Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Psychology and Qualitative Research
Introduction Qualitative research is commonly used in social sciences and marketing. The techniques of qualitative research either study human behavior in a particular situation or series of events or they are aimed on solving the major aspects of decision making(Denzin Lincoln, 2005). The elements of qualitative research are simple. It starts with identification of a problem, gathering data that will help in solving the problem, managing and studying it till a conclusion based upon researcher’s views is not extracted (Marshall Rossman, 1998).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology and Qualitative Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many of the researchers opt for qualitative research rather than quantitative research the reason being it is easy to apply and its benefit are way more than any other research method. Major Advantages of Qualitative Research There are two major advantages of qualit ative research. Firstly it is highly economical and secondly it saves time. Both of these advantages come side by side. The researchers mainly opt for qualitative research because of it is the only research method which allows them to complete the research using small sample as the base. Small sample is collected rather quickly enabling the researcher to finish his research faster compared to other methods. All these reasons also constitute in saving the cost of the entire research (Junior, Bush, Ortianu, 2006) Another great advantage of qualitative research method is that the data gathered is extremely rich. The very nature of qualitative research methodology is much unstructured which allows the researcher to gather data depicting various behavioral aspects of the subject such as attitudes, perceptions, emotions and beliefs (Junior, Bush, Ortianu, 2006). Qualitative research is very flexible the researcher can easily probe participant responses at initial stages by asking questi ons such as how, why or how. The researcher however, should have the capability to engage the participants in a meaningful conversation after quickly analyzing their personality and individual style in order to seek more elaborative answers (Ulin, Robinson, Tolley, 2005 ). As a result, researchers in the end have with them a highly in depth data which helps them in gaining relevant insight about the subjects behavior. This is extremely helpful in the field of marketing and research where researchers are able to grab first hand experience of the customers about any prevailing situation in the market. Identifying their customers thinking patterns the marketers are able to solve the five questions of decision making which are when, why, how where and what. Overall, it assists the marketers in establishing marketing models and construct ways to measure them on a valid scale (Junior, Bush, Ortianu, 2006).Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Ge t your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Major Disadvantages of Qualitative Research The disadvantages of qualitative research mainly revolve around two areas firstly small sample size and secondly only trained observers can conduct the research. The major issue of qualitative research is the issue of generlizability. The techniques of qualitative research only tell the researcher how to gather information from a small sized sample not from a large group. Due to the small sized sample final decisions cannot be taken. For example a survey done on ten to twelve students of an American university about a particular program cannot be levied upon the entire students of the university. Also, qualitative method does not allow the researcher to identify the impact of small differences on a situation. It also does not recognize various individual differences thus the information gathered is often labeled as unreliable (Junior, Bush, Ortianu, 2006). Another great limitation of qua litative research is that not every researcher can conduct behavioral observations. Only those researchers who have been trained, skilled or come with an experience to observe and record events correctly can pick qualitative research methodology to solve the problem stated in their research (Badri, 2005). Conclusion Looking at the advantages and disadvantages it can be said that qualitative research is best only for those researchers which aim to study the behavioral aspects of either a group of people or market as a whole. The data gathered can give out irrelevant conclusions if the person conducting the interviews or the survey is not equipped with observational skills. Apart from this, qualitative research has been since a very long time the first choice of many researchers while finding out solutions to their problems. Reference List Badri, D. A. (2005). Limitations of Qualitative Research. Web. Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. CA : SAGE Publications Inc.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology and Qualitative Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Junior, H., Bush, R., Ortianu, D. (2006). Marketing Research Within A Changing Information Environment. West Patel Nagar, New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Marshall, C., Rossman, G. B. (1998). Designing Qualitative Research. CA: Sage Publications. Ulin, P. R., Robinson, E. T., Tolley, E. E. (2005 ). Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide. In P. R. Ulin, E. T. Robinson, E. E. Tolley, Qualitative Methods in Public Health: A Field Guide for Applied Research (p. 13). San Fransisco, CA, United States: Jossey Bass Publisher . This essay on Psychology and Qualitative Research was written and submitted by user Jermaine Marks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, April 17, 2020
College - Choosing Immigration Argumentative Essay Topics
College - Choosing Immigration Argumentative Essay TopicsWhen you are preparing your High School Immigration Argumentative Essay, you will want to make sure that you choose topics that are of interest to you. Some topics to avoid include topics such as religion, race and nationality, and the social security system.If you are a member of an ethnic minority, or if you believe that one group is unfairly disadvantaged, then you should not choose to write about this in your High School Immigration Debate. You should also avoid areas such as abortions, gay marriage, and birth control. These topics are not necessarily 'bad' but they may not be politically correct and will have a negative impact on your immigration case.Your High School Immigration Argumentative Essay should be written in a way that allows it to be used as evidence by an immigration judge during the appeal process. The topics that you write about should be based on facts and not on your personal views. Also, you should avoid too much detail when discussing certain points that are crucial to your case.For example, if you are trying to prove your family relationship with another American citizen, then you will want to avoid discussing a lot of details regarding that person's personal life. If your immigrant status is based on a close family member, then you might want to include details about the death of that person. However, when it comes to passing all of your application requirements, then you will want to omit that information. If you do this, then you will show that you were not honest with the government, and that you were dishonest with your application.One of the most important things that you need to remember when writing your High School Immigration Case is that you will be putting your story in the public eye. As long as you are being truthful, then there is nothing to be concerned about.While you might have a real chance at successfully defending yourself against the charges against you, it is still a good idea to keep your immigration case under wraps. Don't let anyone else read your materials or even ask for any copies of the application forms. Even if you are already in the United States, it is still a good idea to send the forms to a lawyer that is not related to you personally.As long as you make sure that you have covered all of the bases when writing your High School Immigration Case, then you should be able to avoid a lot of problems. You will want to ensure that you pass all of the required application requirements before you apply for any type of immigration assistance. After you have completed the application, you will want to send it to a lawyer who can help you get through the appeals process with ease.Once you find a good immigration attorney, the next step will be to build a strong case. This process will take time, and you will want to take advantage of your attorney to help you prepare your case. Your attorney can also help you pick the best high schoo l immigration argumentative essay topics to use during your future appeal.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
How to Write a Fun College Essay
How to Write a Fun College EssaySo you want to write a fun college essay. What does this mean? It means that your paper is full of interesting ideas and stories, but it doesn't always flow together or explain everything that needs to be explained. In order to write a fun college essay, you need to think about what makes your audience's brains work.Your college essay should be thought-provoking; however, you also need to think about why your audience will actually want to read your paper and actually want to continue with the semester. When you are working on a fun college essay, this will allow you to focus on the most effective ways to keep your audience interested in your paper. When you have a focus, it is easier to think about how you will create the paper.If you're a student who has no idea how to write a theme for your essay, you may want to think about writing an essay called 'How Do You See It?' This is a great theme to help your audience see the paper. The theme can take man y forms. You could choose to make a lot of jokes, use a lot of action sequences, or make a point about something that everyone could relate to. Just be creative!A very interesting way to make your audience see your paper is to do something different. You could write about your own experiences in the subject and make your audience connect with your own experiences. These stories will help the reader understand the topic better.Another way to make your college essay fun is to use images and sound effects. You can make your words sound more interesting by using images and pictures. Using sound effects is another way to make your essay more interesting. If you are good at writing, you can make use of these tools to make your paper even more exciting.For your theme, there are many ways to go about it. You could create a point and add a specific story line to your paper. You could tell a joke and have your audience laugh out loud.To make it more interesting, you could do a unique form of writing. If you are good at writing, you can start by making a title and then creating your main body of your paper. There are many examples of topics and stories that you can use to tell about a variety of subjects.Whether you choose to use images and sound effects, or if you choose to work with a unique and creative ideas, it is important to keep your audience in mind when you are creating your paper. Be creative and remember to write about what your audience is interested in.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Custom Writing Tablets - How Do They Work?
Custom Writing Tablets - How Do They Work?Custom writing tablets can be used in many ways. Whether you want to make a presentation, a case study, a sales proposal, or simply write notes for yourself, custom writing tablets can be an excellent choice.We know that there are a lot of people who use writing tablets for their business, and what they do with their custom writing tablets is often a matter of personal choice. You might choose to use them for just one day, or perhaps for weeks at a time.We also know that you might have no idea how the writing tablets will look, or how well they will hold up over time. Well, your individual choice is important, but we also have several companies who offer custom writing tablets. Here is how it works.There are several different custom writing tablets available, and each of them offers something unique. Some are large, others are small, others are designed for a certain type of product, and some of them have not been designed at all. Whatever th e case, they can all be great.When you are looking at custom writing tablets, it is important to think about what the tablet will be used for. This is because the type of tablet you use will be determined by the product you are trying to promote.As mentioned above, there are a lot of custom writing tablets that are designed for different products, so you might be able to find one that works well for your business. If you cannot find one that works well for your business, however, you can always use something that is similar.When you are looking for custom writing tablets, you should always consider how much time you need to spend writing, and how long it will take you to use the tablet. While you might be able to get a tablet that is ready to use and ready to write on, it might take you longer to use it than you are willing to do. Therefore, you should think about the amount of time you are willing to spend writing each day.Custom writing tablets can be used for any number of purpos es. If you are trying to promote a new product, you might want to find a tablet that has some sort of customized message on it. If you want to put an advertisement for an existing product up, then you might want to use something that has an existing message printed on it.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Writing Essay in 9th Grade - Format
Writing Essay in 9th Grade - FormatAfter reading through the class syllabus for the California 9th grade English class that I was assigned to in April, I was absolutely shocked. The writing assignment was to write an essay that consisted of two pages, perhaps a few paragraphs and a main body. This assignment made no sense to me at all.I mean, it didn't make sense that I was being asked to write on just one topic, one subtopics, and a handful of topics. Why in the world would I be required to write on only a few topics, if I was to be required to write on a whole page?Not only that, but then you have to figure out how to make a topic to stand out and not give the entire essay the feeling of being forced, if that makes any sense. I was not sure what to expect.What I found out is that many of the California grammar and punctuation guide books are not written in a way that will help students write well and conforming to the norms of today's essay. There are very few writers that understa nd what a writer's purpose should be, so much more than the average teacher who's goal is to impart a particular way of writing.I also found out that the California 9th grade English essay class the teacher assigned us took many ideas from the ninth grade books. Students take these concepts and then apply them to the new set of standard English grammar. I can tell you right now that this is not what works.I have been in writing for a long time and have often had such problems with students when I see them take their assignment to an inappropriate level. It's like going back to the drawing board on your paper when you're done. It's okay to get frustrated, but don't add to the problem by misinforming yourself.So I suggest that you keep the essay format to your term college classes and if you're in a high school, use your paper or essay or report to show how you think the teachers have done their job, rather than what they're teaching. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved. Es pecially, in the eyes of the grading system.
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