Friday, May 31, 2019
Twelve Angry Men Plot Essay -- essays research papers
Plot Twelve Angry Men is an interesting and provoke jury-room confrontation in which an "open and shut case" becomes strenuous as twelve strangers scuffle for answers. The trial involves a nineteen-year-old boy, who is suspect of killing his father in a late-night altercation with an extraordinary knife. His fate now lies in the hands of 12 jurors, each with his own determination to solve the case and reveal the truth. As the session takes its course, evidence becomes scrutinised, tempers rise, and the jury room erupts in a shouting brawl because one such juror finds reasonable doubts in the two testimonies that were deemed apt enough to convict. In his fight for an acquittal, the singled out juror found that the testimonial evidence was not only unreliable, but the timely fashion in which two the man and the woman alleged to have seen and heard the defendant were by far insufficient. Upon reaction to his vote, the dubious jurors immediately began questioning the man, not understanding how he could possibly think that way. Nevertheless, the adamant juror held his ground and the votes were 11 guilty, and 1 not guilty, but the decision had to be unanimous. Character First there were those that couldnt sympathize with less about the outcome, then there was Davis, the tenacious juror who held a firm grip onto the possibility of reasonable doubt in the case. He demonstrate his personal strength of mind and tried eliminating any individual prejudices for the best po...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Internet and Cultural and Historical Diversity of Style in Composition
mesh and Cultural and Historical Diversity of Style in Composition The expert revolution of the late twentieth century has arguably caused some of the greatest changes in the global society. Few realize the full effects of the computer age. The cyberspace in particular has brought the corners of the adult male closer together. fifty-fifty in the roughly remote areas of the globe, such as Katmandu, one can see an advertisement for netmail (Stefik 235). One might begin to wonder what the tender consequences of this pervasiveness are. The net brings many diverse groups of people together to participate in many aspects of life from make do to conversations. Some might wonder if these interactions might pass to an end of diversity. In chatrooms and instant messages, the push towards uniformity in style is undeniable. However, this change is far from express mail to these small areas of the Internet.In order to evaluate the Internets effect on the polish of today, it is f irst important to define the composition of world today, in particular those that use the Internet. Upon thorough examination of the world today, one will come to a striking realization American culture has infiltrated even the most remote areas of the world and created a global monoculture. American culture can be best defined as a pure lack of culture it assimilates any other cultures it encounters and makes it secular. This factmakes it ideal to be the global monoculture. Furthermore, this dominance has led to an end of cultural diversity. The Internet, like television and film, is merely another watercraft for the spread of Americanism. Rather quickly it becomes difficult to realize which medium directly affected particular changes in style, making it imposs... ...dAOL Instant Messenger Interview. 23 Apr Main. 21 Apr 2002. http//, Kenneth. Cultural Diversity or Global Monoculture. reasonableness the Impact of Global Networks on Local Social, Political and Cultural Values. Eds. Christoph Engel and Kenneth H. Keller. Munich Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 1999. 131-140.McDonalds Countries. McDonalds Corporation. 24 Apr 2002. MTV Music Television. MTV Networks. 24 Apr 2002. Reuters Breaking News from Around the Globe. Reuters. 22 Apr 2002. Stefik, Mark. The Internet Edge. Cambridge MIT Press, 1999. Internet and Cultural and Historical Diversity of Style in Composition Internet and Cultural and Historical Diversity of Style in Composition The technological revolution of the late twentieth century has arguably caused some of the greatest changes in the global society. Few realize the full effects of the computer age. The Internet in particular has brought the corners of the world closer together. Even in the most remote areas of the globe, such as Katmandu, one can see an advertisement for e-mail (Stefik 235). One might begin to wonder what the social consequences of thi s pervasiveness are. The Internet brings many diverse groups of people together to participate in many aspects of life from trade to conversations. Some might wonder if these interactions might lead to an end of diversity. In chatrooms and instant messages, the push towards uniformity in style is undeniable. However, this change is far from limited to these small areas of the Internet.In order to evaluate the Internets effect on the culture of today, it is first important to define the composition of world today, in particular those that use the Internet. Upon thorough examination of the world today, one will come to a striking realization American culture has infiltrated even the most remote areas of the world and created a global monoculture. American culture can be best defined as a pure lack of culture it assimilates any other cultures it encounters and makes it secular. This factmakes it ideal to be the global monoculture. Furthermore, this dominance has led to an end of cultur al diversity. The Internet, like television and film, is merely another vessel for the spread of Americanism. Rather quickly it becomes difficult to determine which medium directly affected particular changes in style, making it imposs... ...dAOL Instant Messenger Interview. 23 Apr Main. 21 Apr 2002. http//, Kenneth. Cultural Diversity or Global Monoculture. Understanding the Impact of Global Networks on Local Social, Political and Cultural Values. Eds. Christoph Engel and Kenneth H. Keller. Munich Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 1999. 131-140.McDonalds Countries. McDonalds Corporation. 24 Apr 2002. MTV Music Television. MTV Networks. 24 Apr 2002. Reuters Breaking News from Around the Globe. Reuters. 22 Apr 2002. Stefik, Mark. The Internet Edge. Cambridge MIT Press, 1999.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Stress :: essays research papers
This report is on stress, what piddles it, how and why, and how it canful be cured. It will tellyou all about stress, why its primal for people tounderstand, and what it can do to you and other people. dialect affects everyone and everything, thats why itsimportant that we all be properly educated on it. First weneed to understand what stress is. Stress is basically thebodys nonspecific response to any demand. Another wayof describing stress is any nervousness or anxiety. Almostall people relate the sacred scripture stress to discomfort or pressure.What they are actually thinking of is distress, which is oftenreferred to as stress. There are many things that causestress. In my opinion, this is the most important part of thiswhole report because knowing the cause for stress canhelp you avoid stressful situations. Just about any problem utilise thought can cause stress. One of the most stressful ofall things, especially for teenagers, are social events.Popularity, friends, relatio nships, and looks are morestressful things to teenagers than parents. However, adultstend to incline such stressors as meeting deadlines, fear offailure, anger, and frustration at the workplace. Everybodyis effected by stress when it comes to things like wars,pollution, poverty, overcrowding, and crime. It is importantto learn how to live with these situations, because it isnearly unattainable to get through life without encounteringthem. Most people know that stress could be bad, but howbad? Physicians have proven that stress-related disorders,diseases brought on or worsened by psychological stress,are more likely to happen to people with very busy lives.The sad results of too much stress can be depression, druguse, crime, dropping out of school, accidents, and evensuicide. These psychosomatic disorders commonly involvethe autonomic nervous system, which controls the bodysinternal organs. Some kinds of headache and back andfacial pain, asthma, bear out ulcers, high blood pressur e,and premenstrual stress are examples of stress-relateddisorders. (Funk & Wagnalls.) Respiratory disorders alsocan be affected by stress. Most common of these is asthmawhich may be caused by emotional upsets. (Funk &Wagnalls.) In addition, emotional stress can cause oraggravate many skin disorders, from those that produceitching, tickling, and pain to those that cause rashes andpimples. Treatment of stress-related disorders is sometimeslimited to relieving the particular physical symptominvolved for example, hypertension may be controlled withdrugs. (Funk & Wagnalls.) Psychological treatments areattempts to help the person to lenify the source of stressor to learn to atomic pile with it. Combinations of physical andpsychological treatments are often recommended. Thereare many type of toys, that help deal with stress also,
Soviet historians hold the view that the period ranging from 1905 to 19
Discuss the reasons why the Bolsheviks had achieved so little by 1914 Despite creation the main opposition to the Tsar in Russia at the time, the Bolsheviks failed to make any significant progress in their aims to overthrow the Tsarist autocracy, due to many conundrums throwing the troupe in to crisis, with their efforts to influence the proletariat to revolt against the Tsar proved to be failed attempts. In order to come out with a fair and balanced conclusion, it is required to look at the opinions of historians from both ends of the spectrum from the sympathetic Soviet historians, to the more critical opinions of the Western historians, and then lastly looking at the more balanced and so-so(p) views of revisionist historians. Soviet historians hold the view that the period ranging from 1905 to 1914 was chosen by the Bolsheviks as a time to reorganise and strengthen their caller, keeping in mind that the heavy character of the Tsarist system cau sed too many obstacles for them, thus making it nearly impossible for them to make much progress in achieving there goals. on with this, this body of historian also hold the Mensheviks responsible for lack of success, arguing that their awkwardness and co-operation with the bourgeoisie was undermining key Bolshevik beliefs, inadvertently destroying any opportunity the Bolsheviks may have had to create an alliance with the working classes and peasantry. They are seen as contradictors to Marxist ideals for these actions. Soviets believe that the 1905 revolution was both inspired and led by the Bolsheviks, with the Mensheviks co-operation with tsarist governing being held responsible for... that there are several reasons that stand out as key in answering the question put forward. Firstly, the Bolsheviks faced the problem of the Okhrana and the autocracy, as this meant that there was always a threat from the secret police and therefore a small part y was the only solution. Secondly, Lenin was partly to blame as he played hardly any role in the revolution of 1905 and also he failed to realise the potential of the Dumas. His ideology would not help him each as he constantly changed it in order to adapt and fit in with his surroundings. Finally, the Mensheviks were also a key obstacle as their larger party and co-operation with their bourgeoisie meant they were undermining key Bolshevik beliefs, thus destroying any opportunity the Bolsheviks may have had to create an alliance with the lower classes.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Female Dominance Or Male Failure? :: essays research papers
Female Dominance or Male Failure?James Thurber illustrates the male species status with respect to, Courtship by The Ages with a humorous and melancholic tone. He emphasizesthe lack of success males experience through courtship rituals and the constantrejection we endure. Our determination of courting the female with all our have intercourse displays may be pointless as it is evident in the repetitive failures ofcourtship by all male creatures. Thurber shares his problems with courtship andthe role which men portray, he explores the relationship between nature andculture, and the demands culture places on men. Thurbers frustration with thefemale species is obvious and is reflected throughout his essay. Theextremities males endure to obtain female attention become sweep over andincomprehensible to Thurber, consequently conflicting with the myth andconstruction of the ideal of masculinity.Thurbers frustrations with women are evident right from the start. Hedisplaces male insubordi nation to the blueprint of nature and its confusedmusical comedy. (Rosengarten and Flick, 340) Its interesting that heattributes nature as a female creator and thus justifying the relationship that none of the females of any species she created cared very much for the males.(p 340)Thurber compares the similarities of courtship to the complicated worksof Encyclopedia Brittanica. A book which is full of wonders and within liesmysteries of the unknown and unpredictable. In comparison to the EncyclopediaBrittanica the female is alike in some(prenominal) ways, such as its perfect constructionand orderly appearance seeming as if they replicate one another like a clone. I turn over Thurber views all female species as being similar to one another withrespect to their character.The author overly associates courtship as a business, a bespeak business. Aworld which is chaotic, disorderly and full of confusion much like nature. Itis an aggressive competition between genders in which mother nature dominates.He also attributes the similarity of constructed rules and regulations in needof much guidance with the help of a hand manual.Culture also places demands on males. Males who are lacking in outer(a)appearance and sexual appeal try to diminish their faults by acquiring gifts towin her attention... and bring her candy, flowers, and the furs of animals (p340) for the lady in courting. Womens refusals became mens burden which laid severely on their shoulders in the social relationship. These love displayswere being constantly turned down, insulted, or thrown out of the house. (p340) This produced the evident exhaustion of the male species such as the tinker crab who had been standing on tip-toe for eight or ten hours waving a
Female Dominance Or Male Failure? :: essays research papers
Female Dominance or Male Failure?James Thurber illustrates the male species status with respect to, Courtship Through The Ages with a humorous and melancholic tone. He emphasizesthe lack of success males experience through courtship rituals and the constantrejection we endure. Our determination of courting the female with solely our love displays whitethorn be pointless as it is evident in the repetitive failures ofcourtship by all male creatures. Thurber shares his problems with courtship andthe role which men portray, he explores the blood between nature andculture, and the demands culture places on men. Thurbers frustration with thefemale species is obvious and is reflected throughout his essay. Theextremities males endure to obtain female attention become overwhelming and inscrutable to Thurber, consequently conflicting with the myth andconstruction of the ideal of masculinity.Thurbers frustrations with women are evident right from the start. Hedisplaces male insubordination t o the blueprint of nature and its perplexmusical theater comedy. (Rosengarten and Flick, 340) Its interesting that heattributes nature as a female creator and thus justifying the relationship that none of the females of any species she created cared very much for the males.(p 340)Thurber compares the similarities of courtship to the complicated worksof Encyclopedia Brittanica. A book which is full of wonders and within liesmysteries of the unknown and unpredictable. In comparison to the EncyclopediaBrittanica the female is alike in many ways, such as its perfect constructionand orderly air seeming as if they replicate one another like a clone. Ibelieve Thurber views all female species as being similar to one another withrespect to their character.The author also associates courtship as a business, a show business. Aworld which is chaotic, disorderly and full of confusion much like nature. Itis an aggressive competition between genders in which mother nature dominates.He also attr ibutes the similarity of constructed rules and regulations in needof much guidance with the help of a hand manual.Culture also places demands on males. Males who are lacking in outerappearance and sexual appeal try to diminish their faults by acquiring gifts towin her attention... and bring her candy, flowers, and the furs of animals (p340) for the lady in courting. Womens refusals became mens burden which laidheavily on their shoulders in the social relationship. These love displayswere being constantly turned down, insulted, or thrown out of the house. (p340) This produced the evident exhaustion of the male species such as the fiddler steer who had been standing on tip-toe for eight or ten hours waving a
Monday, May 27, 2019
Axe Spray Commercial Essay
I chose the AxeEffect Women Billions (Axe Spray) video advertisement because it draws its male audience into the commercial because of all the gorgeous women in it. its a brand of male grooming products, owned by the British/Dutch company Unilever and marketed towards unripened males. This company has been selling this product since 1983. Unilever is a BritishDutch multinational consumer goods company. Its products include foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products.Unilever were unable to use the name Axe in the United Kingdom and Ireland due to trademark problems so it was launched as Lynx (called Axe in America). The commercial is 58 seconds long and the setting of the commercial is like a Caribbean terrain look. Trees, forest, mountains, and clear blue beaches. The advertisement is prospering at capturing and holding the viewers attention because of what they used in the commercial. The commercial consist of these overly attractive women in two piece bikinis that are symbolized as warriors.Theyre running/fighting going through all types of obstacles such as, running down mountains/valleys, swimming across the ocean, running through forest energy each other just to get to one thing. That one thing is a man on this beach by himself spraying two bottles of ax on his body. It looks like he knows what the outcome result be at the end, and he has a big smile on his face while spin slowly in circles. The music is that intense opera music in all action movies during the climax.There are 3 types of girls in bikinis. If you pay stiff attention the brunettes are the girls in the red bikinis. The blondes are the girls in the green bikinis, and the blue/black bikinis are a mix of both brunettes and blondes. The commercial speaks for itself. It is think for males to believe that, if you spray this product on your body, it makes a the ladies want you. This advertisement creates a seduction type sexual feeling.The target audience for this product is pushed towards young adult males, by getting to a greater extent females and also smelling better. The text at the end of the commercial is Spray More. Get More. meaning spray more axe, get more girls. I feel this advertisement is not being honest and truthful about the product because the smell of Axe spray will not have girls fighting and trying to get to you. On the other hand, I dont know how all girls are, maybe some horn in that kind of smell on guys. I feel it depends on what girl likes what, not all are the same.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The darkness of man’s heart in “Lord of the Flies†Essay
To explore the darkness of mans heart is one of the primordial themes in William Goldings novel Lord of the flies. As the boys on the island regress from well-behaved, well-mannered children aching for rescue to cruel, bloodthirsty hunters who have no desire to return to civilization, the boys naturally move back their sense of innocence that they possessed at the beginning of the novel. This novel is about young face boys Marooned on an uninhabited island, with no adult supervision, forcing them to execute their own civilization. Three key ideas of darkness of mans heart are loss of innocence, characters and symbolism. Golding also suggests that every person has the evil within them and often it takes a special event to these things to materializeParagraph 1- Loss of innocenceGolding highlights darkness of mans heart by showing the boys loss of innocence. One of the key names to describe Darkness of mans heart is Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called gluttonous. This quote is at the end of the novel where the boys encounter the Naval officer, who appears out of nowhere to rescue them. When ralph sees the officer he realizes that he is now safe and will be returned to actual civilization. Ralph understands he has lost his innocence and learned about the evil that loiters within all human beings. In the Novel Golding does not peril this loss of innocence as something the children have done and he implies that the loss of innocence comes naturally. It is ironic how the boys become evil savage and cruel to from each one other creating a war just like the one they have fled from.AgnolishesParagraph 2- CharactersGolding explores the darkness of mans heart by showing the good of young English boys then he shows how how every person has a dark side. The boys naturally lose the sense of innocence that they possessed at the beginning of the novel. Ralph, the novels protagonist , is a 12-year-old boy who is elected leader on the island. Ralph tries to create a civilization though- the boys are not co-operating and tension rises. Ralph loses his belief in the innocence of humanity, because he himself does not commit any immoral act, from memory. Whereas Ralph and Jack stand at different ends of the battlefield between civilization and savagery.Paragraph 3- SymbolismDarkness of mans heart back be interpreted in the novel by using symbolism. Lord of the flies is the bloody, severed sows head that jack spears in the tone glade as an offering to the beast. This symbol becomes the most significant image in the novel when Simon confronts the sows head in the glade and it speaks to him. sex act him that the evil lies within every human heart. Lord of the Flies biblical meaning is named Beelzebub, a powerful sometimes thought to be the devil himself. Golding uses Piggys violent death symbolically to represent an end to civilization and order on the island. Roger , the symbol of evil, releases the giant boulder that smashes the conch and kills Piggy his death is improbably symbolic, especially in the way he dies being smashed by a boulder is not only an extremely violent way to die, but it is also senseless and meaningless. The moment is a snapshot for the most important theme of the novel Darkness of mans heart and savagery.ConclusionWilliam Golding novel has successful visualized the darkness of mans heart through these key points, Loss of innocence
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Market for Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Drinks Essay
3. How is the market for heartiness drinks, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced beverages changing? What are the underlying drivers of switch over and how might those forces individually or collectively make the industry more or less photogenic? The market for energy drinks, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced beverages kept on changing through differentiation from other brands to have a better brand image and also to meet the demands of the consumers as it is said that USA has helped greatly in the growth of the industry.Because of the significance of brand recognition, the sellers kept on building the product and how it to be most familiar. Product innovation, one of the markets drivers of change, is said to be the most important competitive features of the alternative beverage industry. Alternative beverages competed on the basis of differentiation from traditional drinks (carbonated soft drinks or fruit juices) so for energy drinks, they often changed the taste, the energy boos ting of their ingredients, and image.It is also through marketing innovation and efficient distribution systems that the industry kept on changing by always having alter its packaging, clever ads, endorsements from celebrities/athletes and sponsorships. Alternative beverage sellers also need to have efficient distribution systems to be successful in the industry. These forces only made the industry attractive because it can attract first time buyers through product and marketing innovation and offer responsive customer service to large customers which may then lead to an increase in market demand, make competition more intense and lead to a higher industry profitability.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Mentoring Is A Nurturing Process Education Essay
My mentee was one of my co-workers and friend at school, who had fewer old ages of knowledge experience than me. He teaches prevocational pupils who are of low magnate and are recognized as macrocosm troublesome. Mentor indicated that they considered the ability to supply unfavorable judgment as imperative to carry throughing the function of supplying passkey support. ( H wholly et al. , 2008 ) . thitherfore I was cognizant that my relationship with my mentee was traveling to alter from a hospitable to a maestro 1. In order to keep the friendly relationship between me and my mentee, I realized that I should non be excessively dominant since mentoring exists merely in the context of a collaborative relationship maroon on a partnership in which neither party holds a place of power over the other. ( Landay in Awaya et al. , 2003 )The mentoring surgical operation is non ever clearly understood in Education. I had to sanctify my mentee a clear image of mentoring and the mentori ng plans and this was really of import for both of us as a startle point. I explown(prenominal)ed to him that the mentoring procedure would be a pilgrimage where both of us would be larning from each other as Coombs stated as we assist mentees to develop their ain professional pattern, we are co-enquiring into bettering our ain. ( Coombs, 2005 )Mentoring is a procedure whereby a wise man ushers, Teachs, influences and supports a mentee, this was what I told my mentee about the function I would be set abouting along this journey. I besides made him cognizant of my function as a critical friend and how this function would be assisting him in his professional growing. What is of import is the procedure of consideration by the actor, the mentee, so that they can larn more from the procedure and possibly go their ain critical friend ( Peddler, 1983 in Wood, 1997, p.335 ) .Self-reflection has been identified as a major bunch of going a professional pedagogue. So, I explained my m entee, the ALACT theoretical compute of self-reflection to happen solution to his job. V appreciated being given a clear sense of way, in footings of advice and thoughts with regular clip table meetings for the feedback and treatment. ( Hobson, 2002 in Cain, 2009 ) . Hence I had to inform V that it would be iv hebdomads mentoring session with four formal meetings whereby feedbacks and treatments would be interpreted topographic point. My mentee checkermed satisfied with the clear overview he got and found himself psychologically prepared and enthusiastic. I felt happy since we were screening the journey in a good and positive manner.My first category visit took topographic point on the 21st June 2012.The category period was of 40 proceedingss and at that place were 15 pupils in all. It was a little group and I was greeted by about all of the pupils. I sat at the dorsum of the schoolroom ceremonial my mentee at work. We were already good friends may be that is why my mentee was at easiness in my presence.My mentee started directly off by pulling the works whirl and labeling the different parts viz. the foliages, roots and roots without composing the subject of the lesson on the board. I did non happen the starting motor effectual since the aims and the intent of the lesson was non provided to the pupils. At the beginning of a category, the students concentration are at the extremum ad they are most receptive at that clip, so a proper starting motor helps to capture the involvement and concentration of the students and prosecute them to the full in larning. We can mention the starting motor as a mental thaw up .What I appreciated with my mentee was that he gave a clear, good structures presentation of the works gainion utilizing pulling on board as ocular show. Siting at the back watching the pupils was in itself a utile experience. There was one student oscitance at the dorsum and I could see one flavour outside the schoolroom and a few of them looki ng at their fingers or at their friends. This clearly showed their disinterest in the lesson. Even if the pupils were non demoing any involvement, they remained quiet in the category as if they were esteeming some regulations that have been established. I realized that every schoolroom is different, because every instructor is alone. My mentee maintain on his account. There was much of his speech production taking topographic point in forepart of the category. He did non travel about in the schoolroom. At the terminal of the lesson, my mentee did asked some inquiries to the pupils to guarantee if acquisition has taken topographic point. But this was done without taking their names. to the highest degree all the inquiries were closed inquiries. Therefore students did non acquire chances to spread out their thoughts and engage in bad treatment.I observed that most of the pupils were unable to reply these inquiries. Questions should be structured to fit students ability breaker poin ts so that all are snarly. But here, it was ever the same students answering. There was deficiency of engagement and deficiency of mental battle from the students sides. This may take to a feeling of dissatisfaction from their work and neutrality for the topicIn my first followup meeting with V, I had to supply him with feedback and thoughts and besides discourse them with him. Feedback is the most utile constituent of the plan ( Brandt, 2008, in Copland, 2010 ) . I started with the positive facets in order to construct up his assurance. He listened to me mutely. Then I moved on to the disallow facets. As Maynard ( 2000 ) said wise mans appeared loath to state anything which capability ache their mentee s feelings, I did experience precisely the sameI explained to myself that if I wanted to assist my mentee to develop professionally, I had to knock his work. He started to warrant for the deficiency of officious battle in the category, the ground being that the students were al ready of low ability. I listened to his justification, after which I asked him what harmonizing to him could be done to do the students engaged. I wanted V to undergo self-reflection because contemplation is the ability to convey past events to a witting degree to do sense of them and to find appropriate ways to move in future ( Baornett, 1990 in Wovel, 1997, p1338 ) .But I was non ready for that. Bergnet and Holmes believe that the individual is person of import, who has within him a great potency for alteration, who has the capacity to be a alteration agent. So I asked V whether he concord to convey alterations for his professional development he needed. For that ground, I explained him in item the ALACT theoretical account Action, Looking back on the action, Awareness of indispensable facets, Making alternate methods of action and eventually the Trial. I besides provided him the manner to his solution. We parted off on a friendly and jesting note after make up ones minding the d ay of the month of the following category visit and feedback meeting.Afterwards when I reflected on the meeting, I felt guilty and was inquiring myself was nt I excessively rough while duty assignment the negative facets? Listing these facets one after the other might hold caused him to experience low and for that ground, V gave those justifications. I realize that following clip I should be more careful with the manner I listed the negative facets.During the 2nd category visit, I was once more greeted by the pupils. V was explicating on flower construction. This clip lesson aims were made clear and the subject of the lesson written on the board. He so drew a labelled diagram of a flower on the board and maintain on explicating on each portion of the flower.Still I could see the students non paying attending to their instructor. There were some who were even speaking when V was composing on board with his dorsum to the students. only the behaviours were due to miss of engagement of the pupils. If they would hold been engaged with their acquisition, there would hold been no speaking and looking here and at that place. This clip excessively, my mentee merely talked and talked in his account on flowers. Teaching ( like medical specialty ) requires application of cognition, reading of grounds and its application to real-life state of affairss, actioning critical thought accomplishments and old experiences ( Harrison, J.K et al.,2005 ) .Thus for learning pupils on flowers and its construction, I thought V could hold told his pupils to convey some flowers, which they could utilize to reenforce their acquisition and apprehension, so as to acquire the pupils to an analysis degree and do the larning active instead that inactive and develop accomplishments for womb-to-tomb acquisition. Good instructor accounts, with appropriate illustrations will bring forth mental battle and apprehension. sense is best thought if as holding a representation or theoretical account in the head that corresponds to the state of affairs or phenomenon being encountered. Battle is about assisting students to develop these mental theoretical accounts ( Ofsted active battle )Concsiously, we teach what we know, unconsciously, we teach who we are. ( Hamachok, 1999, p.209 ) . teahcre s competences are determined by his beliefs he told with prise to larning and learning and these find their actionsand every action that a instructor undertake has an consequence on students. Feiman-Nemsec ( 1983 ) province that instructors have themselves spent many old ages as studnets in schools, during which clip, they have developed their ain beliefs about learning, many of which are diametrically opposed to these presented to them during their teacher didactics. For illustration, they may hold developed the belief that teaching method is transmittal of cognition and most teacher pedagogues find this belief non really good to going a good instructor. Unless instructors act on their contemplations of themselves and their beliefs so no development would take topographic point.I saw my mentee traveling about among the pupils while explicating. Before stoping the lessons, my mentee asked inquiries to the whole category to see if they have understood. But unfortunately the inquiries being asked to the students remained unreciprocated since the scholars had non been engaged and larning had non taken topographic point. V felts slightly defeated. Questioning is extremely effectual. It should be structured to fit students ability degrees so that all are involved. It helps instructors to better their instruction when they make an attempt to larn their pupil s names and acquire to cognize them personally. Questions should hold been asked separately by naming them by their names. V so shifted to closed inquiries. This clip all of those who knew the reply replied in chorus. The mentee so gave a classwork derived from their text edition. V moved about in the schoolroom w hile the students were making their classwork. He was look intoing if the work was being done. After completion of the classwork, V corrected it on the board. I left the schoolroom after repairing for the 2nd feedback meetingWhen we met, I asked my mentee how he found his category instruction. He showed his dissatisfaction with the deficiency of response from the pupils and asked for my suggestions. I could feel that V recognized that his instruction has non been effectual and that he wanted to have these constructive unfavorable judgment, support and solutions. Mentors hoped to back up their mentee while working together with them to larn new thoughts that they could implement. ( Abell et al. , 1995, Koballa et al. , in imperativeness in Bradbury and Koballa Jr, 2008, p.2142 ) . There was a demand to speak since speaking is an of import manner of acquisition. So I talked about active battle, doing the students take constituent instead that the instructor kept on speaking about the whole category period. I told my mentee to reflect on what could be done to acquire the pupils involved so that larning takes topographic point. That was the advantage of holding mentoring review meetings to enable mentee to reflect profoundly on their experience of instruction and to get mostly at their ain decisions ( Martin, 1995, in Cain, 2009 ) . V cam up with the same thought I had, of conveying flowers to show the construction of flowers. I smiled since our ideas matched as if he had read my head. I agreed to his thought and suggested him that he could organize group acquisition, spliting the students in groups, where each group would discourse and speak about the construction of flowers which pupils in each group had brought. radical acquisition is good since it acquire all of the students involved, there would be sharing of information and development of communicating accomplishments. But V showed reluctance for the group larning the ground being that such attacks of advan cing whole-class synergistic engagement may take to misbehavior. I encouraged V to give a attempt and offered him my aid in instance of any hazard of misbehaviour. Anyhow the pupils seemed afraid of V, so there might be no opportunity of misbehaviour. By this clip, he agreed to give a attempt in the following category visit. The mentoring procedure and the mentoring meetings are clip devouring and demand tonss of forbearance. So I should non hotfoot my mentee. We would hold to see the negative facets small by small and conveying alterations bit by bit. We so left for tiffinBy this clip of the mentoring procedure, my mentee and I were looking forrard for the undermentioned category visits as we were approximately to experiment a new thought and the schoolroom was as if the research lab. Unconsciously, my mentee and I were larning the mentoring acculturation which is a civilization that encourages wise mans and mentees to see each other as confederates and follow determination shape rs instead than figures keeping unequal places in a hierarchal construction. V got the students into groups. About all the students had brought all types of flowers bespeaking their avidity and enthusiasm. The salutation I received this clip was so different. It was warmer and full of felicity.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
An In-Depth Analysis of David Suzuki Essay
With a booming voice David Suzuki broadcasted to the world The human brain now holds the key to our future(a). We stick out to recall the image of the planet from outer space a single entity in which air, water, and continents are interconnected. That is our home (as cited in Huggan, 2008, p. 188). This quotation of Suzuki is rattling insightful to his temper as it displays the seriousness and passion that he places on protecting the environment and his precept that humans are the key to saving our planet. At the age of 76 he has many accomplishments a vast and encompassing education, a 30-year broadcasting career, and developing a advantageful human foot. In order to achieve such success Suzuki had to be an magnetic coreive leader, he did this by his confidence, locus of control, newsworthiness, Theory X leading and utilizing his personal power. Suzuki is an outstanding teacher he attains this through and through existence an olympian leader.On March 24 in 1936 in the po rt city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Sestu and Kaoru gave birth to a beautiful baby boy David Suzuki. It was un humpn at the time what a monumental day this was for the world. In years to come, Suzuki would boom out to be a grownup activist and environmentalist. Suzukis growth into his leadership verify took years of education. In 1961 he completed a PhD in Zoology from the University of Chicago. Following his education he authored 52 books. Among these books was the famous textbook Introduction to genic Analysis which was published in 1976 (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). The textbook was so successful it was translated into seven other languages Italian, Spanish, Greek, Indonesian, Arabic, French, and German.Alongside his writing career, Suzuki has similarly been a very successful broadcaster. He started on the television show Suzuki on Science, where he educated children on biological and environmental sciences. He continued to do radio shows as thoroughly as television. In 1979, Suzuki hosted the very popular television series The Nature of Things which was viewed in over 40 nations. Through this series Suzuki was able to bring enlighten to a great number of serious issues and educate people on environmental concerns. In 1985 the hit series A Planet for the Taking averaged 1.8 million views per episode providing him with a large audience to warn the many flaws in society. Over the past thirty years of broadcasting, Suzuki has become a well know Canadian campaigner and activist (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). 2Not only is Suzuki a successful writer and broadcaster, except in 1990 he launched the David Suzuki Foundation. His foundation is one of his some recognized humanitarian accomplishments. The mission of the foundation is to protect the diversity of nature and humanitys quality of life (Huggan, 2008, p. 188). It is through the phenomenal work of this foundation that David Suzuki became recognized as a world leader in sustainable ecology (Huggan, 2008, p. 18 8). The foundation has had many projects focusing on climate change, health, wildlife and habitat, and fresh water. Suzuki is forever expressive about his vision for his children and grandchildrens worlds. Through the foundation, he is trying to create sustainability with in a generation (Marchant, 2008, p. 44).Suzuki wants everyone to take ownership for his or her actions and the effect they will have on the future. The theory that he preaches is that if we can make our own generation sustainable, and each generation does the same, accordingly the world will flourish and all our descendants will have a future (Marchant, 2008, p. 44). The David Suzuki Foundation is still growing at an exponential rate 22 years later on its conception. A leader can possess many qualities, traits, and styles. David Suzuki demonstrates successful leadership as he directs the public and his organization along the path of saving the environment. Of the niner traits of in effect(p) leadership, he cle arly displays self-confidence, locus of control, integrity, and intelligence. Suzuki is a Theory X leader who uses personal power to influence his pursuit.Suzukis self-confidence is evident through his style of speech. Through his bold style and particular choice in words his self assurance in his judgement is evident (Lussier & Achua, 2011, p. 38). When asked about the future by Rothschild, he bravely stated that if there are still human beings around, theyll curse us for two things nuclear weapons and TV (2008, p. 53). His conviction and belief in the possibility of humans being extinct proves the confidence he has in his judgement of the destructive path the world is on. Suzukis assurance is also very evident when he refers to himself later in the interview as being part of the most distinguished group of scientists (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). This is a very clear demonstration of his confidence. In a 2003 interview with David Leibl, Suzuki made the brash statement t hat if we carry on it is going to get a hell of a lot worse (p. 18).Through his word choice of hell, you can feel his pure conviction and strength behind his words. In all the speeches wedded by Suzuki his confidence seeps out of every word, this makes him an easy man to trust and follow. The traits of Suzukis locus of control and integrity are both very prominent by the way he takes ownership as a part of the environments degradation. When discussing the current climate he does not exclude himself from everyone but uses statements such as if we dont make the right decisions now, were going to determine the future of humanity (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53). In this statement, he includes both himself and the public as part of the problem. This demonstrates an internal locus of control by stating that peoples actions produce the future outcome. According to Lussier and Achua (2011), integrity is closely related to honesty (p. 39). When speaking with Leibl, Suzuki stated we de pend on clean air, clean water, clean soil and clean energy (2003, p. 18).This raw statement displays his honesty through its simplicity and lack of embellishment. By being clear and factual his sincerity and truthfulness is incredibly visible this builds trust in his followers and allows Suzuki to be the effective leader that he is. In order to be a successful leader, one must be knowledgeable. The cognitive ability to think critically is Lussier and Achuas definition of intelligence as it pertains to leadership (2011, p. 40). Suzuki is a great leader because his extensive education.As an academic, Suzuki comprehends the scientific world and all of its current research, however his intelligence extends beyond that and allows him to portray all that he learns in a straightforward way to the public. In discussion with Leibl, Suzuki states that weve changed the biological and physical make up of the build (2003, p. 18). Through this simple sentence he was able to convey the severity of the research in a way everyone could understand. He is able to apply environmental science to real life problems and educate the public. Suzukis intelligence is also apparent through his frustration that the public no longer thinks about the interconnectedness of everything (as cited in Leibl, 2003, p. 18). As an environmentally conscience and apt figure, he considers all his choices and their effect on the bigger picture. Before getting into his car to drive to the store, Suzuki considers the ramifications then decides to ride his bicycle (Leibl, 2003, p. 18). Through his understanding of the scientific world and his ability to translate it to the public Suzukis intelligence is an essential asset to his leading capabilities.Suzuki leads with a slightly more traditional style. He has a negative, pessimistic view of his followers, which is Lussier and Achuas definition of a Theory X leader (2011, p. 110). Suzukis low respect for others intelligence is evident by his exclamation that limitless resources are a fools dream after Marchant presented him with an economists prediction of space being a future resource (2008, p. 44). He then proceeded to explain his theory of preserving our current environment. His complete disregard for an alternative plan proves Suzukis feelings of superiority to his followers and need to micromanage the tasks. In another instant, Suzuki questions the scientific competency of Americans. He stated, the fact that in America youre still arguing over issues similar intelligent design versus evolution is a sign of scientific illiteracy (as cited in Rothschild, 2008, p. 53).Suzukis statement was both disrespectful and pessimistic toward the Americans. Suzuki is very progressive when contend environmental issues, however his leading style reflects his age as he is a traditional Theory X leader. When leading, one must have influence over his or her followers. Suzuki uses personal power to control and motivate his followers. His authori ty derives from his persona, as charismatic leaders have personal power (Lussier & Achua, 2011, p 110). A typical tactic of influential speaking is to use repetition. When interviewed by Marchant, Suzuki said lets look ahead a generation. Lets theorise a Canada where air is clean.Lets imagine a Canada covered in forest (2008, p. 45). His speech was very charismatic through its positive pick up nature, the repetition, as well as through the inclusive lets.Another proven tactic of creating influence is to build community with your followers. When speaking with Rothschild, Suzuki claimed Im one person. Im not going to save the world and change its direction. But if there are millions and millions of insignificant people like me there could be a irresistible force (2008, p. 53). This declaration is very significant as is binds people through creating a mutual goal and builds caprice behind his cause. Through his use of repetition, community building, and uplifting word selection, Su zukis charisma is evident. With a deep routed passion, Suzuki tackles environmental issues though educating the public of the changes they must make. In his lifetime, he has achieved greatness through his extensive education, 30-year broadcasting career, and developing a thriving foundation. Suzuki excels as a leader because of his confidence, locus of control, intelligence, Theory X leading, and demonstrating his personal power.ReferencesHuggan, G. (2008). Suzuki on Suzuki. Canadian Literature, (197), 188-189. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.Leibl, D. (2003). The Venerable David Suzuki. Canadian Dimension, 37(1), 18. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.Lussier, R. N., & Achua, D. B. A. (2011). Leadership (Custom Edition). Toronto Nelson Education.Marchant, J. (2008). Special beyond growth oppugn with David Suzuki. New Scientist, 199(2678), 44-45. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.Rothschild, M. (2011). David Suzuki. Progressive, 74(12), 53-54. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Software Security Risk Analysis Using Fuzzy Expert System
Softw be Level of Security Risk Analysis Using Fuzzy expert System ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA FACULTY OF INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SESSION 2 2010/2011 NURUL AZRIN BT AIRRUDIN B031010343 SITI NURSHAFIEQA BT SUHAIMI B031010313 NUR SHAHIDA BT MUHTAR B031010266 LECTURE NAME DR ABD.SAMAD HASSAN BASARI 12th APRIL 2011 SOFTWARE LEVEL OF SECURITY RISK ANALYSIS utilise foggy EXPERT SYSTEM ABSTRACT There is wide concern on the hostage of softw are systems because many organizations depend largely on them for their everyday operations. Since we ask not seen a computer software package system that is completely secure, there is need to analyze and determine the security endangerment of emerging software systems.This invent presents a technique for analyzing software security using fuzzy expert system. The stimuluss to the system are suitable fuzzy sets representing linguistic values for software security goals of confi dentiality, integrity and accessibility. The expert molds were constructed using the Mamdani fuzzy reasoning in order to adequately analyze the inputs. The defuzzication technique was by means of with(p) using Centroid technique. The implementation of the design is done using MATLAB fuzzy logic tool because of its ability to implement fuzzy based systems.Using newly develop software products from three software development organizations as test cases, the results show a system that discharge be use to effectively analyze software security essay. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The design is fundament all in ally divided into four stages 1) DESIGN OF THE LINGUISTIC VARIABLES The inputs to the system are the values assumed for the software security goal thru confidentiality, integrity and availability. The goals are assumed to be the same weight and a particular valued is determined for individually of them based on questions that are answered about the specific software.Also the values de termined for each of the input are defined as a fuzzy number instead of crisp numbers by using suitable fuzzy sets. intent the fuzzy system requires that the opposite inputs (that is, confidentiality, integrity, and availability) are stand for by fuzzy sets. The fuzzy sets are in turn represented by a social status function. The membership function use in this paper is the triangular membership function which is a three point function defined by minimum, maximum and modal values where usually represented in 1. picFigure 1 Triangular rank and file Function 2) THE FUZZY SETS The level of confidentiality is defined based on the scales of not confidential, pretty confidential, very confidential and extremely confidential. The level of integrity is also defined based on the scales very low, low, high, very high, and extra high. Also, the level of availability is also defined by the scales very low, low, high, very high and extra high. The levels defined above are based on a range commentary with an assumed interval of 0 -10. The ranges for the inputs are shown in tables 1 and 2. DESCRIPTION RANGE Non-Confidential 0-1 Slightly Confidential 2-3 Confidential 4-6 truly Confidential 7-8 highly Confidential 9-10 give in 1 lean of inputs for Confidentiality Very Low Low gritty Very High Extra High 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Table 2 Range of inputs for Integrity Very Low Low High Very High Extra High 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 Table 3 Range of inputs for Availability DESCRIPTION RANGE non Secure 0 3 Slightly Secure 4 9 Secure 10 18 Very Secure 19 25 Extremely Secure 26 30 Table 4 Level Of Security RiskThe fuzzy sets above are represented by membership functions. The corresponding membership functions for confidentiality, integrity and availability are presented in sorts below pic Figure 1 Membership functions for Confidentiality Similarly, the issue, that is, the level of security risk is also represented by fuzzy sets and then a membershi p function. The level of security risk is defined based on the scales not secure, slightly secure, secure, very secure, and extremely secure within the range of 0- 30.The range definition is shown in table above. The membership function for the output fuzzy set is presented in figure below. pic Figure 2 Membership functions for Integrity pic Figure 3 Membership functions for Availability pic Figure 4 Level Of Security Risk 3) THE regularizeS OF THE FUZZY SYSTEM Once the input and output fuzzy sets and membership functions are constructed, the rules are then formulated. The rules are formulated based on the input parameters (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) and the output i. e. level of security risk.The levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are used in the antecedent of rules and the level of security risk as the consequent of rules. A fuzzy rule is conditional statement in the form IF x is A THEN y is B. Where x and y are linguistic variables and A and B are linguistic values determined by fuzzy sets on universe of discourses X and Y, respectively. Both the antecedent and consequent of a fuzzy rule can have multiple parts. All parts of the antecedent are calculated simultaneously and resolved in a single number and the antecedent affects all parts of the consequent equally.Some of the rules used in the design of this fuzzy Systems are as follow 1. If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is Very Low) then (Security Risk is Not Secure). 2. If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is Low) then (Security Risk is Slightly Secure). 3. If (Confidentiality is Extremely Confidential) and (Integrity is Extra High) and (Availability is High) then (Security Risk is Slightly Secure). . 125.If (Confidentiality is Not Confidential) and (Integrity is Very Low) and (Availability is high) then (Security Risk is Extremely Secure). The rules above were f ormulated using the Mamdani max-min fuzzy reasoning. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION The linguistic variables were determined with the extent of the positive and negative responses to a well constructed security questions that are presented in form of on-line questionnaire. As it was mentioned earlier, MATLAB was used for the implementation. The linguistic inputs to the system are supplied through the graphical user interface called rule watchman.Once the rule viewer has been opened, the input variables are supplied in the text box captioned input with each of them separated with a space. a) THE FIS EDITOR The fuzzy inference system editor shows a summary of the fuzzy inference system. It shows the mapping of the inputs to the system type and to the output. The names of the input variables and the processing methods for the FIS can be changed through the FIS editor. Figure 5 The FIS editor b) THE MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION EDITOR This can be opened from the command window by using the plo tmf function but more easily through the GUI.The membership function editor shows a plot of highlighted input or output variable along their possible ranges and against the probability of occurrence. The name and the range of a membership value can be changed, so also the range of the particular variable itself through the membership function editor. pic Figure 6 The Membership Function editor c) THE RULE EDITOR The rule editor can be used to add, delete or change a rule. It is also used to change the connection type and the weight of a rule. The rule editor for this application is shown in figure 7. pic Figure 7 Rule Editor d) THE RULE VIEWER The text box captioned input is used to supply the three input variables needed in the system. The appropriate input corresponds to the number of YES answer in the questionnaire for each of the input variables. For example, in the figure 8, all the input variables are 5 and the corresponding output is 13. 9, which specified at the top of the c orresponding graphs. The input for each of the input variables is specified at the top of the section corresponding to them, so also the output variable.The rule viewer for this work is presented in figure 8. pic Figure 8 The Rule editor e) THE SURFACE VIEWER The surface viewer shown in figure 9 is a 3-D graph that shows the consanguinity between the inputs and the output. The output (security Risk) is represented on the Z-axis while 2 of the inputs (Confidentiality and Integrity) are on the x and y axes and the other input (Availability) is held constant. The surface viewer shows a plot of the possible ranges of the input variables against the possible ranges of the output. 4) EVALUATIONThe security risk analysis system was evaluated using three newly completed software products from three different software development organizations. The output determines the security level of software under consideration. The summary of the evaluation is given in figure 11. For product A, 5 is t he make believe for confidentiality, 5 for the integrity and 5 for the availability. Software Input Output Significance Security Level Product A 5 5 5 13. 45% slightly secure, 55% secure 46. 33 % Product B 8 7 8 24. 2 20% secure, 80% very secure 80. 60 % Product C 10 10 10 28. 4 35% very secure, 65% extremely secure 94. 67 % Table 5 rating of Different Input Variables pic Figure 9 The Surface Viewer pic Figure 10 Histogram & 3D CONCLUSION AND FINDINGThus, this work proposes a fuzzy logic-based technique for intention of level of security risk associated with software systems. Fuzzy logic is one of the major tools used for security analysis. The major goals of secure software which are used as the inputs to them system are the preservation of confidentiality (preventing unauthorized disclosure of information), preservation of integrity (preventing unauthorized alteration of information) and preservation of availability (preventing unauthorized destruction or denial of acces s or service to an authentic user).It might be necessary to redesign this system in a way that it will be deployable and will be without the use of MATLAB. It might also be necessary to use an adaptive fuzzy logic technique for security risk analysis. We have been able to design a system that can be used to evaluate the security risk associated with the production of secure software systems. This will by all odds help software organizations meet up with the standard requirements. A technique for assessing security of software system before final deployment has been presented.The result of this test shows that if the software producing companies will incorporate security risk analysis into the production of software system, the issue of insecurity of software will be held to the minimum if not eliminated. This study has also revealed that if each of the software security goals can be increased to the maximum, then the level security will also be increased and the risk associated wi ll be eliminated. Finally, security risk analysis is a path towards producing secure software and should be considered a significant activity by software development organizations.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Short Story the Most Dangerous Game
Sanger Rainsford is an American hunter (p. 68) and book-writer(p. 71) in the short story The nearly Dangerous Game. Rainsford was marooned on the island Ship-Trap Island due to his yacht falling into pieces from hitting the unknown, unseen crags in the water(p. 69). Rainsford was the only survivor of the shipwreck. When Rainsford was on foot on the island, he followed footsteps leading up to an irregular house. Little did he know that he was walking into the home of General Zaroff, a Russian aristocratic(p. 2) big game hunter, who soon became uninterested in hunting animals anymore, he would much rather hunt humans because of their intellect(p. 74-75). Ivan was a deaf highly uneducated, deaf, Russian man who was an assistant to General Zaroff(p. 72). The story The Most Dangerous Game takes place on a small island named Ship-Trap Island(p. 67). The island is called Ship-Trap Island because it had no warnings of crags that ships often sink/crash their boats on.The Most Dangerous Game was in the eon era of about the early 1920s(p. 66). Rainsford was given three days to survive against Ivan and General Zaroff in a deadly hunt(p. 76). Zaroff was extraordinarily excited to hunt Rainsford because he knew that Rainsford had knowledge and tactics on the subject matter hunting, and General Zaroff loved a challange. On the first night of the hunt, General Zaroff catches Sanger Rainsford by catching him in a tree, save Zaroff decided to spare his life, for he wanted a more challenging game(p. 9). Sparing Rainsfords life was a deadly mistake for Zaroff, because in the end, Rainsford snuck up on Zaroff and killed him(p. 83). The Most Dangerous Game was told by the narrator in third person perspective. The narrator was limited omniscient, he described the characters actions, but he did not describe their thoughts and ideas. The theme that I learned from this story was that the hunter became the hunted, meaning its not very easy to know how someone feels without victoriou s a walk in their shoes.At the beginning of the story before the yacht crashed into the crags, Rainsford stated that hunting is the best sport in the world, but Whitney replied that it is for the hunter, but not the jaguar (p. 68). The mood that I felt most in this story was suspense. One event happened after another, for instance, as soon as the yacht crashed (p. 69), Rainsford perceive three gun shots from a what seemed like an island with complete vacancy (p. 69). This story always had you anticipating for the next thrilling event.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Week Lesson
Chamberlain College of Nursing. Transcript Organization and Time Management Starting a raw(a) venture can be exciting and ch allenging. Youre pleased to begin a new phase In your life, yet concerned about how youll handle all of the new responsibilities. You may already have a Job, family. And other commitments, and now youve added school to the list. Are thither enough minute of arcs in the day?One elan to answer this question is to take a serious look at how much era you Penn working, sleeping, condole with for your family, and engaging in outside activities. Ask yourself what could be consolidated, eliminated, or delegated to someone else to allow you more time for school. The Question As a nurse, you already have many organizational and time management skills that you sick to use every day in your job. Think about your skills, and then click to view the answer.Your result The Expert Says If you are a staff nurse, each morning you check the assignment board to mark which t enants youll care for that day, gather your report sheets, and enter the conference room. Youll listen to reports focusing on the Important issues and mite down notes to help you remember the Items later In the day. Chances are that you have a system for taking report that even involves writing the important issues in certain locations on your report sheet for light-headed retrieval later. As you leave the conference room, youre thinking about meds due in the next hour and organizing your medication cart.You aka rounds on your patients and do assessments next. Whether you use a written list or a psychic one, youve already determined what Important events need to be taken care of during your shift. Who Is going to surgery and involve the preoperative checklist completed? Who is going home and needs discharge teaching and confirmation of transportation? Who is a flirt-day posts patient and needs the dressing changed and to be up in a chair? Who needs communication channel? On to p of all that, youre prepared for the unexpected admissions or emergencies.You know who your aide is for the day and what youll be delegating to that person. You then remember that you have a staff meeting at 1 p. M. , so youll need to plan your schedule a little differently today to make time to hang that Important meeting. The day doesnt end when youre done at work. Tonight is your sons hockey game, so youll be there after work. See? You already have much experience organizing and managing your time How can you use all those great skills to promote success as an online student? Compare
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Moliere’s Portrayal of Religion and Religiosity Essay
Molieres Tartuffe is about a man named Tartuffe who is a beggar and holy man that was recently taken in by a Christian man named, Orgon. Tartuffe has Orgon fooled, entirely the entire rest of Orgons family sees Tartuffe as a hypocritical, self-righteous memorize artist. Orgon becomes obsessed with Tartuffe and would rather talk and hear about him than his own sick wife. Even though Moliere rewrote this meet twice, there are many reasons that the church might still be concerned about the duplicity that he used toward Christianity in this play. In 1666 Tartuffe was banned, a play many found offensive because of its polish on church hypocrisy.Many people of the church could still be concerned, due to Molieres depicting of Christianity and how it is almost mocked in this play. Allot of the comedy Moliere portrays is intense focus on Orgon as example of a certain kind of traditional Christian. He isnt the only type of Christian in this play, but the way he is portrayed is almost in a hypocritical manner. Orgon is so eager to conceptualize Tartuffe, mainly due to the fact that Tartuffe is professing to be another type of Christian. Moliere regards the type of Christian that Tartuffe is as insane.The way mankind is portrayed on behalf of Orgon is almost as depraved as a ensue of Original Sin, so therefore Orgon has to be subjected, for his own unspoiled, to somewhat of a dictatorial control by divinely appointed authorities, or the King. Moliere portrays Orgon as a good Christian man, who is taken advantage of and endure almost loses everything because he is willing to take Tartuffe in and treat him as if he were family. The reason the church should be concerned here is the fact that Moliere portrays the way Tartuffe is insane and manipulates the good Christian man.He shows Orgon, the good Christian man as blind to all the wrong, and coming out as essentially the loser and the insane Christian and manipulator, Tartuffe, comes out with all of Orgons belongi ngs. After reading Molieres Tartuffe I directly can see how the church would be heavily concerned with how Moliere portrays Christianity as the nice guy finishes last with relation to Orgon and Christianity. The church could also see the hypocrisy by the portrayal of Tartuffe as a sacred con man or religious fraud.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Conceptual Geometry Syllabus
Geometry Syllabus Class Website http//new. Schoolmates. Com/Sarah Welcome to Conceptual Geometry This course get out use the textbook Geometry Cone pits and Applications. Conceptual Geometry builds upon the concepts presented in Algebra 1. New content is introduced as an extension of genuine previously mastered in the above mentioned course. A primary goal of Conceptual Geometry is the use of numeric ideas in soVying problems ranging from everyday applications to the real world and sciences. Math Department Vision Statement The vision of our part Is to develop each students understanding of anathema tics through a challenging and rigorous standards based curriculum. Our goal is to enable students to compete in todays global economic market and to achieve their own goals for success by been g able to think critically. Required Hardbound Notebook (70 sheets minimum),Materials 2 Sharpened Pencils, Eraser, Ruler. (scientific calculator 11TH)_ schoolroom Responsibilities Students m ust(prenominal) be in their seats and be ready to work before the bell rings. Students must respect each others property, safety and right to learn. Students must come to phratry with required materials. Students must take heed attentively and participate fully in class activities and discussions. Students must complete all assigned class work and homework on time.Students must take notes dally and keep a dally assignment log. Consequences The consequences for not adhering to the classroom and school policies range in seven rite and depend on relative frequency of their occurrence. They include Verbal Warning (3 Max) class Detention (lunch/after school) Phone call home Referral to the line Parenthetical Conference Missing more than 9 days of class in a semester may result in an automatic 10% grad e reduction.
Friday, May 17, 2019
CBT and Multi Cultural Influence
Cognitive behavioral Therapy in contrast to some other therapeutic frameworks has both an explicit rationale and an empirically developed success rate. In addition to the wealth of published case histories there atomic number 18 a superfluity of controlled studies attesting to the efficacy of CBT interventions with an equally diverse range of psychological and behavioral conditions. (Emmelkamp et al 1992). Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that aims to inspection and repair a person manage their bothers by changing how they think and act.It is a problem solving glide slope which recognizes that leaf nodes have a behavioral difficulty rather than that they are a behavioral problem. It encourages them to talk well-nigh how they think in relation to themselves, the world, other people and how what they do affects their thoughts and bumpings. CBT put forward help to change how a person thinks (cognitive) and what they do (behavior), thus helping them to manage difficulties and feel better roughly life.Unlike most psychotherapies which only work with talk and reflections, CBT regards behavioral acts as primary. manipulation involves lymph glands engaging in personal behavioral experiments, practice makes perfect. For many behaviorally based problems such as phobias obsessive compulsive disorder bulimia and the like there simply is no substitute for this way of operative. choose behavioral experience is often the most telling medium for articulating change.Action, that is, sometimes speaks far louder than words. To service richly from CBT, clients need to be committed to the outgrowth, maintain any homework agreed such as retentivity a diary or undertaking experiments/challenges jointly agreed and/or decided upon between client and counsellor. It piece of tail help the client make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into little parts. The outcomes of homework are reviewed and intuitive feelings discusse d at distributively subsequent session.Most importantly CBT is a cooperative and empowering process in which the client is an active participant. Autonomy respect for the clients right to be self-directed BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in counselor & Psychotherapy. A principal goal of this collaborative process is to help clients effectively define problems and gain skills in managing these problems. As in other therapies, CBT similarly uses other elements of the therapeutic relationship, such as rapport, genuineness, understanding, and empathy.The number of sessions required varies greatly depending on the presenting issues/problems and objectives, sessions usually measure from anywhere between six weeks to six months. The client is helped to see how their thoughts and behavior relate to the way they feel, how this skill contribute to the problems being experienced and that it is not the situation itself making them unhappy, but how they think about and react to i t. CBT can help clients find ways to change thought patterns and behavior and to solve problems and anxieties better, but it cannot buy food the problems.The skills learnt within CBT are useful, practical and helpful strategies that once learnt can be incorporated into an individuals life to help them handle difficult situations better when future stresses and difficulties arise. However there is always a risk that the bad feelings associated with the clients problem return, but with CBT skills it should be easier for them to control these. Even after the client is feeling better and sessions have ended, it is important to emphasis the need to practice the skills acquired.CBT focuses on the individuals ability to change themselves their thoughts, feelings and behaviors it can help to manage problems, such as anxiety and depression, so they are slight likely to have a negative impact on their life. However because of its structured nature, it may not be suitable for people who hav e more complex mental health needs or learning difficulties. Some critics argue that because the therapy only reportes current problems and focuses on very specific issues, it does not address the possible underlying causes of mental health conditions, such as an unhappy childhood.Neither does it address wider problems in systems or families that often have a significant impact on an individuals health and well-being. Research has shown that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be as successful as medicine in treating many types of depression and other mental health disorders it can be completed in a relatively short time compared with other talking therapies and because it is highly structured, CBT can be provided in a number of polar formats such as through computer programs, groups and self-help books.Some research suggests that CBT may be better than antidepressants at preventing the return of depression. It is thought to be one of the most effective sermons for anxiety an d depression. When considering the implication and use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy within therapeutic practice (as with any other modality used) it is needed to consider the impact/context within todays multi- heathen friendship. Awareness of Multiculturalism provides a fourth dimension to the three conventional helping orientations psychodynamic, existential-humanistic and cognitive. both learning occurs and identities are formed within a persons cultural context. Cultural indistinguishability is dynamic and ever changing in todays society. Understanding the cultural and socio-political context of a clients behavior is prerequisite to accurate assessment, interpretation and treatment. It is imperative as counsellors to have and maintain increased self-awareness, as an essential starting point in developing multicultural competence.The appropriate application of skills in multicultural settings depends on both cultural awareness and relevant knowledge of the counsellor. it is incumbent upon the individual practitioner to be knowledgeable about his or her own multicultural reality in order to use that information effectively in work with clients of various ethnicities, genders, ages, socioeconomic classes, religions, sexual orientation, differing abilities, and with those who use different languages Baldwin second ed (2000 pg 167)Recognizing the importance of the many variables within modern day society such as, ethnicity, nationality, religion, variables such as age, gender and place of domicile status variables such as social, educational and economic, and affiliations including both formal affiliations to organizations or families and informal affiliations to ideas and a modus vivendi is essential to the effectiveness of any counselling therapy. It takes a olistic and intuitive approach to work within todays multi-cultural society, respecting that each person has many different cultures or identities with each identity enough relevant at different times and places. One example worthy of consideration is metaphors, clients often use metaphors within therapy, recognizing that metaphors are and can be culturally bound and reflective of particular values, for example time is money, is an important consideration when working with clients.Implicit in their use are models of perception, thus the phrase things are touching up not only conveys the message that things are improving but also reflects the idea that up is good. The identification of the deform black with bad things is frequently used metaphorically, in a way which reflects and reinforces the negative connotation presumption to all people and things black. The power of metaphors derives from the models which they provide for understanding, thinking and communicating about the world.Multiculturalism emphasizes both the way we are different from and similar to other people and is a situation in which all the different cultural or racial groups in a society have equal rig hts and opportunities, and none is ignored or regarded as unimportant. Thus avoiding discrimination, whilst also appreciating the difference and diversity between people. Justice the fair and impartial treatment of all clients and the provision of adequate services BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy.Culture provides an adult/child with a particular way of look at the world, thus emphasizing some tendencies to the development of schemas and or rules and assumptions. In some countries the culture is still quite autocratic and male dominated, therefore leading to ideas about the importance of men, yet others are characterized as competitive and or oppressive. All these factors will affect a clients personality and ways of functioning. As we befit more of a multi-cultural society culture becomes an even greater factor in the therapeutic relationship today and worthy of more care and consideration.According to Beck et al. (1979) clients tend to su ffer from a cognitive triad of negative beliefs, which includes negative beliefs about themselves, the world in general and their future. Beck also outlines three more components of his theory of depression, including automatic thoughts, schemas and logical errors. Margaret Hough 2nd ed (2002 pg,139) A central focus of Becks work with clients is to helping them change their faulty cognitions, including expectations and beliefs, by enlisting the clients participation as a colleague and equal rather than one of superior (counsellor) and lacking(p) (client).The counsellors role is that of teacher and a role model of positive healthy behavior, rather than that of expert, therefore this approach should work well when working with muti-cultural cliental and because of the structured nature of CBT it is a positive approach that bares tangible effective evidence to encourage a client to tackle the presenting problem. Although CBT does not look specifically at a clients past it does help a client to look more realistically at their outdated beliefs or schemas ( I am unloveable or I am worthless) often errors in thinking picked up in childhood and early life.As counsellors/therapists it is however necessary to have in ones mind and consider client ethnicity during the various phases of therapy, however typically I believe if we are to maintain equality, we do not straightway need to address ethnicity or ethnic differences in therapy sessions unless it is clearly part of the presenting problem, but maintaining an awareness to a persons ethnic origin and differences is essential for good practice.That said, this modality (CBT) would also be extremely useful in highlighting not only unchallenged beliefs and or rules, (typically rigid over inclusive, impossible to attain) but cultural differences, logical errors in thinking picked up in early life that no longer benefit or support the clients desired way of functioning. Because the approach is directive and highly structu red it involves asking clients elaborated and specific questions about their current feelings, whilst also identifying any automatic thoughts, thus enabling them in becoming ware of how they think about a problem, how it affects them physically and or emotionally and what they can do to vary the outcome. When a client see the sequence clearly change is possible. By encouraging the client to look at particular situations that disturb or upset them important information is elicited so that problems can be clarified from the beginning of therapy with objectives being set accordingly. The highly active, directive and educational nature of cognitive behavior therapy serves to show clients how they disturb themselves and what they can do to change attitudes and or beliefs for themselves that no longer work.When clients become aware that they are able change themselves feelings of empowerment become evident and rapid progress is made. CBT is, as previously mentioned time limited and beca use of this clients develop a definite sense of purpose and awareness relating to their progress, make do strategies and developing self-help skills. Curwen et al (2000) stress the importance of empathy in the relationship, Margaret Hough 2nd ed (2002) this is essential to building intrust and a genuine rapport given that the work could be extremely challenging.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
A Relativistic View of The Ballad of Narayama
stolon Position Utilitarianism, a disunite of moral realism, is a doctrine that attempts to explain the abstract idea of morality. Consequentialism, a broader basis of functionalism, defines an reach as being right or faulty by hypothesizeing that the right act in either(prenominal) moral dilemma is that which leads to the superlative trustworthy for the greatest tot of people. It focuses in on the consequence of an performance and declares that this result is the true basis for judgment about the morality of a decision.Utilitarianism takes these ideas a step urther and defines the bore of the consequence of an action as its utility. The only way to fundamentally ensure that our actions are good is to read that the results of the chosen action were really better than the results of the other possible choice. (2) Second Position Moral relativism is a philosophy that defines morality in a way that directly depends on the various(prenominal) or root word of people involv ed. One prominent division within moral relativism is the meta-ethical position.The basic proposition behind this rock is that moral Judgment cannot be universalized and in this way morality is relative to he parties involved. This permits whatever socialisation to confide anything they see as right, and this belief within the culture makes it the right thing to do. In the brainpower of a meta-ethical relativist, we must reserve our Judgment if we see people committing what we feel are chastely reproach actions and understand that they may be doing the right thing in the context of their culture. (3) Major Objection A moral relativist would see many flaws in the ideology of utilitarianism.One major objection is that utilitarianism is too intense of a doctrine as it suggests on that point is always a way to act that would benefit more people. on that point is inherently too much pressure put on humankind if utilitarianism were to be followed because it requires us to unendi ngly act like moral heroes, claiming anything less would make us bad people. Due to the fact that there could be a greater good in every decision we make, we would barely be up to(p) to live our own lives, violate our own relationships with family and friends, and make our own decisions if we strictly adhered to the doctrine of utilitarianism.This flaw of utilitarianism is open(a) in The Ballad of Narayama because the action of killing the immemorial when they reach 70 would be deemed orally wrong and incorrect. However, the moral relativist realizes that this contradicts the societal tradition and is therefore the right thing to do. To the naive eye of the utilitarian, killing the sr. immediately seems like a morally corrupt tradition that could never be acceptable. However, the moral relativist understands this practice in the context of the Japanese village and renders it acceptable.Keeping Orin alive would be morally wrong to the relativist because it takes the pressure mo ody of Kesakichi and even Tatsuhei to develop as men of the household. They still have Orin providing food and landing for them and as a result Kesakichi remains naive and immature. The young people in the Japanese village need develop on their own, and so the tradition of the village should be honored regardless of specific cases, like that ot Orin. In ad dition, the elderly Just become another mouth to t cases in the impoverished village. 4) First Rebuttal in virtually The utilitarian would answer this objection by saying that it would not be for the best to take Orin and all the 70-year-old citizens to the top of Narayama. They would argue that societal tradition should not be followed in this case and it is morally ncorrect to leave the elderly to die in this way. Even if they are a force to society, the greatest good for the greatest number of people comes when they are kept alive. Our deepest inclinations also seem to split up us that killing any person who lives to be 70 is morally wrong.If they were allowed to live, family units would become stronger, wisdom would be passed through the generations, and the elderly could find new ways to contribute to society regardless of their age. Additionally, the utilitarian would disagree with the idea of hoarding food while others go hungry, as they do in the Japanese village. The morally correct action that would lead to the greatest good for the greatest number of people would be to sell food and services, never placing your own familys needs above the needs of the society as a whole.To the utilitarian, any acts that can be conceived as selfish are morally wrong and every decision should be made with the community in mind. (4) Second Rebuttal The meta-ethical relativist would respond to this rebuttal by sticking to their convictions and present that in the context of this Japanese village, it is best to follow tradition and take the elderly to the top of Narayama. The utilitarian lacks the foresight into the future of the society and naively acts with only immediate benefits in mind To suppose that living has no higher end than pleasure is a doctrine worthy of swine (RR 600).Although the immediate affects of leaving the elderly atop the mountain to die peacefully may not provide the greatest good for the greatest amount of people, in the long run it pays off and does, in fact, result in the greatest good for society. As for the claim that it is morally wrong if you place your familys need at a higher priority, the meta-ethical relativist would say that this type of elfishness drives society. The providers for a family want to supply as much as they can to their children and this motivates them to work harder.Although the utilitarian would think that it would be best if the Japanese villagers openly shared their food, the moral relativist would understand how the society functions and disagree. If an individual donated any excess they had to the society as a whole, the motivation o f individuals within the society would disappear and the Japanese village would no longer function properly. The lives of the villagers depend on their planning for the future and hard work in the farms.The competition between workers and the desire to provide for their families is the reason this Japanese village has survived for generations. If a villager knew that any extra work he did or any extra food he grew would be taken away from him, then the villager would not work as hard and would not be as confused about securing his own crops and farming his own land. The moral relativist understands this as the basis for the tradition in the village, as killing the elderly puts responsibility on the other members of society to produce while reducing the number of mouths they have to feed.This tradition should be upheld because it allows for them to make their own decisions and look out for their families. The moral relativist position realizes that the action of killing the elderly once they reach age 70 is morally permissible in the Japanese society depicted in The Ballad of Narayama. This moral Judgment is not universal, as in most societies this action would be deemed morally incorrect and unacceptable. However, given the economic situation of the village along with the dependency on manual labor, the tradition should be upheld as it is morally best for the society at hand.
MCA Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MCA Museum - judge ExampleAltmejds graphics is way off the normal patterns of creativity. A new dimension of groundwork and creativity reflects in the work of Altmejd. Painting 2 Changing Painting by Robert Gober (MCA Denver). Robert Gobers artwork presents changing images. There female genitals be various approaches to the way above figure can be interpreted. On the left part of the picture, there is the image of a mans chest with cops on the mid-line of the chest and around the areola. On the right half of the picture, the chest appears inflamed and there is no hair growth over it. Some viewers conceive the right half as the chest of a woman, while others refer to it as a males chest with the condition of gynecomastia, in which the high-spirited fat accumulation under the areola of males makes their chest look like that of women. In some cases, gynecomastia can appear in both sides of the chest. In other cases, a man may have gynecomastia in one side of the chest, as appears in the picture above. However, in regular gynecomastia, breast becomes enlarged still the hair growth remains the same on both sides, unlike the picture above. Overall, the picture is unusual in subject and color theme. The picture above is one of the earliest paintings of Robert Gober. The artist transforms the canvas into a capacious and multifaceted platform full of contrasting themes. Painting 3 Butterfly wings (MCA Denver).
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Organization Growth Strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organization Growth Strategies - Assignment ExampleIn 1805, Henri-Louis Pernod founded the Maison Pernod Fils company in the town of Pontarlier, near Frances border with Switzerland. This company produced an absinthe-based beverage, which was very popular during its time. However, in 1915, absinthe was banned. A some years after that, Pernod merged with two other companies to form Les tablissements Pernod (The Pernod Establishments) which manufactured liquors that used anis as a base. In 1938, the company launched the brand Pernod 45 in 1951, it started selling its first base pastis, Pastis 51. In the very first year of its production, Pastis 51 sold almost two million bottles to cafs.On the other hand, in 1932, capital of Minnesota Ricard produced the first pastis, named after him, in 1932 in a place near Marseilles. Soon, Ricards company rose to counter its place beside Pernod as one of the leaders in the French spirits industry.After four decades of brilliant competition, Pern od and Ricard decided to come together. Between 1971 and 1974, the management of the two companies had prepared meticulously for the merger. Pernod Ricard was born in 1975, with a consolidated turnover of 2.5 billion francs.Pernod-Ricard today is the worlds second biggest company in the wine and spirits sector. It has occupy key positions in every continent. It is the number one wine and spirits company in europium and in the Asia Pacific, and number two in the Americas. The group has fifteen key brands of international renown Ricard Ballantines Chivas royal MalibuStolichnayaHavana ClubBeefeaterKahluaJamesonThe GlenlivetMartellMummPerrier-JouetJacobs CreekMontanaThese premium brands play a central role in Pernod Ricards development, but the Groups success over the years owes as much to the talents of its employees, to its core values and to a decentralized structure incomparable to Pernod Ricard, according to the companys website.The map below shows the reach Pernod Ricard had in 2006.Source History of Pernod Ricard, www.pernod-ricard.comAt present, Pernod Ricard employs 19,000 people in more than 70 countries all over the world. Pernod Ricard has 113 production plants distributed worldwide. The journey from 1975 to 2009From the very beginning, Pernod Ricards main aim was internationalisation of its products. For achieving this, Pernod Ricard followed a clearly chalked-out, almost aggressive policy of acquisitions right from 1975 itself. The first acquisition do by Pernod Ricard was that of the Scottish Campbell Distilleries, which made Scotch whiskies, in 1975-76. Next, in 1976, Pernod Ricard purchased Cusenier (Argentina), which made liquors from extracts of grains, fruits, and other parts of plants.In 1979, Pernod Ricard made its first step outside France, in an effort to maintain its sales growth. In 1980, while capital of Texas Nichols, the England-based maker of bourbons, was acquired, Pernod Ricard launched a massive marketing test amounting to nearly $50 million in England, Spain and Germany. The campaign included gimmicks like giving away products at discos. The same year, Pernod
Monday, May 13, 2019
Marketing Management 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing Management 4 - Essay ExampleSuch a broad scope of functions and activities would be unfamiliar to people who handled the marketing side of companies in the past when slide fastener was expected of the marketing department other than producing sales brochures and executing advertising or promotional campaigns. The motive for this is the heightened level of complexity and competition in the business environment, with too many companies, too many products and too much marketing noise vying for customers attention. Thus, the product-driven marketing approach of old that generates a single sales proceeding became impractical and was replaced by the customer-oriented approach, which strives to establish a long-term relationship with customers for repeated and continuing patronage (Kotler & Keller, 2006).A customer-focused marketing approach requires a range of activities that consists not only of market research and analysis, marketing scheme and implementation excogitation ning but also of organizational management and leadership and the setting up of streamlined reporting, measurement, feedback and control systems (McKenna, 1991). The need for organizational management and leadership and for feedback-measurement-control systems is relevant to me, especially in my career plan to go into human resource management, since these particular marketing activities invariably call for proper handling of people. fit to the literature, such organizational management and leadership require extensive interaction with the HR department on such issues as recruiting, training, leadership development, performance appraisals and compensation. Logically, the success of any marketing strategy depends on how easy motivated and responsive are the people implementing it down the line. The same employee attitudes and dedication are important for the authorisation of the monitoring system on the progress of the marketing program. There is an HR management tenet that says adroit and contented
The Vietnam War, Conflict on the US Research Paper
The Vietnam War, Conflict on the US - Research Paper ExampleThe U.S. spent great sums over 10 years on host actions in Southeast Asia. The money spent sending a military soak up overseas takes away(predicate) needed funds for domestic purposes and usually accrues a debt that must be repaid, with interest over time, gen epochlly over many generations. Borrowing to fund state of contends increases the National Debt which damages the entire economy. The geopolitical realities resulting from the War created a multitude of undesirable effects. The U.S. lost political capital from the people of South Vietnam during the conflict when it incessantly bombed normality Vietnam, an unexpected development that was detrimental to the war effort. The U.S. also lost credibility both at business firm and among all foreign nations following the outcome of the War. The neo-conservative war-hawk philosophy was born during this era. Evidently the people who lived during and witnessed the Vietnam era did not learn the obvious lessons the War provided. The tough lesson learned from U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia was that having the stronger military force does not ensure victory. Although an estimated three million enemy soldiers was killed compared to approximately 58,000 Americans the big dog of the fight last ran home humiliated and beaten with its tail between its legs. Due to the unprecedented media coverage of the conflict, the awful truths of the war were broadcast which caused the U.S. to quickly lose credibility in every solid ground including its own. (Howell, 1984). The extensive bombing campaigns and many offensives caused massive amounts of destruction on the Vietnamese and their property which only served to alienate the indigenous community. It galvanized the enemy and opponents of the war in both Vietnam and America and led many to question the ethics of the campaigns. (Olney, 1990 p.80-85) The limits of American supremacy were evidently evidenced by t he abuse of its military dominance. The U.S. gained many enemies while losing prestige and respect earthly concernwide. Moreover, if the U.S. had never pertain itself in Vietnam, the limitations of its armed forces would not be as evident and the U.S. would still today be considered as mightier and more effective than it really is therefore would carry more political influence than it currently does. However, this poor truth is probably soon to be a moot issue because the U.S. status as the worlds lone superpower is a short-lived situation. Great sums of money are needed to play and sustain a military force to maintain the superpower status, money which the U.S. could not afford consequently and does not have now. The biggest threat to national security is not the red menace as was warned of during the Vietnam era or the terrorist evil doers of today. The National Debt (external), presently topping $13 Trillion, is seemingly a concern in theory only to elected leaders. However, it threatens to not simply weaken the military but to plunge the country into a third world status. The U.S. is still considered a sound investment and has a limitless king to get loans without difficulty, but these loans must be repaid, with interest. Saudi Arabia, Japan, China and other countries own a full-size piece of America, a potentially disastrous prospect. One or a combination of creditor countries could cause a sudden and shocking reduction of the economy which would further increase the debt. (Okimoto, 2009) The Vietnam War divided America along philosophical battle lines. The older faction of the
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