. Our social rehearsals for sheltering responsibility should lessenthe increasing gap between acts that are ours and those we appropriate. Meditation cannotbe rid of between ourselves. But however we can try and thwart out some of its negative effects. Loss is a result that affects both the world and us. If we fail in allowing meditation within ourselves, we have failed the community around us, and will lead to the impossibility of individual fulfillment and public kinship. How to cite Consequences of Mediation of Action, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Slavery Retribution Essay Example For Students
Slavery Retribution Essay Race and Ethnic RelationsReaction to Slavery ArticleReparations are intended to make up for the unjustified actions of the past. By doing so, it punishes the people of today to make up for the actions from the people in the past. Should a person in todays generation suffer for the actions of our ancestors? Should one collect special benefits for the suffering of their ancestors? By offering special benefits, would it solve or make up for the injustice of slavery? African Americans did suffer in the past from the injustice of slavery. Take in mind that it was the past, and the injustice of slavery does not affect African Americans in todays day and time. White Americans in todays day and time did not own or have anything to do with slavery. If one was to be punished or receive special benefits it should be the people that slavery directly affected.In the history of the United States the American Indians were slaughtered, and are still collecting for the injustice actions of the past. America is still providing help, and handing out special benefits. American Indians receive special benefits such as land being put aside called reservations, allowed to put up casinos, and are able to receive scholarship funds for college with fewer qualifications. The experience that the American Indians went through was a lot worse than the experience that the African Americans faced. In both cases I believe that the people of today should not have to feel guilty for the actions of their ancestors. If the Unites States developed reparations program for the injustice of slavery of African Americans it would create no good but only conflict. Two wrongs do not make a right. Punishing the people of today for the actions of the past creates reverse racism. Its simply stating that because one is African American that he or she deserves special benefits. It forms racism towards other races. It is saying that just because one is not African American that they do not deserve to receive special treatment, and that they are not as good as African Americans. African Americans today were never slaves, nor were white Americans today slave owners. African Americans have recovered from slavery, and do not need any extra help. It is more satisfying to accomplish something on ones own. Instead of developing a reparation program witch would hurt the nation, as a country we should educate so that the same problem will never occur again. One should learn from the past, and not make the same mistake. A reparation program teaches discrimination rather than eliminating it. Reparation will only separate people by race, rather than seeing all Americans as people. All people should be treated the same regardless of ones gender or race. By teaching America about its past will only bring a brighter future.
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